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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Baptism day

Been up since around 6:35, sleepy. I have to get ready soon, need to start getting things into the car. I took a shower and headed to 7-11 to get ice and a coffee. I came hime and helped get Javi and Gabriel dressed. After I got ready and we headed to the Church for the baptism.
It was really good, the ceremony was in Spanish and a lot of people showed up.

I headed to the park and had to kick some people out of our area. The tacos were delicious. Everyone had a good time and the weather was great. I dropped off my brother in law and nephew at home and went back to the park to hang out with my family who stayed with Javi so he could play.

Came back home, showered. Had a few beers and rested, it was a great day for all, especially Gabriel who is now baptized.

Friday, June 29, 2018

The finale

Got some decent rest. Inhad a dream that I was in a place full of moths and when I woke up it felt like one was in my mouth. It was not a good feeling. Anyway, got up, got ready and drove to work.
The drive was good, smooth, found good parking and waiting for time to start walking.
Today is the final day of trainings, I have 2 of them and going out to lunch withbTim and Kathleen. Today should be a great day.
I submitted my time sheet and was notified that someone complained about the camera ice breaker joke we did, so we were instructed to not do that, so yeah, some people can't take a joke and now we have to adjust the ice breaker.
Morning training went well. I started it off and Agnes finished. I felt it went well, we had more managers in this one, so it's good that we shined.

Went out for lunch with Tim and Kathleen to V Cafe, 3rd cheesesteak this week,  ugh, no mas. Any way. We had a good lunch and now I am headed back for the last training this week and our final assignment. I think Agnes will open and I will close it out. It should be another good one.
The second training went well, we had to do a quick recap before starting the second half due to some confusion  it but was all good. This week was really good with the trainings. I feel comfortable in that role, so it will be fun to continue to grow.
After I walked to the car to go get some gas and came hime.

Came home to find out my son cut my nephews hair, apparently he thought he was Brutus the barber beefcake or something. About to give Gabriel a bottle to see if he goes go sleep.
He did, I started watching I'm gonna git you sucka for a bit waiting for my wife to get home from her hair appointment. When she got in took off to get some last minute things and food.
Came home and Gabriel was back up. Ate. Showered and went to bed.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date

I woke up to the taps of my wife letting me know that I didn't hear my alarm. I woke up around 15 minutes late, got ready quick and drove to work. Got here still in time to get good parking. Not presenting today, but will be there for support and our unit meeting. It's a better day outside today than yesterday.
The training in the morning was good, the attendees were very nice and listened. We had our unit meeting and we were given our next assignment.

I had lunch with Cynthia and Rebekah, thai good again. After lunch I took the call for the interview for the accident. When we got back to work I went to the second training and that was good as well. After I headed home.

Had dinner, rested and watched some tv. Put Gabriel down and played with Javi. Now it's bed time.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Hump day...

Got decent rest, however my hip was hurting again. Need to get more rest sometime this week. I have a feeling that will be. Today I have 2 presentations one for the CF forum and the other is the ABAWD training. I have to edit my document to present this morning. Hopefully everything goes well again.
Morning went well, I was able to edit the MC forum minutes for the meeting and worked on a scenario for the income training.
The presentation went well, it was quick, not too much information to go over.
After I hung out and reviewed some items that needed to be checked and had lunch.

Got to 1440 and hung out with Amilcar for a but before heading into the conference room to set up for the training. Talked with Monika for a bit before people started showing up. Today was good and bad, good because I was able to present to familiar faces and bad because those same faces always find something to complain about.
But overall I think it went well. We finished early and had our post meeting check in.
We were told that the income training we were working on will be postponed due to another project that we will hear about tomorrow.
After that I hung out and talked to Maria, Camila, Cynthia and Rebekah before I drove to my sister's to get the kids.

After my sister's I picked up my wife and nephew and went to Tanforan for dinner and to get some chips for the baptism reception. Came home, showered and put the baby to sleep and went to bed early.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Game day

The night went well. Gabriel slept all night. He moved around a bit, but was sleeping. My hip is hurting a bit. I feel good today, it's our 9 year wedding anniversary, I left my wife a card in the car so she can get it when she starts the car.
Today is also training day for me, I am going in to 1440 to check in and at 9 it's go time. I am sure it will go well.
Went to the 3rd floor to look for a computer to work on to go over the presentation. At 8:20 I went down to meet my team and set up the room. I went first and I did very well if I must say. We debriefed and I was set for lunch.

Had lunch with Amilcar at V cafe, had a mushroom cheesesteak and came back to the building. The next presentation was at 2. I closed that one out. I think I did well on this one too. Overall, the 2 were pretty food in my opinion. Looking forward to tomorrow. After I drove home.

Played with the kids and when my wife got home we went to the Dollar Tree to pick up some things for the Baptism on Saturday. Some drinks, cups and table cloths. After we came home. I put Gabriel to sleep, took a shower, played a drawing game with Javi and had to go to the airport to pick up my sister in law and her husband and kids. Thankfully it went smoothly. Now back at home, going to sleep. I have the CF forum meeting presentation and one more ABAWD phase 2 training. Tomorrow should be another good day.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Busy week

My hip is hurting due to having to contort my body while Gabriel was getting comfy in the bed. Got ready, washed a bottle, packed my lunch and drove to work. The drive was good, slight traffic. Still in the rental, found good parking.
This week will be a busy one. Today the trainings at work begin, tonight Benihana, tomorrow is my turn to present the training, I have an airport pick up, presenting to the CF managers and supervisors and more training facilitating. Then on Saturday it's Gabriel's baptism. So much to do this week and ofcourse still monitoring Javi's recovery process and waiting for information on the car.
It's going to be a long week.
The morning went well. Just did some research and got ready for the trainings.

