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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Calling out for the little one

Stayed in because Gabriel is still a bit sick. Walked Javi to his Spanish camp and came home. Pretty chill morning with Gabriel. Fed him, played and napped. My mom and sister came over for a bit.

When my wife cam home for lunch I took a shower. I got ready and went with Gabriel to get some lunch and drove to my sister's to visit and do laundry. Javi was there already and we were watching Spaceballs and Madagascar 3. He is still feeling a bit sick in the stomach.

Went to put gas in the truck and went to Target to get something to make Javi for lunch tomorrow. While putting Gabriel to bed it sounded like Javi was throwing up, about to go check on that.
Javi did throw up, he is not feeling well, he will be staying in tomorrow. About to watch tv and after go to bed.

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