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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Another day to get better

Gabriel had a not so good night, but he slept. I got up, got ready, put clothes to dry, made coffee and off to work. The drive was good, it was just cold. 2 trainings today, we will probably adjust the ppt and the training after today depending on how these go today.
The morning training went well. There were about 17 that attended. We got done in about an hour since they paid attention and were nice. After I went to my desk and listened to an online training for our next ABAWD assignment.

Amilcar came by so we could go to lunch with Humberto. We had Chinese food, it was good. I am just really tired right now. After the training I may go get an iced coffee or just drink water. The afternoon training was good, the group was the really engaging and we got some good questions and we gave some good answers. Tomorrow I will start at 1440 and go to the forum there to prepare for next week and end at my location with a PM training.

Got home,  hung out for a bit. My wife went to pick up some wing stop. I put Gabriel to bed. I wrapped up a gift I got for Kathleen for her bday, which is on 8/2/2018. Now going to shower, maybe watch a movie after.
We watched the first half of Overboard. Going to sleep now.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Training week begins...

In am never really have a good nights rest when I have something to do the next day. Last night was no exception. Gabriel did ok, he was much better than Saturday night.
I got up, got dressed, made coffee, washed bottles and sanitized them and headed off to work. It is so cold outside, my hands are freezing. Hopefully the weather gets better.
Nothing like a the first training to take the air out of you. Man, it felt bad. The beginning was rough, there was a technical issue and after when we had the scenarios that went to sh*t.
Hopefully the next training goes better, we have to take more control and shut them down. There were a few items that I knew would confuse them and others that would be ok. We did get a good suggestion, so we will use that later today.

Ate some Chinese food for lunch. Watched a little  bit of a Netflix movie Extinction I think is the name. The second training went better. More participation and good questions. After we met with Odioh after the meetings and went over some of the questions and concerns with the trainings. Headed home and about to get the kids.
Got to my sister's house and hung out for a bit. I had a headache but did not want to take any pain medication. Drove home since they were going to take Javi out.

They never went anywhere. My wife went to get burritos for dinner and I stayed with Gabriel. I tried putting him sleep but they took him out. I showered, washed the last load of laundry and washed the bottles. Got his bag ready for tomorrow and after my wife could not get the job done. I came in and put him to sleep.
Was watching some TV and fell asleep on the couch.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Gabriel had a bad night. We think has a cold. I took him out, gave him cereal  and later my wife gave him a bottle. We all got ready headed to the Academy of Sciences. We had fun there, it was a bit if walking. We saw the reef movie in the Planetarium.

We were still at the Academy of Sciences and after the aquarium portion we headed to Mitchell's Ice Cream for a treat. After we came home, I went to Target to get some formula and snacks. Ran into my niece and nephew and came home.

Got back, we had Chinese food for dinner. I put Gabriel to sleep,  took a shower and watched some of the Bruce Willis roast and went to bed.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Early morning BS

Got up and went to drop the car off. Apparently I have to pay full price as they cannot find my pre-paid warranty. I have to go look for the paper work and call the offices to get the settled.
Ingot home, put Gabriel to sleep for a nap. Got ready,  we skipped swimming due to the weather but went to get Javi a hair cut. While there they called me to tell me the car was ready. Picked up the car and went home.

We went to eat lunch at the Outback Steakhouse and headed to Stanford Mall.
We got there and I stayed in the car with Javi for a bit, I needed a quick nap as my head was pounding. We went to go meet up with everyone. Finished up and headed home.

Was home, wanted ice cream but no one wanted any so I just stayed in. No dinner. Just a handful of strawberries and cherries.  Gabriel was a tough one tonight. Going to bed, tired.

Friday, July 27, 2018

It's Friday

Woke up, got ready, put clothes to dry. Got my coffee and headed out to work. There was a car accident on the freeway which caused a slight delay,  but made it to get a good parking spot. Today we are editing the last things for the trainings and will have at least one more run through. Having lunch with Abel today.
The morning went well. Monika stopped by and we did a final edit of the ppt.  I was able to review a few things and answer a few questions for some folks. Around 11:45 I went to lunch.

