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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Last day before my return

Got up a bit later than usual since someone was in party mode since 4:15 am. We forgot to register Javi for his swim classes so I put him on a waitlist. Got ready, cleaned the bed and put out Javi's clothes. Took him to school for the last time in a long time, it's a bit sad since I've been dropping him off for about 2 months, but I have to go back to work tomorrow. I may or may not pick him up later, it depends on if my mom is out of her appointment. But later for sure we are going to my sister's house. Now, going home to rest.
My wife got home after I did, she was at a consultation for some dental thing. We were hanging out for a bit and then she went to work.

I got Gabriel ready to go to meet my Mom and Javi at my sister's house. We passed by Target getting some creamer and a gift card. Also got Javi some breadsticks. Now we are hanging out and will be here for a few hours. Javi also ate some rice and chicken with a piece of potato and carrot. I had dinner as well and now we are just hanging out. My nephew passed by again and my goddaughter came home from work to have dinner as well. We took off around 5:30.

It was bath night for both boys.  Bathed Javi first so he can have more time to play and do things with my wife when she got home.  After it was Gabriel's bath time and he enjoyed it. Got both of them cleaned up and ready for bed. My mother in law fed Gabriel and right now I will be transitioning him to the crib. I started getting my things ready for my return to work tomorrow and also got a few things ready for Gabriel's first day at day care. Let's see how the rest of the night goes.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Last Tuesday on leave

Gabriel woke up at around 6:30 and was just making noises and playing. Right now I am getting ready to go drop Javi off at school and go do a smog check, my breakfast plans got canceled so I will be coming home after. It's still cold outside, so I'll be bundling up.
Dropped Javi off, got his rain coat. Took off to get the smog check on the car, it was quick. After I passed by Target to get Javi some snacks, dropped off some clothes for donation and bought some lotto tickets. It would be nice to hit that jackpot :)
Got home and grabbed the laundry to start folding, Gabriel got a little restless and now he is napping with me. Debating what I will do with Javi later after pick up.

Took off a bit early to go gert Javi some apple juice and Capri suns. Ran into an old partner from Starbucks that I helped in hiring. She seems to be doing well and looked happy, so that is a good thing. Right now headed to pick up Javi from school, hopefully he had a good day. After here it's time to go home, clean up and lunch for Javi. Later I think we are going to Costco.
Got Javi and came home, made him pick up his toys. Gave him some bisteak and rice to eat for lunch. To my surprise he ate it all. My mother in law went to Costco so we are skipping it, also Javi's glasses are ready for pick up.

We went to Target to get the glasses. They look good on him. We walked around, Gabriel was fussy so we headed home, but first my wife wanted some McDonald's so we went to the drive thru. Got home ate and right now trying to put Gabriel to sleep. After this a shower, some tv and rest.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Last Monday on leave

It rained hard last night and it was cold. So I got a free car wash out of it. Gabriel woke up around 6 and didn't want to go back to sleep. When I took Javi to school it was raining, he took a Yoda hat as it was crazy hat day. After the drop off I came home to hang out with Gabriel. My wife came at 12 and we were talking about where we would do his baptism.

Got Gabriel ready to go, went to Babies R Us and got some water and formula. After we went to meet my Mom at my sister's house. I went for a swim by myself to get my muscles loose, I've had a stiff neck for a few days. It was a good swim and I went back in, before we got home it hailed on us.

Started laundry, watched some wrasslin' and now putting little man to sleep. Have to wash some dishes and bottles before next round of washing. I was able to cut my hair and shave for the first time in 2018. Finished watching Raw and an episode and a half of Psych. Now off to bed

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Elimination Chamber

Woke up around 6ish due to be baby not wanting to go back to sleep. My neck is killing me, it hurts so badly right now. After my wife took Gabriel out I went back to sleep for a bit. Showered and got dressed. We finished watching Coco and decided to skip Costco today. Going to go get lunch and see a condo today.

