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Friday, June 8, 2018

It's Friday!

Got up, my back is a little stiff. Kept waking up all night because of some strange thing I dreamt about. Got up, got ready and drove to work. Now waiting for time to go in. Leaving work today at 12 to go to my dentist appointment,  hopefully everything goes well.
The morning was good, was really just trying to pass the time before leaving.  Time came and headed to the car.

Got to the car, drove to get gas and a quick car wash before my dentist appointment. The appointment went really well. I was complimented on my good teeth cleaning techniques.  After I went to get lunch and headed home to hang out with the kids.
Around 3:30 I went to pick up my mom as she was going to watch the boys while we went to the movies.

We went to watch Solo and, well... it was interesting. I thought it was ok, should have been shorter than it was. It felt long and was long. It had some cool moments but I would not recommend watching this in the theater, you can wait.
After we found out that the Warriors swept the Cavaliers and won back to back championships. I went to drop off my mom and came back home. Now watching game highlights before bed.

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