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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

My Path... Part 1

I couldn't find the best way to start this, so I guess I will just start. I have been working with the City and County of San Francisco since 2012, specifically with the Calfresh program. I had passed the induction training, passed probation and was sent to a satellite work station to assist clients in applying and determining if they were eligible for CalFresh benefits. There was a shift in the program structure and I was brought back to the main building and learned more about how the other side worked. In September of 2013, everything changed. Due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) they needed some Eligibility Workers (EW's) to move over to the Medi-CAL building to be part of a new group the San Francisco Benefit Net (SFBN) group. Due to reverse seniority I was one of the EW's selected to move.
I understood what was going on and why it had to happen, but the way everything was handled was not a good experience for me. The manager at the time was so disingenuous when she spoke to me about the decision that was sent down, this decision was going to effect my life, there was a potential that I would start later or have to work on Saturday's and that was not ideal because my son had just turned 1 and I did not want to miss any time with him at that stage. It still stings to this day what she said. 'Well, at least you will have a Costco across the street' and a few days later we had to have our boxes ready and we were moved. First to training and then to the Medi-Cal office to part of the Medi-Cal program.
My first supervisor there was Lydia, she was very knowledgeable and straight forward. Any reservations I had about the move to the program and building were eased by her. I think that it was a great pairing. We understood each other and what was expected. I didn't totally feel welcomed at first in the building, I am not sure why people were very stand offish and hesitant to the change. I am naturally a fast learner and fast worker, so I would finish my things early and I guess since people didn't have much to do they would complain that I wasn't 'doing work'. I never understood that, I just can't wrap my head around others caring so much about what I am doing, that it bothers them. But anyway, I was the lead for the unit and the experience was great.
Then the first reassignment came.
I was moved over to my second supervisor Nora, she was a pleasure to be around. She was very nurturing and kind. Her style was different, very knowledgeable but would always like to talk it out to see where we can come to an agreement and move forward. She was more relaxed in a sense of not letting the work get to her, I'm not saying that she didn't care, but it was more of a thing where she didn't let the work consume her. I was the lead for this unit as well and around this point I became the lead for the ACA phone workers (there were 3 of us) and the primary health plan selection person
during open enrollment. Then my last re-assignment of supervisors came about.
I found out that I was going to be moved when the new phone roster came out. Normally your current supervisor should inform you of such things, but I guess the jumped the gun. My new supervisor was Rudy, we hit it off right off the bat because we both watch wrestling. I think our pairing was great because we had an understanding and respect for each other that made our working relationship start off on a good point. We shared many conversations about everything from work to sports, to wrestling and to movies. His approach is more laid back than anything, but he would for sure get you the answers you needed. During my time with Rudy I was once again the lead worker and I was asked (actually told) to be a part of training for the On The Job (OJT) training portion for new EW's.
This was the beginning of a journey that changed my direction here with the Human Services Agency.

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