We ate at red robin's and went to see a condo. Came back home, my neck was still hurting and I was able to get a little nap in. My cousins and nieces came over and we watched the Justice League. The Walking Dead returns tonight so we will be watching later.

My sister came over as well. I was still watching the elimination chamber, it was a good show, not sure about the outcomes, but let's see where they go with it. The Walking Dead was ok, I feel they missed with the intended emotional drama on this one.
My wife put Gabriel asleep, while I took a shower. He woke up again and I put him down. We watched a bit of tv before he woke up again and my wife went to sleep with him. Right now going to finish this episode of Pysch and go to bed. Hopefully my neck feels better tomorrow.

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Gabriel did not have a good night, so that meant we did not have a good night. He was up at 3:30 am, not sure if he went back down to sleep but around 6:30 He was tapping me in the back so at around 7 I brought him out to the living room. At 8 I fed him and we played, when my wife got up I showered. Since it was cold they let Javi opt out of his swim class.
They landlord and new property managers stopped by and took a look at the house and made some notes. They will send someone to repair the tub and a few other items. After that my wife went to the park with the kids while I took the Camry to get serviced.

My wife picked me up and we ate in and out  burger. After we ate we took Javi to Chuck E. Cheese for a bit. Right now we are home waiting for the call for the car to be ready.
Car was ready around 4:15. They sent a Lyft driver to get me, it was my first time in a Lyft and from the experienceit will be my last for a while. Got the car went to Target to get diapers and headed home.

Played some games with my wife and Javi. Put Gabriel in the crib while my wife give a Javi a shower. Going to shower after and have some adult beverages and call it a night.
Had about 4 double shots of tequila and 2 beers. I haven't had this many drinks in a long time. My cousin is coming by tomorrow, let's see if he wants to throw back a few as well. Lol

Friday, February 23, 2018

Did I mention it is cold outside

Again it is cold outside. Got up, cleaned the bed, laid out Javi's clothes, got ready and headed out to drop off Javi to school. Later today Gabriel has his Dr appointment for his shots. Hopefully the morning will be good. My mom is picking up Javi today and I will go get him after Gabriel's appointment.

Finished up some laundry, put Gabriel down for a nap. Took him to his appointment. Everything looks good so far, he had to get some shots so he will be fussy later. About to go in the house. My mom will drop off Javi later over here.
Javi came home with a hotdog,  Myrna still has that thing on her lip so we made sure to haveher stay away from Gabriel. It sucks because it's not her fault that she has it, but it is contagious so better to be safe than sorry.

Nighttime :
We had cheese pizza and my wife bathed Gabriel. Javi us watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs and I am here with Gabriel about to put him in the crib. I was able to frame the mini poster my coworker got me of 90's wrestlers, so I'll be taking that to work next week.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Still cold

Gabriel woke up around 6 and was making noises. Javi woke up around 7 and came into bed. Got up, cleaned the bed, got Javi s clothes out, went to get ready for school drop off. It is cold out right now. Drop off was good, now going back home to chill with Gabriel.
Got home, hung out with Gabriel. Ate a muffin, my nephew came over for a bit and hung out. Right now waiting for my wife tonfet here for lunch while Gabriel is sleeping on me.

So I got a call for an interview for the 2913 Program Specialist for the Investigations department on 3/5. Hopefully it goes well and I am able to get the position and do well. Need to move up and move on from where I am at, since it seems they don't want me to move forward with them.
My sister came by and I called to get my itinerary and confirmation for the Disneyland trip in October. We hungout for a bit and waited for my wife to get home.

My wife got home and I started washing some clothes. We took off to Target to order new glasses for Javi. He picked out some cool black and red ones. After we ate some Japanese food at Yoshii's, we were not impressed. We came home and Gabriel was not in a good mood. My wife changed him and fed him, I came in to put him down. He fell asleep, I put him in the crib and I took a shower.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Step off I'm doing the hump

Got to sleep in a tiny bit since Javi didn't go to school because of his eye doctor appointment. Got up, cleaned the bed, got dressed and got Javi ready and drove down to the appointment. Javi did ok, he started freaking out when they were putting the dilation drops in his eyes. But overall he did ok. We passed by getting coffee and came home to chill.

