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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

My Path... Part 4

I made my return to work on 3/1/2018. The two months that I had off were well needed. I was excited to get back and to be a better peer. I had a good first few days catching up with everyone and then it happened, management did something that really cut deep. With the last Cohort (12) I poured a lot into it, the group poured a lot into it and did really well. I took a look at the Forum minutes and they only thank the other person that did nothing. I was livid. Not because they didn't thank me but because they straight up gave her credit and praise for something she did not really do. She was never there, when she was she was on the phone and gave the wrong direction and looked down on them.
I was given a lame excuse of 'they have to thank everyone', which was not true because I was never thanked for helping with Cohort 11.
I spoke to a few supervisors and expressed my disappointment. First off, not one, not one of the supervisors involved in the OJT process or the ones I spoke to during the process spoke up and said to either wait for me to thank us both, or to not thank anyone. I also told them that whatever they did, because I knew that they were going to try and do a 'make good' gesture, that I didn't want it. If they really wanted to thank me, they should just mention the Cohort by name and congratulate them on passing probation under the conditions they had to do it in.
I was forced to attend a meeting to get a certificate of thanks. To me it was an empty gesture at this point, so when I accepted it, I told them again, I don't want the thanks, the time for that was over and if they truly wanted to thank me, they could do it by congratulating the cohort by name. Of course they didn't do it, so that confirmed for me that management really did not appreciate the effort I made, so I decided at that point to not participate in any more projects.
I had scheduled an interview of a 2913 Program Specialist position with the Investigations department, Appeals unit. The interview went really well and I felt good. For some reason, maybe fate, the interviewer asked me if I was comfortable with the position not being too flexible with time off. At that time I thought it would be fine. After a few days I found out some information regarding my family that changed the flexibility that I thought I had. I got sent an email to go get fingerprinted, which meant that I was going to be offered the position. Yes, I got the job based on me, my work, I did not know anyone there, I didn't have family involved in the hiring, it was all me. But I had to decline the offer as I didn't think it was fair for my family to tie up my time and not be available for them. So I continued working and I had a feeling that I would get another interview soon and I would be out of my current position.
I had another interview scheduled for the 2913 program specialist position at my old building 1235 Mission, I thought the interview went real well and I felt good about it. However, with the hiring practices within the city you never know. I was also offered the position, this one I took. I wanted to wait until the paperwork was signed to officially tell people, but a manager had already spilled the beans to some people who came over and asked and the cat came out of the bag. I was disappointed because I wanted to be the one to announce it. They wanted to throw me a congratulations party, but I politely declined as I didn't want to be the center of attention. However management insisted that it be done. I was the reason for some people to get cake in the afternoon.
When I found out that the position would mean that I would be leaving my home, it sucked. I did not want to leave. But I had to and about a month later I did.
Now I am here part of a great training team, my supervisor is really cool and very flexible. I now work 7:30-4:30 and get to do something that I know I can and will be good at. This is just the beginning of where this journey leads and where it will go? I don't know. Maybe in the future I take a supervisor position, maybe I stay in this position or move to a different program. But what is for sure whatever I do will for sure benefit me and my family.
My journey here so far has been great. Just like with everything, there are ups and downs. Right now with Cohort 12 and my promotion, I would say that I am sky high. I can't wait to see what happens next.
To Be Continued....

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