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Monday, July 16, 2018

Beginning of the week

Gabriel had a bad night again. His tummy was hurting, he was hungry, tired and he pooped. It came out the diaper and all over his clothes and the bed. Had to change the sheets and clean him up. When I left he was sleeping, hopefully he gets through this soon. I can feel it passing on to me, so I think by Wednesday, I will be out of action.
I got up, got ready and washed bottles. I took out the trash. I have to talk to my supervisor about possibly being outnl tomorrow.
Today is my and my wife's 17th anniversary, it's been a fun ride we continue on. Today is also my Friend Brian's birthday. I will give him a call later today.
Morning went well. I spoke to my supervisor about the trainings last week. I did some reading on CF items and workflows. Now I am on break. I brought a sandwich for lunch.  Might go out for an iced coffee later.

Went to Peet's to meet up with Amicar. We talked about the weekend and  about how the day was going so far. Got a video call from my wife and Gabriel. He looks like he is doing much better, but still noticeably sick. Before going out I ate my sandwich. Now I am back at work, waiting for quitting time. Today has been going super slow.
Got the notification that we would be heading to 1440 at 3 PM. We did, got out of work at 4:07, was able to get home quick.
I went to do laundry at the laundry mat.

My mom dropped Javi off to me and my wife picked him up. Finished washing, drying and folding clothes. Getting some food now and heading home. Thankfully I was able to watch RAW on wifi.
After I was done with the clothes I went to get some McDonald's and came home. Ate dinner, put Gabriel to sleep, showered. Washed bottles and watched tv until he woke up and I was able to get him back down.
After I watched tv for a bit and now going to bed. I have to go drop some cash off to Judith tomorrow or by Wednesday for this event they are having.

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