Abel and I went to the Market, which is located in the Twitter building. I once again had a carnitas burrito. We had a good conversation and walked back to work. I grabbed my things and came to 1440 and we practiced the presentation so we could both get comfortable with it. Now about to go home. Ready for the weekend.
Drove to my sister's to pick up some pasta Javi had there for his dinner. Came home and hung out for a bit until my wife came home.

My wife and her sister went to the movies. I stayed with the kids, nice and easy time. Gabriel doesn't want to go to sleep so I have to tire him out a bit. I was able to tire him out and get him to bed only to find out that my mother in law decided to text my wife that the baby was crying while she was at the movies. I think it's messed up that she did that. First off,  I am his Dad and know what I am doing,  second he was about to go to sleep when her grandkids woke him up and third, only because she is upset with whatever she tried to ruin the movie experience for them. That is just f'd up.
Anyway, I was watching a movie called This Is How it Ends, it was good. Have about 30 minutes left. Will finish it tomorrow. Off to bed. Early start tomorrow.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Almost done

It's Thursday. I woke up when I stretched and got a cramp in my right leg. Went to get ready, washed and sanitized bottles, made my coffee and drove to work. The drive was good, it's cold out. Today we will be practicing the presentation to see which style will work best.
Monika came by to practice the presentation. It looks like there will be some edits and also we will be splitting in half. Later today we may present to our group.
I went to the post office to get the money order and send payment for Javi's extended care at school.

Had lunch and went to Peet's to get coffee. Right now sitting here hanging out trying to stay awake. I went over to 1440 to finish with the updates and run through the slides again before our meeting. We presented to our unit and the feedback was good. We are going to do more run throughs tomorrow and see how it goes.

After work I headed to Tanforan to meet my mom at hop n play. The kids had fun. After myrna was acting up so I shut down all requests to purchase anything. Drove home, made Javi some food, my wife bathed both boys, I just put Gabriel to bed and I am about to shower and see what I have for dinner.
Made me a sandwich and had a beer, watched a bit of tv and off to bed.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Middle of the week

My back is stiff, I don't want to go to work, yup, it's just another day. Woke up, got ready, made coffee and drove to work. Traffic was light, I got the last parking spot. Later I have to present some information to the CF supervisors and then have lunch at 1440.
The morning went well, I met with my supervisor and went over the notes for my presentation. The forum meeting was good, my part went well. After we headed to 1440 for lunch.

The theme for Ananda's bachelorette party. Food was good, had fun with my co workers. After we met with Odioh to go over the scenarios for our training. Everything was approved and now we wait for approval of the power point.
After I went to my sister's house to get the card, then to Chase to get the money and to Western Union to send my Dad his money. After that I drove to meet my wife and kids in San Carlos.

Got to Rockin' Jump and played with the kids for a little over an hour. Drove back home, took out the trash and put Gabriel to bed. Took a shower, finally had dinner and fell asleep on the couch.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

And it continues

Gabriel did well, he woke up around 4:43 am and had a bottle. He was up for a bit but went back to sleep. I got up and went to get ready, washed a bottle, put clothes to dry and went on my way. The drive in was smooth, got a good parking spot. Today I start at 1440, going to do my security training and finish up the income power point.
Started my morning off and went to get coffee. Finished editing the power point and was finishing the security training. Before lunch we met and finalized the file and sent for review.

Went to Costco and got a beef brisket. I was working on a project when I was told that I would be doing the MC portion of the CF forum meeting. I was able to meet with Anuar about previous items and he invited me to sit in the meeting for tomorrow's forum. Thay was interesting. Got some good information for when I present it next time. After work I came home.