Had lunch and walked over to 1440 to sit in for the training to see how they set the tone. It was good, they did well. Can't wait for tomorrow when it's my turn.
After I drove home to put some clothes to wash and get ready for benihana.

We had a good meal and we got home finished laundry, took a shower, put Gabriel to bed and finished watching RAW and went to bed.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sunday Sunday Sunday

It was a good night. Gabriel slept for a majority of it. Got up, changed a poopy diaper, played, had coffee and now relaxing. Still sleepy.
Hung out for a but, was planning on staying in and I thought that it was understood that me and the boys would be here while my wife and mother in law went shopping, but they changed plans and got upset that I didn't want to go. For one I didn't want to drive, two Gabriel doesn't let anyone shop and three Javi shouldn't really be in long bar rides right now. But as always, I am the bad guy here.
Anyway, I brought out Javi's water toys and Gabriel's play yard so they can spend time outside in the nice weather. I thought Gabriel would nap after his bottle but he stayed up.

We are still outside. Javi played a bit with the kids from downstairs, Gabriel finally fell asleep for a nap after I gave him a snack. Right now Javi is playing with water balloons and the water outside. We are waiting to see if my sister comes to pick up Gabriel like she said she would.
She picked him up and probably 5 minutes later by wife came home. We went to serramonte to go look for Javi's outfit for Saturday. We ran into Brian, Arnel and Priscilla as they were selling some toys at the mall. After we met my sister at Babies r us to get Gabriel and came home.

It's hot. My wife and the boys ate soup. I put Gabriel down and played outside with Javi until he woke up again. He was fussy so I had to put him back down. He is sleeping now, going to go shower and chill, busy week for me.
Was able to play a little bit more with Javi. About to go to bed, no dinner tonight, just had some chips and a few beers. Felt like one of those nights. Hopefully this week I can get the issue with the car settled and also finish up getting ready for the baptism.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

The day after

Was up before 7. Super tired. Haven't been able to sleep well the last few days and yesterday was a long day. Came to the living room with my wife and the boys. Had to call directv to inquire about a situation with my DVR. Javi is doing well, he is resting. Finished watching up and how on to Peter Pan

We went to Costco to get a few things, Javi started to feel sick so we came home so he could rest. He slept for a while and that was a good thing.

Javi wanted to go to my sister's house since they were doing a birthday thing for my niece and brother in law. We hung out for about an hour and a half and came back home so he could rest some more.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Surgery day

We got up at around 4:30 to get ready, we drove to Santa Clara to check in to the office. We were ready to be seen at 6:30. They lead us in to the pre surgery room and we got Javi ready and he chilled until about 8 in the morning when they came to get him for the surgery and sent us out to wait. That was a long few hours. When it was done the doctor came to get us and explained what they did and how it was done. Javi did great. When he finally woke up he got a popsicle and apple juice.
We headed home, the drive was good. I went to get lunch and over to target to get Javi some Gatorade. They picked up the car earlier for repairs, hopefully they fix it fast.

Had lunch and now hanging out with Javi. I had put Gabriel down for a nap, but I think he woke up. I took a nap while Javi watched tv. He is a very brave kid, I am so proud of him. He went through a lot today and did it like a pro. My Mom, sister,  niece and dominic came by to visit Javi to see how he was doing. They stayed a bit, had some ice cream and left.

I headed out to pick up some sushi and wings we ordered. Probably won't hear anything about the car tomorrow, maybe until Monday. Javi ate the wings he ordered, I took a shower. Gabriel had an accident on the comforter,  washing and drying it right now, so I may not sleep as early as anticipated. So tired, can't wait to get to bed. But all in all, today was good. My son is awesome and super brave.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

The day before

Couldn't really sleep too well. Kept waking up due to Gabriel and also thinking about the accident. I got up washed a bottle, made coffee, got ready and headed out. I moved the car in front of the house so there would be no issue with leaving it in one spot for a few days.
The drive was interesting,  I was a little nervous but I got here. Tomorrow is Javi's surgery, today I have a few meetings and get to leave at 4.
Morning was ok, responded to some emails and sent out a few for some things I need to do next week. Later I am going to meet my coworkers at 2 Gough. I talked to the insurance person and set up a car rental.

Had lunch, walked over to 2 Gough and met Agnes, she gave us a tour and we talked about the trainings. It was a bit of a mess but it will be fine. I had to step out a few times to take phone calls. I met up with Aimee who works there and we talked for a bit, it was nice to catch up. Javi's surgery check in is now at 6:30 am. Heading over to get the kids and go get the car rental after.

Got the car, it's a Suburu. After I went to get Hawaiian barbecue and some Starbucks refreshes. Came home and ate. Put Gabriel to sleep and went to shower and watch some shows. When I saw nothing was on I tv, I played WWE 2k18, now going to bed. Javi has a surgery tomorrow so now we rest

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Another day closer...

Didn't hear my first alarm  this morning, but still woke up at a good time. Got ready, washed the bottles and made on for Gabriel before I left. The drive was good, found parking quick. Javi is going to the Giants game today with my nephew, so we have his things ready and gave him the pep talk on behaving and paying attention. He should be fine.
I have to attend the forum at 1440 and lunch with Amilcar, later a meeting regarding the training next week.
Morning went well, went over to 1440 for the forum and it was quick. Spent time with a few folks and went to have lunch.

Lunch was good, I had duck. After I went to my desk and got the meeting changed to 1440 which was good. We had the meeting, cleared up a few things and got the schedule for training. I got Tuesday,  Wednesday and Friday. Got out late and boy was that a mistake.

