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Friday, June 22, 2018

Surgery day

We got up at around 4:30 to get ready, we drove to Santa Clara to check in to the office. We were ready to be seen at 6:30. They lead us in to the pre surgery room and we got Javi ready and he chilled until about 8 in the morning when they came to get him for the surgery and sent us out to wait. That was a long few hours. When it was done the doctor came to get us and explained what they did and how it was done. Javi did great. When he finally woke up he got a popsicle and apple juice.
We headed home, the drive was good. I went to get lunch and over to target to get Javi some Gatorade. They picked up the car earlier for repairs, hopefully they fix it fast.

Had lunch and now hanging out with Javi. I had put Gabriel down for a nap, but I think he woke up. I took a nap while Javi watched tv. He is a very brave kid, I am so proud of him. He went through a lot today and did it like a pro. My Mom, sister,  niece and dominic came by to visit Javi to see how he was doing. They stayed a bit, had some ice cream and left.

I headed out to pick up some sushi and wings we ordered. Probably won't hear anything about the car tomorrow, maybe until Monday. Javi ate the wings he ordered, I took a shower. Gabriel had an accident on the comforter,  washing and drying it right now, so I may not sleep as early as anticipated. So tired, can't wait to get to bed. But all in all, today was good. My son is awesome and super brave.

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