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Monday, July 9, 2018


I feel better, but not 100%. I am taking a chance here today by coming in. My Vertigo symptoms could act up at any time. My ear is still ringing and my head is feeling sensitive. Today Mark's the beginning of the trainings at 1235. Hopefully I can just sit in the back and chill for the day.
So I get in and got notice that we are doing the trainings here. I go tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday both sessions. There was a hiccup this morning with our system. The cities intranet was down so we had no access to the power point and videos, but my quick thinking got us through,  we were able to get the power point off of the GOSFBN website and Agnes linked the videos to the slide show so we were all set to go for 8 am.
Monika and Agnes did the first training and they did well. Amilcar stopped by to pick up the nacatamales and we went out for coffee.

Ate my sandwich, did some accounting and helped set up for the afternoon training. Feeling a bit better, but still need some more rest.
The second training went well, Cliff from WDD showed up and did his presentation. Agnes opened and Monika closed it out. The two groups were good, not too big so there was room for a small discussion and quick question and answer session.
After the training I went to my desk and worked a bit, tomorrow I go, I might try out my new clicker. At 4:20 I started my walk to the car to go pick up the kids.
I got to my sisters house and saw that Javi took over 1,000 pictures on my tablet. Got the kids and headed home.

Started washing clothes, ate some dinner and watching RAW. I think tomorrow I may have some Chinese food for lunch. So I don't think I'll make anything here. Finished watching Ready Player One, I liked it, the book was obviously better, but it was good. Tomorrow I scored some Gallo Pinto, so the Chinese food will have to wait. Right now waiting for my wife to come to bed. Busy day for me tomorrow.

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