So coming off the freeway I was driving on Miller and out of nowhere on Cypress a motorcycle comes dashing across and I could not avoid it. I hit the bike and the guy flew in the air and hit the ground. I pulled over to check on him, he was non responsive.  A lady called 911 and they were on their way. The guy got taken to the hospital in an ambulance and I answered all the questions the police had.
I am a wreck right now, I can't get the image out of my head of him flying off the bike in the air and landing. I'm glad that I was alone and no one else was hurt. Now I have to deal with the insurance part of this problem.
I'm still a bit shaken up. We had dinner and I was playing with the kids. I wish that this didn't happen. I went to put Gabriel down and after took a shower, made my lunch for tomorrow and now watching Lucha Underground. Still pissed about today. Hopefully tomorrow is better

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

One day closer...

Gabriel had a much better night. He only woke up once, had a bottle and then slept well. I got up, got ready, washed a bottle, put clothes to dry. I sent out 2 invitations for Gabriel's baptism and prepared the other ones to give to my family in person. I forgot my headset, but I am covered because I always have some other headphones with me. It's cold, but I'm here. Getting another day closer to Javi's surgery.
Hopefully today will be a good day and go by fast.

Monday, June 18, 2018

The week of...

Stop me if you heard this one before. Gabriel had a bad night. Around 3 I took him out to the living room and we fell asleep there until around 5:25. He was still sleeping when I went to get ready for work. I washed his two bottles and got my things ready to head to work.
The drive was good. It is cold out today. Hopefully I can get done what I need to get done and have the day go faster.
The morning has been ok so far. Finished what I had to do. I don't feel very productive at all today. Would like to be home.
Still not feeling it at all, terrible day for productivity.

Had my sandwich and chilled for a bit. I have a headache that won't go away.  Going to get some coffee over at Starbucks see if happens to be a caffeine headache. When I get back I will continue to wait for the feedback on the slides and go from there.
I was so tired and unproductive today, I think I even dozed off while taking a break, I was just so over it today.
Anyway, work was done, walked to the car and came home to see the boys. My Thor Dark World dvd came in with a Puppy Dog Pals dvd I got for Javi.

Went to buy burritos for dinner, played with the kids. Put Gabriel to bed, did some Yoga, showered and put Gabriel to bed. Yes, he woke up again so I had to out him down to sleep again, this time Javi came to bed as well. Now waiting for home to get out of the room, I have 1 more load of laundry and I need fo was the dishes. Going to finish watching RAW and go to sleep.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Father's day

Gabriel had a bad night again. We woke up got ready to go order the cake for the baptism and to go to Great America. We drove to Pacifica and ordered the cake, had some pastries and dropped off my mother in law here at the house before going to Great America. It was a quick drive, it wasn't really full. We got on all the rides that Javi wanted to get on and had a good time.

We drove to Hillsdale mall to see if we found some clothes for the kids. No luck. We walked around a bit and came home with about 6 minutes to spare before the Money in the Bank PPV

The PPV started off strange, I couldn't get into the match placements. I thought the women's MITB match was great, AJ vs Shinsuke was great and the men's MITB match was great as well. Some things were a bit obvious. I wanted Beckey Lynch and Rusev to win, but they went with Alexa who cashed in on Nia Jaxx during her match with Rhonda Rousey. Braun won the other one. Overall great effort and good PPv. Let's see what happens tomorrow.
After I tried to put Gabriel to sleep,  he wasn't having it. I showered, washed and sanitized bottles and made lunch for tomorrow.
I spent a great father's day with my wife and kids. Now it's time for bed.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Going for a swim

Gabriel is crazy. That's all. He is bit sleeping well right now. He is all over the place. He can't just sleep. He wakes up, upset that he is up, starts crying and flopping around like a fish from pillow to pillow. Anyway, we are up, he has the hiccups and I am about to give him some breakfast. Javi is playing with his toys, we go swimming today.
We got ready to go to swim class, I went first with Javi because Gabriel went to nap.

Swim classes were awesome. Both boys did great. After we came home to leave a car, we had lunch at McDonald's and went to the park to play for some time. We were there for about an hour and a half. Javi played a lot with some kids. After we came home and rested. We have a dinner at 6:15

Diner was great. The boys behaved and the food was delicious. After we came home, everyone showered and put Gabriel to bed before watching Alice in Wonderland with Javi. He liked the movie. Now just watching NXT takeover and will head to bed.

Friday, June 15, 2018


It's finally Friday. Just today is left before the weekend. The last few days I have been very unhappy with things. Trying to keep my my mind off of things that are making me sad, but it gets hard. It will pass, but it just sucks. Anyway, I got up, got ready and drove to work. The drive was good and found parking in my area. This morning I have to submit my time sheet and do some more research on income. Hopefully things go quick this morning.
Morning was good, sent an email with the answers that they wanted about the intake business process and waited to go to lunch.

Met Tim and Kathleen at Gaslamp Cafe and had an omelet. It was good, we talked for a bit and after lunch I walked back with them to 1440 so I can meet with my unit member. I was able to hang out a bit with Maria, Cynthia and Rebekah before my meeting. When I took a break I went to Costco and met Amilcar  I got some formula and headed back in. Before I left I stopped by to talk to a few more people and said my goodbyes and started walking to my car to come home.

Got home, switched out some laundry and folded the clothes. We had left over Chinese food for dinner. Played with the kids, put Gabriel to bed and went to clean the kitchen and do some Yoga. After I took a shower and we watched some tv. Tired, about to go to bed. See what the weekend brings.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Happy Flag Day!

