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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Another day

Gabriel woke up around 4:15 ish and I changed and fed him. Put him in bed to tried to get him to sleep. He was a bit fussy again and moved around  a lot. I was so close to calling out today, my back is still still and I am tired. But nevertheless, I got up, got ready and started to drive to work. The drive was ok, no traffic and found parking. Now just waiting to walk to work.
I was able to update my notes for tomorrow and basically tried to find things to keep busy. My back is still stiff, I want to go home.
The day has gone ok so far. I literally have nothing to do yet, it's hard trying to pass the time. But anyway I continue.

Ate my lunch and hung out. I've been listening to podcasts all day. I have my things ready for tomorrow's presentation. Going to find a way to keep busy, not sure what I will do, but I am off at 4:30, going home to pick up my wife to go get Gabriel since Javi will be at the show.
Got home, dropped some things off while waiting for my wife to get home. When she did we went to get the baby and to Babies r us. There was no more baby water and almost all the food was gone. So we went to stock up at Target and came home.

I bought some ground beef to make sliders. They turned out delicious. I added cheese and sauteed onions.  Now putting Mr. Man to bed.
Gabriel is a bit sick, stuffy nose so I assume that it will be a long night. Javi came home from the PJ Masks show and he said he really liked it. He ate dinner, washed up and off to bed. Now I am about to go to sleep. So tired.

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