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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Hump day

Still a bit upset about yesterday. Gabriel had an ok night as far as sleeping. I woke up, got ready, made coffee and drove to work. The drive was smooth and it's cold out again. Let's see what today brings us.
No forum today. Been reviewing income things, going send the information to Monika later today. It's cold over here. about to run out to the bank, get lunch and come back for the last half of the day.

Walked over to BofA and took out some cash to replace what I used at home. Walked over to the market and had a super carnitas burrito, it was good. I ran into Sandra and her husband Ming at the Market. On my way to Peet's I ran into karla while she was heading to the gym. Right now I am enjoying my iced coffee before going back into work and being bored.
Well it happened, finally someone came over and asked me a question regarding Medi-CAL, I gladly helped them out and pointed them in the right direction. We got more feedback on our ppt for income, we have to make changes.
After I started the walk home,  drove to the dollar tree to get the cards and bags, then came home.

Picked up Gabriel and my wife to go get Javi at my sister's. After we went to Target to get Samina's gifr for Saturday. Came home, fed the baby. Right now my wife went to pick up her sister at the airport and I just put Gabriel down. Going to shower soon.
When I got out, I went to get some ginger ale for Javi as his tummy was hurting. Gabriel woke up again. Put both if them down, watched some tv and now going to bed. Goodnight

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