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Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Gabriel did ok today. He slept better, didn't make too much of a fuss. Woke up, got ready and started the dimrive go work. It was smooth. Today I have nothing planned at work. Have to go drop some money off. Later maybe go to Costco. Looks like tomorrow I will be staying in with Gabriel.
The morning has been good. I asked if I could attended a meeting at 1440 to ask questions regarding ABAWD. There are 2 of them.
The morning one went well. Only 1 question. I sent my supervisor an email of what we discussed in the meeting. Right now looking for asset and dividends examples for a training.

Went to Costco real quick with Amilcar to get formula. Went back to eat the spaghetti my sister left for me yesterday. Hung out before the next function meeting. There were no questions there. I met with Monika and Julia for a bit regarding the income training and also was able to review a few cases. At 4:20 I headed home. Got home to see that apparently no one is watching anyone here, they took out and opened one of my collectable items, a rare one. But ofcourse I can be upset because it always lands on me.

My wife and her sister went to Costco.  I am here with the kid. Just put Gabriel down for a bit.  He'll be up soon, since these kids don't know how to walk normally. They have chosen to walk around like clydesdales.
They get home, of course minutes later Gabriel wakes up. It's Javi's bath night and as always he is fighting not to take one. I told him to be careful and not make a mess. So of course he did. He got punished and sent to bed early.
Tried feeding Gabriel again. But be burped and threw up all over me. So I changed him, went to wash bottles and now he is sleeping again. Super pissed off right now.
Watched some tv and now off to bed.

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