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Thursday, June 21, 2018

The day before

Couldn't really sleep too well. Kept waking up due to Gabriel and also thinking about the accident. I got up washed a bottle, made coffee, got ready and headed out. I moved the car in front of the house so there would be no issue with leaving it in one spot for a few days.
The drive was interesting,  I was a little nervous but I got here. Tomorrow is Javi's surgery, today I have a few meetings and get to leave at 4.
Morning was ok, responded to some emails and sent out a few for some things I need to do next week. Later I am going to meet my coworkers at 2 Gough. I talked to the insurance person and set up a car rental.

Had lunch, walked over to 2 Gough and met Agnes, she gave us a tour and we talked about the trainings. It was a bit of a mess but it will be fine. I had to step out a few times to take phone calls. I met up with Aimee who works there and we talked for a bit, it was nice to catch up. Javi's surgery check in is now at 6:30 am. Heading over to get the kids and go get the car rental after.

Got the car, it's a Suburu. After I went to get Hawaiian barbecue and some Starbucks refreshes. Came home and ate. Put Gabriel to sleep and went to shower and watch some shows. When I saw nothing was on I tv, I played WWE 2k18, now going to bed. Javi has a surgery tomorrow so now we rest

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