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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Mr. Stark... I'm not feeling that well

Woke up this morning and decided to stay in. Gabriel is not feeling well and my stomach is acting up. I probably would have been able to make it to work if it was just my stomach issue, but since little man is sick I think it's best to stay in.
The morning went well. He didn't cough a lot but I could tell he wasn't feeling good because he wanted to cuddle and was a bit needy. I got out to put the eye patch on Javi and we hung out for some time.
When it seemed Gabriel wanted to nap, I took them both to the room to watch Peter Pan and he took a nap while Javi and I watched the movie.

My wife came home for lunch. I got dressed and ate the PB&J sandwiches I made for lunch and I took off to go buy some Dayquil.  After that I came home and hung out some more with the kids. I changed Gabriel because he had an accident and played Life Junior with Javi.

I got sent to Popeye's for dinner. Came back home, ate, showered, right now putting Gabriel to sleep and about to go out to the living room.
We played more of Life Junior for a bit. My wife ordered the invitations for Gabriel's baptism. About to watch some Warriors and Giants highlights before going to bed.

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