Last night I fell asleep on the couch a little before 11. I went to the room around 1 am. Gabriel woke up around 4:10ish and my wife fed him and he went back to bed. Today is my niece/Goddaughter's 21st birthday. She is in Las Vegas with her mom (my sister) and my Mom (her grandma). Looks like she is having fun.
Also last night we got word that they are attacking the town (Jinotepe) that my Dad live in. There have been several reports of gun shots to planes dropping chemicals, but we have not been able to confirm anything except that my Dad is in the house with the person who takes care of him and they are locked in and staying inside the house.
Regarding this situation many factors are in play, I really have to authority to make key final decisions as I am limited in resources and in space, but I have offered many suggestions based on the facts that I know and based on things that would effect everyone's daily life. It's easy to say 'do this' or 'do that' without having the full information. People tend to forget that things are not that easy and especially if that person doesn't understand the whole impact and the change it will bring and doesn't understand what their new role will be. It's not just about making a decision and walking away, there should be a long term plan.
But anyway, here in the car waiting for time to walk to work. Hopefully today goes by fast. I have a few things to go over and some emails to send out.
The morning went well. Talked to my supervisor in regards to the upcoming training materials and other things. Was able to answer a few questions that were submitted to me regarding MC.

Had spaghetti again for lunch and watched another episode of Staircase on Netflix. Went to peet's for an iced coffee and banana bread, hanging out here for a bit to be out of the building. I have a meeting at 2 via teleconference.  I already got the materials. Tomorrow should be fun as I will finish the day at 1440. I was able to talk to my Dad he said everything was ok today.
The rest of the day at work was good. Had the unit meeting and did some research. I was able to talk to another specialist and try to figure a case out regarding Transfer On Death accounts. Overall a productive day. After that walked to my car and heading home.

Tried calling my niece/Goddaughter so Javi and Gabriel could wish her a happy birthday but the reception was bad. Told her to text me when she got out of there, still no text. Gabriel is sleeping. About to go cut my hair, do some yoga and shower after. One more work day. Can't wait for the week to be over.
The boys didn't get to make the call, she never texted back. Javi was a bit disappointed but oh well, it happens. After I put Javi down, finished washing the clothes and now going to bed.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Half way there

Did not sleep too well. Gabriel moves too much and I kept waking up to check where he was at. My hip was hurting. A good hurt from the yoga stretching. I got up and got ready, headed to Starbucks to get coffee (double star day!) And drove to work. The drive was good, quick. No waiting to go in to work. Let's see if we get answers from wh emails that were sent.
Morning went well, I had to add some things to the forum minutes that I went over. After the meeting I was asked to do some research on a scenario for an application.  Sending out some emails and reviewing business processes to see what I can find.

Had lunch, watched a show on Netflix before heading back in to work. Things have been good today and everyone is chill. Right now having an iced coffee and will go back in soon to see if I make a few calls to clear some things up.
When time was up I started to walk over to the car to come home.

Got home, checked the kitchen sink, it looks like it was leaking but I could not figure out from where. I took out the trash and then we headed to Chuck E Cheese for a bit so Javi could play. We did that for about an hour or so and headed back home. Gave Gabriel and Javi a bath. Put Gabriel to sleep and did a DDP Yoga work out and showered. Now just finishing up lucha Underground and going to watch some tv and go to bed.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

So sleepy

I was able to get the Mickey's Halloween party tickets and went to sleep around 12:20. Gabriel woke up around 1 ish and again close to 5, I fed him before I started to get ready for work. I washed bottles, put clothes to dry and drove to work. Going to try to take a quick nap before I start my walk to work .
The morning went well, just really tirdd. Worked on some research for a project and relaxed.
I was able to talk to Kaiser regarjdn Javi's upcoming surgery. I know things will be fine.

Had lunch and dozed off a bit. Still feeling the effects of not sleeping much. I was helping some folks out with their cases and headed home.

Got home, we went to Target to grab a few things and came back. We played and I put Gabriel to sleep.  Javi stayed up a bit longer. After he went to bed I stayed up to watch some tv and then finally slept.

Monday, June 11, 2018

It's clobberin' time!

Gabriel had an interesting night. He moves around a lot to get comfortable and sleep. He was all over the place. I got up, got ready, washed bottles and drove to work.
The drive was good, I have been listening to the radio and keep remembering why i don't listen to it as much anymore. These sports talk hosts look for anything to be negative on and think what they are saying is cool. Oh well. It's Monday and I'm ready to get to work.
Morning went well, just hung out and chatted with a few people. Just waiting for lunch.

Ate my lunch and took a walk to get an iced coffee. I had a meeting at 2:30 regarding training that we will be creating and presenting. I did a little research on it and grabbed some materials to share with my coworker tomorrow.  After here going to get the boys and hang out for a bit.

Got home and hung out. Made dinner and put clothes to wash. I was able to do a session of DDP Yoga and it was good. Happy to be doing it again. I have to stay up to get the Mickey's Halloween party tickets. So I am going to watch RAW while I wait. It's off to bed after I get the tickets.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Another pleasant valley Sunday

Slept in a bit. My hack was hurting this morning. When I got up both kids were in the living room playing. I had some coffee and chilled. My wife and Javi made some water balloons and I connected the hose just to find out there was a hole in it. About to shower and go get some lunch.

We went to Red Lobster and to Tanforan after to change the baptism outfit. After I went to Target to get the hose and a few shirts and a case of beer as my last case was down to 3. Still saving the Stella for the Disney trip in October. After that we came home. So tired.