Headed out to Serramonte to walk around, got Javi and Gabriel some clothes. Went to target for groceries. Ate at in and out burger and came home. Changed the baby and put him to sleep. About to shower.
Finished watching Smackdown live and now going to bed.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Back at it

The night was ok. I don't remember when my wife brought Gabriel to the bed. He was out and didn't wake up. I got up, got ready and left a bottle for him. I headed out and drove to work. It's cold outside but the traffic was smooth. Now parked and may take a nap before going in.
Woke up from my nap, headed to work to check my emails. Had 27 of them. Got word that we need to finish the Income power point ASAP.
Met with Monika in the morning, set goals for us for the next few days. Sat in a training Karla and Humberto did and went to go have lunch with Amilcar.

Ate lunch with Amilcar and Rebekah,  we went out for coffee after. When I got back I did some security training and met again with Monika and later with Olivia do we could trim down the power point. It's looking good and we are on track for next week's start date.
Left work to go pick up my mom to go home and go to Benihana to celebrate my wife's birthday.

We ate, had a good meal. Gabriel was acting a bit crazy. We got home. U washed and sanitized bottles, bathed Gabriel while my wife showered and helped Javi with his shower. Doing laundry and now watching RAW before bed.

Sunday, July 22, 2018


Another day. Woke up, took Gabriel out for his cereal. Made Javi some pancakes and had coffee. Gabriel has been fighting his nap and acting nots. Watching tv about to go get ready.

We headed out to Muir Woods national park.  There was construction on 19th ave and that made it a mess to get there. The drive to the place was bad, so many curves.
We got there had lunch and went in, we walked the trail and it was long. It was a nice walk, nice views but the kids were complaining about the walking.
After we were done we drove back, more traffic did not do anyone good. But we got home and now are hanging out.

We had dinner. Tortilla and cheese and I took a shower. Put Gabriel down twice while my wife and her sister watched Rampage. He woke up at the end of the movie and now we are in bed. Going back to work tomorrow. Have to get a streak going, next day off is 8/15.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Swimming day... maybe

Got up and Javi was having tummy issues. My wife was going from 0-100 real quick. Told her that it was just probably because he hasn't pooped. Called Kaiser and they suggested kids pesto bismol and some other items. I went out to Target to get them and came home.
When I got here I convinced  Javi to go poop and he did. He feels much better now. He may or may not go swim today.
Javi did not swim, but Gabriel did. My sister hung out with Javi while we did that. After we went to the house.

Got home, gave Gabriel a shower and showered myself. Got ready, went over to pick up Myrna and dropped them off. Headed to hop n play for  Samina's birthday party. It was fun, the boys enjoyed themselves and after we came home to rest and change for the dinner tonight.

We drove to San Mateo to eat at Espetus, it was good. Most of us ate, after we drove home. Gabriel was grouchy because he was tired. Fed him and put him to sleep. Washed and sanitized bottles and now going to shower.
We were watching A Quiet Place a d Gabriel woke up, we are about to go to bed.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Calling out for the big guy.

Got up and wished my wife a Happy Birthday,  grabbed Gabriel and fed him some cereal. Javi woke up better but still wasn't ready to go to Spanish camp. We watched Finding Dory and I played with Javi and Gabriel.

Went with Javi real quick to Trader Joe's and came home to make spaghetti for lunch. Putting Gabriel back to sleep now.
He woke up and was acting up, around 3 they took off to get hair cuts and it took me a around 40 minutes to get him down again.  He went to sleep and woke up, gave him a snack and now he is with my wife walking around the house.

Had a small cake and went out for drinks and appetizers at Red Lobster. After that we came home and chilled and went to bed.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Calling out for the little one

Stayed in because Gabriel is still a bit sick. Walked Javi to his Spanish camp and came home. Pretty chill morning with Gabriel. Fed him, played and napped. My mom and sister came over for a bit.

When my wife cam home for lunch I took a shower. I got ready and went with Gabriel to get some lunch and drove to my sister's to visit and do laundry. Javi was there already and we were watching Spaceballs and Madagascar 3. He is still feeling a bit sick in the stomach.

