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Friday, June 15, 2018


It's finally Friday. Just today is left before the weekend. The last few days I have been very unhappy with things. Trying to keep my my mind off of things that are making me sad, but it gets hard. It will pass, but it just sucks. Anyway, I got up, got ready and drove to work. The drive was good and found parking in my area. This morning I have to submit my time sheet and do some more research on income. Hopefully things go quick this morning.
Morning was good, sent an email with the answers that they wanted about the intake business process and waited to go to lunch.

Met Tim and Kathleen at Gaslamp Cafe and had an omelet. It was good, we talked for a bit and after lunch I walked back with them to 1440 so I can meet with my unit member. I was able to hang out a bit with Maria, Cynthia and Rebekah before my meeting. When I took a break I went to Costco and met Amilcar  I got some formula and headed back in. Before I left I stopped by to talk to a few more people and said my goodbyes and started walking to my car to come home.

Got home, switched out some laundry and folded the clothes. We had left over Chinese food for dinner. Played with the kids, put Gabriel to bed and went to clean the kitchen and do some Yoga. After I took a shower and we watched some tv. Tired, about to go to bed. See what the weekend brings.

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