We basically just hung out at home. I got Gabriel's bag ready for tomorrow, we ate corn for dinner and that was about it for the day. A nice lazy day, about to go to bed. Work again tomorrow. 9 work days until a day off.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Weekend vibes

Left the room with Gabriel close to 8 and we went to the living room so he can roam around and play. Javi got up soon after and came out. We were watching some Disney cartoons and eventually around 9 my wife woke up and we had breakfast. Trying to get Gabriel to nap before heading out m, it's not working right now.
No nap for him, I went to take a shower and then packed the kids in the car to go pick up my sister for a toys r us run.
We got there and the store was pretty much bare, there weren't many things that were good to get, but the prices were reduced to almost 60% off. I got a Bingo game and some things for the kids.

We drove back home and went to the post office and to have lunch at the taqueria. I had a super burrito and Javi had a Chicken taco. We waited for my wife to get home and headed out to look for Gabriel's baptism outfit. We went to Serramonte and to Tanforan and found it.

We tried the outfit on and it did not fit.  We have to go exchange it for a bigger size. Played with the kids for a bit and tried putting Gabriel to sleep, but he is not having it. He wants to be held and put on the bed, so he is crying it out right now. Javi is eating some chicken soup.
Both boys are sleeping, watching Arrested Development and about to go to bed. See you all in the morning

Friday, June 8, 2018

It's Friday!

Got up, my back is a little stiff. Kept waking up all night because of some strange thing I dreamt about. Got up, got ready and drove to work. Now waiting for time to go in. Leaving work today at 12 to go to my dentist appointment,  hopefully everything goes well.
The morning was good, was really just trying to pass the time before leaving.  Time came and headed to the car.

Got to the car, drove to get gas and a quick car wash before my dentist appointment. The appointment went really well. I was complimented on my good teeth cleaning techniques.  After I went to get lunch and headed home to hang out with the kids.
Around 3:30 I went to pick up my mom as she was going to watch the boys while we went to the movies.

We went to watch Solo and, well... it was interesting. I thought it was ok, should have been shorter than it was. It felt long and was long. It had some cool moments but I would not recommend watching this in the theater, you can wait.
After we found out that the Warriors swept the Cavaliers and won back to back championships. I went to drop off my mom and came back home. Now watching game highlights before bed.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Back at it

Gabriel had another interesting night. There was a moment that he was flipping around like a fish out of water. But at least he slept. He was looking a little better so I was able to get to work. I got dressed, made coffee and washed a bottle. After I was done there I started the drive to work.
The drive was good, no traffic. Found parking and now waiting to go in to work.
Work has been ok so far. Just tired, on a break right now about to go back and see where I go to lunch.

Met Cynthia over at AK Subs. I had ordered my sandwich on line so I just walked in to pay. We were talking about what was going on at work and also talked about the Warriors. After I headed back to work and had my unit meeting and just hung out until it was time to go home.

Got home and waited for my mom and sister to drop off the boys. My wife came home and she made dinner. Played with the boys and put Gabriel to sleep. Right now hanging out and going to see if Javi goes to bed soon.
Watched some tv and went to bed. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Mr. Stark... I'm not feeling that well

Woke up this morning and decided to stay in. Gabriel is not feeling well and my stomach is acting up. I probably would have been able to make it to work if it was just my stomach issue, but since little man is sick I think it's best to stay in.
The morning went well. He didn't cough a lot but I could tell he wasn't feeling good because he wanted to cuddle and was a bit needy. I got out to put the eye patch on Javi and we hung out for some time.
When it seemed Gabriel wanted to nap, I took them both to the room to watch Peter Pan and he took a nap while Javi and I watched the movie.

My wife came home for lunch. I got dressed and ate the PB&J sandwiches I made for lunch and I took off to go buy some Dayquil.  After that I came home and hung out some more with the kids. I changed Gabriel because he had an accident and played Life Junior with Javi.

I got sent to Popeye's for dinner. Came back home, ate, showered, right now putting Gabriel to sleep and about to go out to the living room.
We played more of Life Junior for a bit. My wife ordered the invitations for Gabriel's baptism. About to watch some Warriors and Giants highlights before going to bed.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