Went to put gas in the truck and went to Target to get something to make Javi for lunch tomorrow. While putting Gabriel to bed it sounded like Javi was throwing up, about to go check on that.
Javi did throw up, he is not feeling well, he will be staying in tomorrow. About to watch tv and after go to bed.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Hump day

Still a bit upset about yesterday. Gabriel had an ok night as far as sleeping. I woke up, got ready, made coffee and drove to work. The drive was smooth and it's cold out again. Let's see what today brings us.
No forum today. Been reviewing income things, going send the information to Monika later today. It's cold over here. about to run out to the bank, get lunch and come back for the last half of the day.

Walked over to BofA and took out some cash to replace what I used at home. Walked over to the market and had a super carnitas burrito, it was good. I ran into Sandra and her husband Ming at the Market. On my way to Peet's I ran into karla while she was heading to the gym. Right now I am enjoying my iced coffee before going back into work and being bored.
Well it happened, finally someone came over and asked me a question regarding Medi-CAL, I gladly helped them out and pointed them in the right direction. We got more feedback on our ppt for income, we have to make changes.
After I started the walk home,  drove to the dollar tree to get the cards and bags, then came home.

Picked up Gabriel and my wife to go get Javi at my sister's. After we went to Target to get Samina's gifr for Saturday. Came home, fed the baby. Right now my wife went to pick up her sister at the airport and I just put Gabriel down. Going to shower soon.
When I got out, I went to get some ginger ale for Javi as his tummy was hurting. Gabriel woke up again. Put both if them down, watched some tv and now going to bed. Goodnight

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Gabriel did ok today. He slept better, didn't make too much of a fuss. Woke up, got ready and started the dimrive go work. It was smooth. Today I have nothing planned at work. Have to go drop some money off. Later maybe go to Costco. Looks like tomorrow I will be staying in with Gabriel.
The morning has been good. I asked if I could attended a meeting at 1440 to ask questions regarding ABAWD. There are 2 of them.
The morning one went well. Only 1 question. I sent my supervisor an email of what we discussed in the meeting. Right now looking for asset and dividends examples for a training.

Went to Costco real quick with Amilcar to get formula. Went back to eat the spaghetti my sister left for me yesterday. Hung out before the next function meeting. There were no questions there. I met with Monika and Julia for a bit regarding the income training and also was able to review a few cases. At 4:20 I headed home. Got home to see that apparently no one is watching anyone here, they took out and opened one of my collectable items, a rare one. But ofcourse I can be upset because it always lands on me.

My wife and her sister went to Costco.  I am here with the kid. Just put Gabriel down for a bit.  He'll be up soon, since these kids don't know how to walk normally. They have chosen to walk around like clydesdales.
They get home, of course minutes later Gabriel wakes up. It's Javi's bath night and as always he is fighting not to take one. I told him to be careful and not make a mess. So of course he did. He got punished and sent to bed early.
Tried feeding Gabriel again. But be burped and threw up all over me. So I changed him, went to wash bottles and now he is sleeping again. Super pissed off right now.
Watched some tv and now off to bed.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Beginning of the week

Gabriel had a bad night again. His tummy was hurting, he was hungry, tired and he pooped. It came out the diaper and all over his clothes and the bed. Had to change the sheets and clean him up. When I left he was sleeping, hopefully he gets through this soon. I can feel it passing on to me, so I think by Wednesday, I will be out of action.
I got up, got ready and washed bottles. I took out the trash. I have to talk to my supervisor about possibly being outnl tomorrow.
Today is my and my wife's 17th anniversary, it's been a fun ride we continue on. Today is also my Friend Brian's birthday. I will give him a call later today.
Morning went well. I spoke to my supervisor about the trainings last week. I did some reading on CF items and workflows. Now I am on break. I brought a sandwich for lunch.  Might go out for an iced coffee later.

Went to Peet's to meet up with Amicar. We talked about the weekend and  about how the day was going so far. Got a video call from my wife and Gabriel. He looks like he is doing much better, but still noticeably sick. Before going out I ate my sandwich. Now I am back at work, waiting for quitting time. Today has been going super slow.
Got the notification that we would be heading to 1440 at 3 PM. We did, got out of work at 4:07, was able to get home quick.
I went to do laundry at the laundry mat.

