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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

My path... Part 2

So I was assigned to do a project where I would mentor a group of new Eligibility Workers (EW) during their On The Job (OJT) training. Cohort 11 Ana, Carolina, Glenn, Henry, Janet, Judy, Katie Miguel C, Miguel P and Isivisi (although she was out for maternity reasons)
My role was to help the morning crew of Carolina, Katie, Judy and Miguel P. But due to the other person I was working with not being consistent on time and attendance I worked with both groups and this is where I took ownership of the process and progress of the group. I took it on myself to make sure they all passed probation and became part of the Medi-CAL family.
There was no instruction on what we were to be doing besides sitting there and be ready to answer questions. This did not sit well with me, I would jot down case numbers and issues the cohort was having, I would also write down little things that I would notice about work ethic and how they were doing integrating with the every day business process.
About 4 or 5 weeks into it, we get an email to attend a meeting to report on the group, this was never mentioned so we had to scramble to get something down. Luckily I had some things down already and we were able to present where the group was at. After this meeting I sat down with the other mentor and we discussed a possible outline for this program, my intention was to set up expectations between everyone, Managers, Supervisors, Mentors and the OJT EW's. We laid it out to a 10 week program where we would invest more time with the group to get to know them individually and see how we could adjust to their needs to help them.
It was a bit late in this process to try it, but we did it for the future of the program. What I was able to do was be there for them. There was a trust issue based on work ethic that the PM group had with the other mentor that had them not asking questions and waiting for me the next day. Since I was proactive with the program, I would check to see if I was needed all day and I would help them out as much as I could.  I worked closely with a few of the OJT supervisors in an attempt to help out those who were falling behind, I gave suggestions to them and to the EW's I would always reassure them that I would be able to get them to the end if they put in the work.
It was a challenging experience because one of the supervisors just did not want to cooperate with us and made it hard all around. When the actual OJT portion ended and those that passed probation were sent to their desks, there were about 4 that we on extended probation, I offered one on one services to help them understand what to do with their tasks. Some supervisors took advantage of the offer more than others but in the end (besides one that left to go back to school) they all passed probation and they had a confidence in themselves that for sure was a result of the extra help.
I really enjoyed my time with the group, but I wanted to return to doing my old assignment. But I guess that when you do something well, they want you to do it again.

I went back to doing my old assignment which was tasks and all day phones for the Affordable Care Act. And I was called into a meeting, I was asked again if I would like to be a mentor for the next Cohort (12) and if possible if we could try to follow the outline that we had created. To be honest I really didn't want to and when I found out who I would be partnered with, I for sure didn't want to. But, as I always said, whatever they need me to do, as long as the paychecks are signed, I'll do it. So the journey with Cohort 12 began and so far this has been the one project that has changed me, personally and professionally. I'll get into that next time. 

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