My Path... Part 4

I made my return to work on 3/1/2018. The two months that I had off were well needed. I was excited to get back and to be a better peer. I had a good first few days catching up with everyone and then it happened, management did something that really cut deep. With the last Cohort (12) I poured a lot into it, the group poured a lot into it and did really well. I took a look at the Forum minutes and they only thank the other person that did nothing. I was livid. Not because they didn't thank me but because they straight up gave her credit and praise for something she did not really do. She was never there, when she was she was on the phone and gave the wrong direction and looked down on them.
I was given a lame excuse of 'they have to thank everyone', which was not true because I was never thanked for helping with Cohort 11.
I spoke to a few supervisors and expressed my disappointment. First off, not one, not one of the supervisors involved in the OJT process or the ones I spoke to during the process spoke up and said to either wait for me to thank us both, or to not thank anyone. I also told them that whatever they did, because I knew that they were going to try and do a 'make good' gesture, that I didn't want it. If they really wanted to thank me, they should just mention the Cohort by name and congratulate them on passing probation under the conditions they had to do it in.
I was forced to attend a meeting to get a certificate of thanks. To me it was an empty gesture at this point, so when I accepted it, I told them again, I don't want the thanks, the time for that was over and if they truly wanted to thank me, they could do it by congratulating the cohort by name. Of course they didn't do it, so that confirmed for me that management really did not appreciate the effort I made, so I decided at that point to not participate in any more projects.
I had scheduled an interview of a 2913 Program Specialist position with the Investigations department, Appeals unit. The interview went really well and I felt good. For some reason, maybe fate, the interviewer asked me if I was comfortable with the position not being too flexible with time off. At that time I thought it would be fine. After a few days I found out some information regarding my family that changed the flexibility that I thought I had. I got sent an email to go get fingerprinted, which meant that I was going to be offered the position. Yes, I got the job based on me, my work, I did not know anyone there, I didn't have family involved in the hiring, it was all me. But I had to decline the offer as I didn't think it was fair for my family to tie up my time and not be available for them. So I continued working and I had a feeling that I would get another interview soon and I would be out of my current position.
I had another interview scheduled for the 2913 program specialist position at my old building 1235 Mission, I thought the interview went real well and I felt good about it. However, with the hiring practices within the city you never know. I was also offered the position, this one I took. I wanted to wait until the paperwork was signed to officially tell people, but a manager had already spilled the beans to some people who came over and asked and the cat came out of the bag. I was disappointed because I wanted to be the one to announce it. They wanted to throw me a congratulations party, but I politely declined as I didn't want to be the center of attention. However management insisted that it be done. I was the reason for some people to get cake in the afternoon.
When I found out that the position would mean that I would be leaving my home, it sucked. I did not want to leave. But I had to and about a month later I did.
Now I am here part of a great training team, my supervisor is really cool and very flexible. I now work 7:30-4:30 and get to do something that I know I can and will be good at. This is just the beginning of where this journey leads and where it will go? I don't know. Maybe in the future I take a supervisor position, maybe I stay in this position or move to a different program. But what is for sure whatever I do will for sure benefit me and my family.
My journey here so far has been great. Just like with everything, there are ups and downs. Right now with Cohort 12 and my promotion, I would say that I am sky high. I can't wait to see what happens next.
To Be Continued....

My Path... Part 3

Cohort 12 turned out to be one of the most stressful and rewarding experiences of my working career. Management asked me to work with the group to see if the proposed mentor program outline would fit. They paired me with someone who begged to be part of the program. I was not the only one that felt uneasy about her getting selected, but this is what they gave me and I tried my best to make it work. I had a conversation with her and she told me that she wanted to be a trainer and that she would use this as a stepping stone and asked for my recommendation at the end of the project because and I quote 'for some reason they listen to you'. At that point I only asked her to be present when she was here, to actually put an effort and be present. She said she would do that.
She had already been working with the group and she was telling me that this group would be 'difficult' and that they were not as 'advanced' as other groups, that I would find it challenging and that I would not get along with one of them because she was abrasive. I had the chance to meet them the Friday before the program began, but I decided to not do that and wait until Monday. I didn't appreciate the scouting report and her trying to get these thoughts in my head, so I waited. We agreed to meet at 8:15 on Monday to introduce ourselves to the group.
It was Monday and I introduced myself and let them know the other person would arrive at 8:15 and we would make an announcement.  At 8:15 I started, gave them an introduction and run down of who I am and what I do. I explained that I felt responsible for all 8 of them; Adriana, Aldo, Cynthia, Janet, Maria, Rebekah, Sandra and Wendy told them that if they put in the effort, I would match them and help them pass probation. She decided to arrive at 8:40 and wanted to do the introduction. I told her I did mine and if she wanted to do that to go for it. It was at that moment that I knew she didn't really care about any of them.
I was helping the AM EW's: Aldo, Cynthia, Janet and Sandra. I had one on one meetings with them to see where they were and where they wanted to go. There were a few days that I had to get covered on my end and I had my friend Amilcar take care of those days. I covered for when she was out. For the first 4 weeks I would notice that the PM EW's were asking me a lot of questions early in the morning and one day the other person came over and asked me something about another project we were on, where she wanted to take the easy way out. After I told her to do what she felt was right, that I would handle the rest, no worries, I can help anyone get to where they need to be. 
One of the EW's started to tell me what was going on in the training. The other mentor was not really helpful, the perceived power this project gave her got to her head and she was rude and not open to anything. The tipping point for me to speak up was when I saw one of them who was in pain due to carpel tunnel issues, I asked her to take an extra break. When I talked to the other mentor I asked her if she had noticed that this EW was in pain and she said 'no'. 4 weeks!, 4 weeks and she didn't notice. I started hearing a lot more and I decided to speak to management to have them have a sit down with the OJT EW's so they can express what they felt. They did and the action taken was not something I would have done, but they decided and I went with it.
They decided to alternate us starting week 5. I thought this was the worst thing they could do. All the work I did with my group would be destroyed by her. So what I did was offer my services all day. That's what I did, I helped all 8 of them. They did not trust her for anything. I built up a few of them to the point where I knew they could block out the nonsense and do continue doing great and they did. I would send my weekly reports in with specific details that I knew she had no clue on. She would come to me to ask what was going on and read my reports so she could report her things. 
This all came to an explosive conversation we had.
We got into really bad, she told me that I 'set the bar too high' when all I asked of the group was to do what was asked of them, I never asked them to do more than what they were assigned. I pushed them to challenge themselves and they rose to the occasion. I envisioned the long term goal and where they needed to be to pass and asked them to meet me there. It took some more time than others, but they got there. 
I was with the group up until I went on leave, I kept in touch with the whole I was out because I didn't want them to feel that I had left them by themselves. 
I have mentioned this before, but it still is true. I was getting a bit burned out and disillusioned with everything, but this group and experience gave me a new energy and breathed a new life into me for work. So I had decided that during my leave, I would rebuild, redesign and reclaim my spot and do it with a different outlook and be more open with my peers.
One thing I was able to do that I took everyone aback was when I enlisted my cubicle neighbors Tim and Kathleen to decorate our cubicles for Halloween and Christmas. We went all out. It was awesome. 
So, like I said, I left on my bonding leave and on 3/1/18 I made my return.