Spent the time playing with Gabriel and building legos with Javi. He did a good job with them, he likes to build things with them. My wife came for lunch and hung out,  I confirmed that my sister booked our Disney trip for October. I will be paying my part of that later this week. Only thing I have to get is the Halloween party tickets.
Going to try and bathe both boys before Gabriel's bed time.

Got both boys bathed and ready for bed. Javi helped with bathing his brother and he is playing waiting for my wife to get home. Gabriel is now sleeping, hopefully this lasts until his next bottle feeding. He is in the crib, he almost started crying when I put him down there but I was able to calm him a bit. Going to give him a few minutes before going out to play with Javi.
I talked to my sister as well to get some clarity on my Moms situation, it's a bit confusing and scary, but with God's help we will get through it.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

It's cold

Javi got home last night close to 9. My wife was upset at that and for some odd reason upset with me because of that as well. Gabriel didn't want to go back to sleep after his 6 am bottle, he was up making noises until all of us got out of bed around 7:15. I got up, got ready, put some clothes to wash and dry and headed out to drop Javi off. It is freezing out here today. There was ice on a lot of the cars along the walk to the school.
We had Javi wear a sweater and a jacket. My hand feel frozen. On my way back home to fold clothes, have breakfast and play with Gabriel.
Was able to put down Gabriel for a bit while I was watching Murder on the Orient express and played for a bit. He is still hurting a bit and irritated from his teething. About to go out an get Javi.

Sitting here in the car waiting , about to walk over to Javi's class. So lootcrate resent me the same error print agenda so I am back to fighting with those donkeys again.
It is still cold out here, going to hurry home. Don't need to get sick and don't need Javi or Gabriel to get sick.
We went real quick to target so I can get some horseradish and some spices to cook with later and headed home.

My wife came home and I started to cook. I had marinated some steaks last night and I pan seared them with grilled onions and corn on the cob. Everything came out delicious. After we hung out i tried to put Gabriel to bed but we wasn't having it. So I brought him out and changed both boys and now Javi is asleep and the little one just woke up, trying to get him back down.
My wife and I were watching The Handmaids tale on HULU when Gabriel woke up. I went to clam him down a bit and put him back in the crib. We finished the episodes and now are off to bed. Javi has a eye appointment tomorrow, hopefully it goes well.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday Night reunion

It was a bit cold. Gabriel woke up around 6. I put him down a bit and my wife took him to his Abuela for a bit. We went back to sleep. I took a shower and now put Gabriel down  for a nap. We have an appointment to see a condo at 11 and later go to Costco. Javi comes back home to tonight.
We went to meet the realtor at the place. It was nice, small, 2 bedroom. New kitchen appliances, but no fridge.  The place was a maze that was endless, very old building, but the inside was nice. Now we are off to Costco.

Costco run, got a sandwich and some muffins. Gabriel is sleeping and I am waiting for them to get out as they went to get some food. Going home to eat some muffins with milk or the sandwich.  It is really cold and windy today.

We ended up going to Target to get some items for dinner for the week. After we came home, still waiting for Javi. Kind of bummed that he is getting here so late, but it is what it is. Making Gabriel his bottle while he tires himself out in his jumper. Then it's off to bed for him. Going to shower after Javi get in.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Sunday Sunday sunday

It was a bad morning. Gabriel was not having a good time due to teething. My wife gave home to my mother in law to watch for a bit while we slept. After we got up and got ready to go to Pleasanton for some shopping. We got there at 11 and walked around and saw some things.

We had lunch at P.F. Chang's and walked around some more. We might go watch Black Panther later if my mom picks up her phone so I can tell her I am on my way, but if not, maybe tomorrow or another day.