My mom dropped Javi off to me and my wife picked him up. Finished washing, drying and folding clothes. Getting some food now and heading home. Thankfully I was able to watch RAW on wifi.
After I was done with the clothes I went to get some McDonald's and came home. Ate dinner, put Gabriel to sleep, showered. Washed bottles and watched tv until he woke up and I was able to get him back down.
After I watched tv for a bit and now going to bed. I have to go drop some cash off to Judith tomorrow or by Wednesday for this event they are having.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Most of the night I slept in the living room to give Gabriel some room to move around. I got back in and he slept some more. I took him out to the living room  it he wanted nothing to do with me, so my mother in law got him and after some time put him to sleep. Close to half time in the soccer match he woke up, this time I was able to put him down.
I made coffee and ordered some food at Denny's for pick up. When I get back apparently I am being blamed for lord knows what now. So I just didn't want to deal with anyone and I just stayed in the room. It's BS like that, that is just going to make me distance myself from them, they can go find someone else to blame for whatever problem they have.
Apparently I am a bad person for buying my nephew a gift, so just like when my brother was ungrateful about me taking his kids to see WWE live, that will not happen anymore. I'll just point them to the source and say that they were upset at me for buying something,  so now, no soup for you.

We stayed in. Javi went with them to Hayward. I was able to get Gabriel to nap and took a slight nap with him as well. We went for a walk and came back in. My wife went to Target and I tried to put Gabriel down but he ain't having it. I am also watching WWE Extreme Rules.
Javi is back home, just going to finish watching this and maybe watch a movie or something.

So over today. Doesn't matter what I say or do, they keep doing the most absent minded things. Finished watching Extreme Rules and we bathed Gabriel as he pooped out of his diaper  he threw up again, but not bad. Right now he is sleeping and I am just watching him on the video camera. After this going to probably shower again and watch some tv. My wife staying in tomorrow with Gabriel and I think I stay on Tuesday. Before bed I have to decide if I make a sandwich for lunch or buy a Subway sandwich.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Weekend vibes

Gabriel had a bad night, but a way better morning. I brought the boys outside to the livingroom so my wife can sleep a little more. Watching the England vs Belgium 3rd place world cup match.
Fed Gabriel and Javi, put Gabriel down for a nap, took a shower got Javi ready for swim class. O my he is going today. While at class my wife told me that Gabriel threw up again.
Came back home and we chilled for a bit, got ready and headed out to pick up some food at Chevy's for lunch.

We ate and I was finally able to get Gabriel down to sleep for a long time. I napped with him while my wife took Javi and Andres to the park and to pick up her sister. When they got back I got Javi ready to go as my sister took him to the Giants game with my mom.
My wife, Gabriel and I went to Serramonte for a bit. Got some Jamba Juice, hit up the Disney store and target and came home.

We had some Pizza hut for dinner. Gabriel threw up twice so we took him to the ER. They gave us nausea meds for him. Javi got home from the game, he had a great time. Right now I am at Walgreens getting Gabriel's Medication. After here m, it's home and bed. World cup final and Extreme Rules tomorrow.

Friday, July 13, 2018

We made it

It's Friday the 13th, the last day of trainings this week. Thank goodness for that. It's been an interesting week. I hope they both go well today and there are no major issues. My hip feels better, however my knee is still acting up. But it's Friday and we're almost done with the work week.
Morning went well. Sent some emails and worked on a case. Went to set up the room for the morning training.
The morning training went well,  not too many questions. After I went to my desk and worked on another case.

I had some Chinese food and an iced coffee. Went back to work and set up for the PM meeting. There was an issue with a disrespectful EW who decided his phone was more important than what we were training on, so I called him on it and his feelings got hurt. Oh well.
We were finally done with the trainings and so glad it's over.