My path... Part 2

So I was assigned to do a project where I would mentor a group of new Eligibility Workers (EW) during their On The Job (OJT) training. Cohort 11 Ana, Carolina, Glenn, Henry, Janet, Judy, Katie Miguel C, Miguel P and Isivisi (although she was out for maternity reasons)
My role was to help the morning crew of Carolina, Katie, Judy and Miguel P. But due to the other person I was working with not being consistent on time and attendance I worked with both groups and this is where I took ownership of the process and progress of the group. I took it on myself to make sure they all passed probation and became part of the Medi-CAL family.
There was no instruction on what we were to be doing besides sitting there and be ready to answer questions. This did not sit well with me, I would jot down case numbers and issues the cohort was having, I would also write down little things that I would notice about work ethic and how they were doing integrating with the every day business process.
About 4 or 5 weeks into it, we get an email to attend a meeting to report on the group, this was never mentioned so we had to scramble to get something down. Luckily I had some things down already and we were able to present where the group was at. After this meeting I sat down with the other mentor and we discussed a possible outline for this program, my intention was to set up expectations between everyone, Managers, Supervisors, Mentors and the OJT EW's. We laid it out to a 10 week program where we would invest more time with the group to get to know them individually and see how we could adjust to their needs to help them.
It was a bit late in this process to try it, but we did it for the future of the program. What I was able to do was be there for them. There was a trust issue based on work ethic that the PM group had with the other mentor that had them not asking questions and waiting for me the next day. Since I was proactive with the program, I would check to see if I was needed all day and I would help them out as much as I could.  I worked closely with a few of the OJT supervisors in an attempt to help out those who were falling behind, I gave suggestions to them and to the EW's I would always reassure them that I would be able to get them to the end if they put in the work.
It was a challenging experience because one of the supervisors just did not want to cooperate with us and made it hard all around. When the actual OJT portion ended and those that passed probation were sent to their desks, there were about 4 that we on extended probation, I offered one on one services to help them understand what to do with their tasks. Some supervisors took advantage of the offer more than others but in the end (besides one that left to go back to school) they all passed probation and they had a confidence in themselves that for sure was a result of the extra help.
I really enjoyed my time with the group, but I wanted to return to doing my old assignment. But I guess that when you do something well, they want you to do it again.

I went back to doing my old assignment which was tasks and all day phones for the Affordable Care Act. And I was called into a meeting, I was asked again if I would like to be a mentor for the next Cohort (12) and if possible if we could try to follow the outline that we had created. To be honest I really didn't want to and when I found out who I would be partnered with, I for sure didn't want to. But, as I always said, whatever they need me to do, as long as the paychecks are signed, I'll do it. So the journey with Cohort 12 began and so far this has been the one project that has changed me, personally and professionally. I'll get into that next time. 

My Path... Part 1

I couldn't find the best way to start this, so I guess I will just start. I have been working with the City and County of San Francisco since 2012, specifically with the Calfresh program. I had passed the induction training, passed probation and was sent to a satellite work station to assist clients in applying and determining if they were eligible for CalFresh benefits. There was a shift in the program structure and I was brought back to the main building and learned more about how the other side worked. In September of 2013, everything changed. Due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) they needed some Eligibility Workers (EW's) to move over to the Medi-CAL building to be part of a new group the San Francisco Benefit Net (SFBN) group. Due to reverse seniority I was one of the EW's selected to move.
I understood what was going on and why it had to happen, but the way everything was handled was not a good experience for me. The manager at the time was so disingenuous when she spoke to me about the decision that was sent down, this decision was going to effect my life, there was a potential that I would start later or have to work on Saturday's and that was not ideal because my son had just turned 1 and I did not want to miss any time with him at that stage. It still stings to this day what she said. 'Well, at least you will have a Costco across the street' and a few days later we had to have our boxes ready and we were moved. First to training and then to the Medi-Cal office to part of the Medi-Cal program.
My first supervisor there was Lydia, she was very knowledgeable and straight forward. Any reservations I had about the move to the program and building were eased by her. I think that it was a great pairing. We understood each other and what was expected. I didn't totally feel welcomed at first in the building, I am not sure why people were very stand offish and hesitant to the change. I am naturally a fast learner and fast worker, so I would finish my things early and I guess since people didn't have much to do they would complain that I wasn't 'doing work'. I never understood that, I just can't wrap my head around others caring so much about what I am doing, that it bothers them. But anyway, I was the lead for the unit and the experience was great.
Then the first reassignment came.
I was moved over to my second supervisor Nora, she was a pleasure to be around. She was very nurturing and kind. Her style was different, very knowledgeable but would always like to talk it out to see where we can come to an agreement and move forward. She was more relaxed in a sense of not letting the work get to her, I'm not saying that she didn't care, but it was more of a thing where she didn't let the work consume her. I was the lead for this unit as well and around this point I became the lead for the ACA phone workers (there were 3 of us) and the primary health plan selection person
during open enrollment. Then my last re-assignment of supervisors came about.
I found out that I was going to be moved when the new phone roster came out. Normally your current supervisor should inform you of such things, but I guess the jumped the gun. My new supervisor was Rudy, we hit it off right off the bat because we both watch wrestling. I think our pairing was great because we had an understanding and respect for each other that made our working relationship start off on a good point. We shared many conversations about everything from work to sports, to wrestling and to movies. His approach is more laid back than anything, but he would for sure get you the answers you needed. During my time with Rudy I was once again the lead worker and I was asked (actually told) to be a part of training for the On The Job (OJT) training portion for new EW's.
This was the beginning of a journey that changed my direction here with the Human Services Agency.