I went to pick up my mom and came back. We went off to see the movie. We had very limited choices on our seats, we sat about 5 rows back from the screen. These 2 ladies were in our seats so we had to ask them to move. There was this lady behind us with 2 loud ass kids, but it seemed that they were also in the wrong seat and got moved. So we watched Black Panther. I went in not expecting much and trying to block out the hype that it was given. The movie was ok, it did not live up to the hype. To me it felt like it was a bit long and needed to pick up at some points, but it was enjoyable.
After we went to get some cheeseburgers at McDonald's and I went to drop my mom off at home. About to go to bed. See you all tomorrow. Javi gets back!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

It's the weekend

Got up at 7:15 and took a shower. Had to go drop off the Pathfinder at Nissan for service. Our warranty covered a lot, but had to change some air filters and other things. The car was ready pretty early but the shuttle never came for me. We finished watching Justice League and talked to Javi via video call. Right now I am home, I picked up some Starbucks on the way home and now Gabriel is sleeping on me. Will move him to the crib soon. Going to see what we do for lunch.

We went to Serramonte and walked around. I saw my old boss from my Starbucks days at Target. It was nice catching up. Walked around to find my wife, Gabriel and mother in law and went to the food court. I had some Hawaiian bbq and after we came home. Took a mini nap. Found out Javi won't be coming home until Monday,  which is a bummer since I was looking forwardto seeing him tomorrow. Going to try and put Gabriel down for bed.

Went out to get us food. Burrito and tacos. We ate, I took a shower and when I got out Gabriel was in the living room. He is teething and we think one is coming out so that is bothering him. After an hour my wife took him to sleep. I played some Madden and did some accounting. Now off to bed.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday and a man down

Got up this morning. Gabriel was fussy and Javi is not here and her is missed. They made it up to LA ok. My wife went to work and I stayed with Gabriel and his Abiela. He took a nap, but woke up quick. I changed him and I started watching Coco. It was a very good movie, I really enjoyed it.
Right now I am about to change Gabriel and feed him. He is getting some shots later on today, so that will be an ordeal.
So, it seems that the Dr office has a bunch of donkeys working there, they canceled Gabriel's appointment because he is 3 days short of 6 months. It's like, dude, you guys made the appointment and you call the day of to cancel? BS
Anyway, right now watching some Psych and Gabriel is napping on me. Later we have an appointment with SMCU. Javi looks like he is having a lot of fun.

My wife got home, we ate some soup. Since they canceled Gabriel's appointment I took a nap and now we are at Target. After this going to Babies R Us. Got our things and went home. We talked to Javi in a video call. He looked really happy, so I was happy. We went to the appointment at SMCU and we were really disappointed and discouraged by the way the lady was basically treating us. She was not listening to us and she was more interested in getting us out so she could leave.
Things are not always easy, some things you have to fight for and we will be home owners soon, we will find a  way to make it happen.

My nephew called me to tell me that my other nephew had his championship basketball game tonight at 7:30. We wanted to go, but I have had a headache all day long and I have a sleeping baby on me right now.  After I put him in his crib going to shower, call Javi and rest up. Tomorrow I have to take the Nissan to get serviced.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thursday thoughts

Woke up this morning because Javi jumped into the bed while Gabriel was making noises. Made the bed, got ready and now going to head out to drop Javi off at school. Still very sleepy, didn't have good rest last night. Kept having strange dreams that would wake me up.
Got javi out of the house, it was an ordeal as he continues wanting to not cooperate with anything. We got to school at 8:10 and we walked over, he had a box for his sharing item. Walked back to the car, it is cold this morning. Let's see what happens next.
Got home and Gabriel was napping, he woke up, we played a bit. He pooped and looked tired, I got him to nap again and he was out until about 10:50, tried giving him a bottle, he wasn't having it. So I got him ready for a walk and to meet my wife so we could go pick up the application for day care.

Got the paperwork, made our way home. Right now I am waiting for Javi to get out of class, Gabriel is at home with his Abuela. Going to take Javi to get a surprise happy meal and go home to chill. Later going to get his bag ready for his trip and take him to my sister's house.
Got Javi his happy meal and he was playing,  he watched some of this woody wood pecker movie on Netflix and some of The Land Before Time. While he did that Gabriel had a bottle and a nap.
When my wife got home we packed Javi's things for his trip.