Got home and saw that Javi and Andres decided to decorate the floor with white out, so I had to try and clean that up. I went out to get dinner and came home.  While eating Gabriel threw up, so we cleaned him up and he played. He went to sleep but woke up and eventually threw up again. Right now trying to get him to bed. Hopefully whatever it is goes by quick.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Almost done

Didn't sleep well. Interrupted sleep is never good. Got up, got dressed and made my coffee and headed off to work.
The drive in was good, got good parking. Starting the day off at 1440 and will finish at 1235 with the PM training.
Still having issues with blogger here erasing my blogs. Ugh.
The morning went well. Started off with Emails and checking in with a few people.
Said goodbye for the time being to Denise since she will be on maternity leave soon.

Went to lunch with Amilcar and Cynthia. We had Vietnamese food. After I headed back to my desk and we did the 2nd presentation and it went well. After that I received a call from the insurance company and was told that it looked that I was not at fault for the accident but the guy wanted to get an attorney.
After I got off work and went to get the kids at my sister's.

Got to my sister's house and picked up Gabriel. They took Javi to Serramonte. I dropped Gabriel off and went to get burritos. After dinner, I put him to bed. When Javi got home I gave him a shower, showered myself and chilled the rest of the night. Tomorrow is the last day of trainings,  hopefully we finish strong.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Woke up, got dressed, made coffee and drove to work. Drive was good, but again some of my previous blogs didn't save, again. I had to update those. Anyway,  today I have 2 more presentations.
Got to work, checked in with a few people and checked emails. I went to set up the room for the trainings. The morning training was good, I closed that one out. My hip was bothering me a lot during it, but the show must go on.

Ate lunch while watching England vs Croatia, went for a walk to get coffee at Peet's and went back to work to start getting ready for the last presentation of the day.
Only 6 were in the training. It took us about an hour. After the training I helped with a case with potential fraud. I got off of work at 4:20. Started walking to the car to go to my sister's to get the kids.

Ate dinner at my sister's, drove home. Took out the trash, washed and sanitized bottles,  took a shower, changed Gabriel and tried to put him to sleep. My hip and sciatic nerve are still hurting so I have been stretching. Now watching some news before going to bed.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

It's go time

Found out last night that some of my previous blogs did not save all parts of the day, so I was a bit disappointed. But anyway, woke up, changed Gabriel and I started to get ready for work. Today is a double star day at Starbucks so I will be going in for a pastry and coffee.
The drive to work was good, still a little sensitive to sound and light, but here we go. Today is my turn to participate in the trainings, I hope all goes well.
The morning went well, we did the first training real fast, a little less than an hour. It was a good thing since the fire alarm went off.

Had lunch and watched some of the soccer game that France won. I helped Cynthia with a case and was able to check out some websites. The 2nd training took almost the full 2 hours. That one was a bit hard since people were asking questions not related to their role, so we had to continually try to get back on track.
After I walked to my car and went to get fast before going home.

We went to Tanforan so my wife and sister in law could get their nails done. I took Javi and Gabriel to Hop 'n Play for a bit. I had some coffee and we headed back home. My wife bathed Gabriel and I helped Javi shower. After I put Gabriel to sleep and went to shower. Watched Smackdown Live and went to bed.

Monday, July 9, 2018


I feel better, but not 100%. I am taking a chance here today by coming in. My Vertigo symptoms could act up at any time. My ear is still ringing and my head is feeling sensitive. Today Mark's the beginning of the trainings at 1235. Hopefully I can just sit in the back and chill for the day.
So I get in and got notice that we are doing the trainings here. I go tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday both sessions. There was a hiccup this morning with our system. The cities intranet was down so we had no access to the power point and videos, but my quick thinking got us through,  we were able to get the power point off of the GOSFBN website and Agnes linked the videos to the slide show so we were all set to go for 8 am.
Monika and Agnes did the first training and they did well. Amilcar stopped by to pick up the nacatamales and we went out for coffee.

Ate my sandwich, did some accounting and helped set up for the afternoon training. Feeling a bit better, but still need some more rest.
The second training went well, Cliff from WDD showed up and did his presentation. Agnes opened and Monika closed it out. The two groups were good, not too big so there was room for a small discussion and quick question and answer session.
After the training I went to my desk and worked a bit, tomorrow I go, I might try out my new clicker. At 4:20 I started my walk to the car to go pick up the kids.
I got to my sisters house and saw that Javi took over 1,000 pictures on my tablet. Got the kids and headed home.

