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Sunday, July 22, 2018


Another day. Woke up, took Gabriel out for his cereal. Made Javi some pancakes and had coffee. Gabriel has been fighting his nap and acting nots. Watching tv about to go get ready.

We headed out to Muir Woods national park.  There was construction on 19th ave and that made it a mess to get there. The drive to the place was bad, so many curves.
We got there had lunch and went in, we walked the trail and it was long. It was a nice walk, nice views but the kids were complaining about the walking.
After we were done we drove back, more traffic did not do anyone good. But we got home and now are hanging out.

We had dinner. Tortilla and cheese and I took a shower. Put Gabriel down twice while my wife and her sister watched Rampage. He woke up at the end of the movie and now we are in bed. Going back to work tomorrow. Have to get a streak going, next day off is 8/15.

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