Another day

Gabriel woke up around 4:15 ish and I changed and fed him. Put him in bed to tried to get him to sleep. He was a bit fussy again and moved around  a lot. I was so close to calling out today, my back is still still and I am tired. But nevertheless, I got up, got ready and started to drive to work. The drive was ok, no traffic and found parking. Now just waiting to walk to work.
I was able to update my notes for tomorrow and basically tried to find things to keep busy. My back is still stiff, I want to go home.
The day has gone ok so far. I literally have nothing to do yet, it's hard trying to pass the time. But anyway I continue.

Ate my lunch and hung out. I've been listening to podcasts all day. I have my things ready for tomorrow's presentation. Going to find a way to keep busy, not sure what I will do, but I am off at 4:30, going home to pick up my wife to go get Gabriel since Javi will be at the show.
Got home, dropped some things off while waiting for my wife to get home. When she did we went to get the baby and to Babies r us. There was no more baby water and almost all the food was gone. So we went to stock up at Target and came home.

I bought some ground beef to make sliders. They turned out delicious. I added cheese and sauteed onions.  Now putting Mr. Man to bed.
Gabriel is a bit sick, stuffy nose so I assume that it will be a long night. Javi came home from the PJ Masks show and he said he really liked it. He ate dinner, washed up and off to bed. Now I am about to go to sleep. So tired.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Back to work

Really do not want to go to work today. I am tired, exhausted,  my back is super stiff and my stomach is acting up. But I am here. I woke up got ready and started the drive over to work. Slight traffic, but nothing too bad. Hopefully the time goes by fast today, have to research a program to give a quick overview during the meeting on Wednesday. Going to try and nap before heading in to work.
The walk in to work was good. My hip hurts a bit but I can manage. Got in and checked in with my supervisor, looks like I will be doing one on one drop in hours soon. Also talked about what I will be doing for the forum meeting on Wednesday.
Still debating if I go over to drop off Maria's birthday gift off today or tomorrow. All I know is, it's almost lunch time

Had lunch, walked over to 1440 to give Maria the gift and drawing I made her for her birthday. She really loved the items. After I went to visit Tim who had just returned from Greece, he got me a magnet which looks awesome. After that I went to Peet's for an iced coffee and went back to work. Cleaned up the notes I will present and when it was time, I started the walk to the car to go get the kids.

Picked up the kids and came home. We ran out real quick to get some tortillas and carnitas. We ate that with cheese and sausage links. Right now I am put Gabriel to bed and we'll see what we do with Javi for a bit before he goes to bed. Tomorrow he goes to see PJ Masks with my niece and sister.
I ended up taking a shower and hung out with my wife and Javi until he went to bed. Watched the rest of the Giants game and the news and now it's bed time. Good night world.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

On the road

Woke up, got ready and packed the car. We ate at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles, it was our first time and it was good. Then we started out to drive home.

On the drive on 5, now we are at Anderson's pea soup. So close to being home

We finished eating and drove home, my sister started to not feel well so I drove the rest of the way. We dropped off my mom around 7:30 & we were home by 7:50, got the kids showered and put Gabriel down and went to buy formula real quick. I washed and sanitized bottles and got everything ready for tomorrow. Back to work after a great weekend.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Disney day!

I drove most of the night and most of the way. We got to Anaheim at around 6 in the morning. Had breakfast at McDonald's and headed for Disneyland. We got on the carousel,  sleeping beauty castle, dumbo, the mad hatter tea cups and finally space mountain. Javi was not a fan. But he'll get there.
After we got on Star Tours, Gabriel's first ride was the Buzz Lightyear one.

Spent the time in the park, Haunted Mansion,  Jungle Cruise, took pictures with Darth Vader and had lunch. It was a nice hot day.

We checked in to the hotel and went back to the park, saw the Pixar Parade and rode It's a small world,  Roger Rabbit, back to the mad hatter tea cups, dumbo and Casey's circus train. After that we saw the fireworks show and came back to the hotel, about to finally sleep. We head back early tomorrow.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Wake up... it's the first of the month

Gabriel is just not having it. He doesn't sleep well and in turn we don't sleep well. He moves around way too much. He always ends up banging himself against the headboard, even after our attempts to block it. So tired. Went to get dressed, put clothes to dry, wash and sanitize bottles. Made my coffee and headed out to work.
The drive was smooth, it's still cold. I'm off early today, I think I'll either go get some snacks for the trip or go home and sleep for a few hours before getting the kids.

Had my sandwich and watched the rest of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and relaxed. I am off at 2:30 today so that is something to look forward to. My back is killing me, it's so stiff from having to sleep awkwardly to accommodate Gabriel and his crazy antics. My wife's friend Elmira told us that they closed down the entrances to Jinotepe, where my Dad lives in Nicaragua, I have been trying to call but he is not picking up.
So I was able to get a hold of my dad and he basically lied about what was going on. I get that he may not want to worry us but it worries us more when he lies.
Right now at target getting some snacks for the trip, after here going home to nap a bit.

My wife came home and we went to go pick up the kids. We got dinner and went home to pack and get ready. Gabriel wasn't feeling too well, but he ate and slept so that is good. Javi had a moment there feeling sad thinking that he would have to walk home from school alone and live alone. I assured him that it would not happen and he shouldn't worry about it. My sister came to pick us up and now we are on the way to Disneyland