Started washing clothes, ate some dinner and watching RAW. I think tomorrow I may have some Chinese food for lunch. So I don't think I'll make anything here. Finished watching Ready Player One, I liked it, the book was obviously better, but it was good. Tomorrow I scored some Gallo Pinto, so the Chinese food will have to wait. Right now waiting for my wife to come to bed. Busy day for me tomorrow.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Not feeling it today

Woke up around 7 due to Gabriel being a crazy child. My left ear is still hallow, so I will be staying in today. I think my sister might come over and that would be helpful since I am not feeling well.
Everyone left to Milpitas to go shopping, me and Gabriel stayed in.

My sister came over with my brother in law and their grandson Dominic. Gabriel played with him and we ate lunch, shortly after they left and we waited for my wife to get home.

When they got home, I handed over the baby and was able to nap. I showered and put Gabriel down again to sleep and started to watch Ready Player One. Now off to bed.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Beautiful day

Woke up, the sun is shining, watching England vs Sweden in the World Cup. About to eat my Nacatamale.
Breakfast was good, the game was good. England advanced to the next round. After the game we got ready for swimming for the boys.
I took Javi and Andres with me to the pool for Javi's class, he did well again. My wife brought Gabriel and for his class he was the only one there, so it was cool. After I headed to Great America with Javi.

I started getting a ringing in my ear that ties me off that I might get a spell of Vertigo.  I took my pill and really wasn't feeling well when we got there. We had lunch and Javi got on rides with Alexia and Lilly. I got on a few but that was all, on the drive back he napped and I was ok, made it home. But now I am resting trying not to throw up.

Feeling a lot better, putting Gabriel down to sleep. I have decided that this December I will post 'Last Christmas ' by Wham! Every day during the Christmas season. Why? No reason, just because. I think that I may do that in October with Thriller. Who knows.
My wife and sister in law were watching Ant-Man, I was just resting.
After the movie I started watching the NJPW G1 Special from the Cow Palace, so far it's good, not going to watch it all tonight, going to stop at the end of the Young Bucks match.
I need some rest, thankfully I have one more day and back to work.

Friday, July 6, 2018


Got up, played with Gabriel for a bit and went to shower. Got dressed, switched out the first load of clothes. Fed him cereal, changed him, folded the first batch if dry clothes. Got the baby bag ready for this morning. Later I will add more things as they will be with my sister while we watch the movie.
Pretty soon going to take off to go eat with my mom and aunt.
We went to Denny's for breakfast, we had a good meal. After we went to Costco to get formula and baby wipes. Got my wife since lunch and headed home.

Got home and watched some of the Brazil vs Belgium game. My wife came over for lunch and I am about to try and put Gabriel down for a nap. Around 3:30 I headed to my sisters to hang out a bit before leaving the kids so we could go to the movies.

We went to eat at Red Robin's and after headed to to the movies to see Ant-Man and Wasp. I liked it, it had a few parts that were slow, but it was entertaining. After the movie we went to pick up the kids and came home. I washed the bottles and showered and it was off to bed.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Day off

Got up and my wife fed Gabriel.  Gave him a bottle and changed him before taking him to daycare and went with Javi yo target to get diapers. When I came back I showered and helped my mother in law clean the playroom. Close to 11:10 me and Javi went to get lunch and pick up Gabriel.

My wife and I had some sandwiches from Darby Dan's and Javi had a happy meal. We ate hung out during her lunch time and when she left I put Gabriel down for a quick nap while me and Javi llayed outside for a bit. He woke up and we played, I gave him a snack and got him another bottle as he was due for one so he could nap. The nap happened,  the bottle drinking, not so much.

My wife made a pizza and some pasta. I started to wash clothes. We had dinner and I went to shower and got the baby ready for his bottle and bed time. He is sleeping now, he was fighting it while I played the Bee Gees, but he fell asleep fast with Careless Whispers.
About to go out to the living room, have ice cream and watch tv. My brother in law goes home today, my wife and sister in law will be taking him to the airport. I only do pick ups.
Looks like there was confusion regarding departure dates, it looks like the flight was yesterday. So they are trying to get the figured out. Right now I am in bed with the crazy one, Javi is sleeping in his bed. Listening to a podcast before going to sleep. Tomorrow breakfast with my mom and aunt.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

It's the 4th of July

Got up, fed Gabriel, took a shower, now I am watching Smackdown live since I didn't see it yesterday. Getting ready to go out to Pier 39 soon.
We headed down to Pier 39, we got tickets to go on a blue and gold cruise around the bay, it was fun. The waters were choppy, but it was all good. After we went to the aquarium and hung out for a bit.

When we finished the aquarium se headed home, started the grill and ate burgers and hot dogs. Right now I am putting Gabriel down to nap, have corn on the grill.

Tried to get the kids to do the poppers, didn't go as planned. Not sure why I thought that the morning glory would be better, they both (Javi and Andres) were all over the place not listening. So I stopped everything.  I told them to toss the last of the water balloons  but to not wet the stand that was drying. First thing they hit, the stand that was drying, so I sent them in.
Bathed Gabriel whole my wife bathed Javi, dressed both boys, not putting Gabriel to sleep. Need to shower to get that smoke off of me.
Watched about an hour of Blockers and now going to bed.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Hope to be reunited

Gabriel was again flopping around like a fish. At one point he screeched and was still sleeping. He decided to use me as a kicking post. Anyway, I woke up, got ready, put clothes to dry, washed a bottle, made coffee and started the drive to work.
The drive was good, it's a bit cold out today. Later today I may end the day over at 1440 if permission is granted. I leave at 2:30 today to go drop off this car and pick up the Camry. Hopefully today is the day!

Did some work, had lunch, went over to 1440 to work on the income training. At 2:30 I took off to drop off the rental and pick up the Camry. Everything went well. I was happy to have my car back. I went to go get the kids and hang out with my family for a bit.

Got home, hung out and was able to watch some tv. Tomorrow I think we head out to the pier. It should be a fun day. Going to get some rest.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Thank God for a short work week

I know I rested a lot, but I didn't wake up feeling that way. I got ready, washed a bottle, got my coffee ready and headed out.
The drive was smooth, it's cold out today.
This week will be a short one for me. I only work today and tomorrow. I get the Camry back so I may even leave a bit early.
Starting today we all get a 3% raise. Just have to make it to Tuesday 4:30 and I'll have 5 days off work.
Morning went well. I was able to edit some of the screens for the power point. Set up a meeting tomorrow and one for Monday to go over it again to see what we keep and discard.

Had lunch, more tacos! Anyway, was watching GLOW and talked to my mom and my wife for a bit. I got the call that the car will not be ready today, it will be ready tomorrow, so I will be leaving early to go drop off the rental and get the Camry. After here I go home to to wait for my wife to get in so I can go get the kiddies.

Made it home with time to put a load of clothes to wash. When my wife got home, I went to get the kids. Spent a little time at my sister's house and came home. Made my wife a sandwich and myself more tacos. As clockwork would have it, since my wife had a headache she decided to get an attitude with me and somehow I am wrong for making her food. It is what it is. Right now I am finishing up the laundry and waiting to wash the dishes before going to bed.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Half way done

Woke up at 8, yes you read that correctly,  8. The day so far is not good. A little foggy out. But oh well. Yesterday was awesome. Right now going to clean the bed, fold some clothes and start separating clothes for laundry or dry cleaning.
Fixed my top dwar and had to start watching the baby. Morning consisted of watching GLOW, soccer and getting ready to go.

We went to serramonte for a bit. Buy buy baby and target. Went home and cleaned the grill, it wasn't as bad as I anticipated, after I cleaned it we took off real quick to target again to get some things for the 4th of July.  Now heading home to chill.

Playing with the kids. I brought out  the WWE funko pops for Gabriel,  but Javi and Andres have taken over playing with them.