Javi is packed and ready to go. Have some laundry going. My iPad looks like it didn't take the last charge too well, so going to have to monitor that. My wife put Gabriel to sleep, but Javi woke him up so right now I am trying to get him back to sleep before I take Javi to my sister's house.
This is Javi's first big trip that he goes on with out either of us. He has slept over for a night but this time he won't see us until late Sunday. So, obviously we are a little concerned about it, but I know that he will be fine.
I went to drop Javi off and he tells me that he will miss me when he is in Hell A (LA)  I told him that I will miss him as well for sure and that we will be talking via video phone. Reminded him to behave and listen. When I took him in I gave my sister the run down on his things and gave him a hug and a kiss good bye. I'll see him on Sunday.
Came home, showered and watched some Sunny in Philadelphia and now going to bed.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's day

Woke up and Javi brought the Valentine's day gift I gave him and gave it to my wife. I told him it was his and gave her the box of chocolates and card I got her. I went to get dressed and got some last minute things ready for Javi totake him to school.
School drop off was good. It was a bit cold this morning, he went in, I reminded him to behave and that later we are going swimming. Let's see how the rest of the morning goes with little man at home.
Got home, he was napping but woke up about 15 minutes or so after I got there, we played and around 10 I tried to give him is milk but he didn't want it. He was tired and fell asleep from 10:50 to 12:05 ish. When he got up my wife played with him a bit.

Quick target run for some travel items for Javi for his trip. Then went to my sister's house and waited for my mom, Javi and myrna. Now I am about to change to see if Javi wants to swim or if I go solo for a bit for some exercise.
Took Javi swimming and he did a good job without the life jacket. It looks like he is able to swim pretty well without it, he is getting less scared with every time out. After I put the life jacket on and he was able to do his cannon balls.
We came back into my sister's house and Javi played with Myrna. Gabriel had finished his Apple sauce and his cookies and now he is napping. We will be leaving soon to go get ready for our Valentine's day dinner.

So my mom came over with Myrna and we took off for the restaurant. The parking lot was full but we were able to get a spot where someone was just leaving. We checked in and got our table, my wife ordered a pink lemonade alcohol drink, I had a blue moon beer. For starters she had the lobster bisque and I had the clam chowder. We shared the garlic bread that was on the table, for dinner she had the filet mignon and I had the prime rib, both were so good. For dessert I had a coffee and a creme brulee, very delicious.
After we came home, my wife fed Gabriel, I put him down. I went to take Javi to bed and noticed that he tried to eat a fun dip on his bed, made a mess. So I cleaned it and had him go to bed.
I just finished watching the last episode of Seinfeld and now I will start It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Tomorrow is Javi's last day of school this week and drop off at night as he is going with my sister to LA.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Going up on a Tuesday

Got up this morning, made Javi a waffle and got him some water. I went to put the clothes to dry and got ready to take Javi to school. After drop off I went to Costco to get gas and came home to fold clothes. Gabriel was asleep, he stayed with his Abuela. When he woke up I changed him and played a bit before giving him some sweet potato.
More folding of clothes and playing with Gabriel before I washed the dishes and gave him a bottle, right now he is sleeping on me. I'll let him stay here for now since the clothes is still drying and it did take a bit to get him to sleep.

My mom came over and now we are at Javi's school waiting for himbto get out so we can go to Tanforan to go to the movies to see Peter Rabbit, we will also go to target to get him some breadsticks and snacks. We got to the theatre and bought popcorn and ICEE. We went to our seats and saw the movie, it was actually entertaining, I really didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. Javi and my mom really liked it as well.
After the movie we went to Target to get Javi his travel snacks for his trip. Got home, my wife had him write his name on his Valentine's day cards and he put them away for tomorrow.

My wife got home and we were talking about her day at work. I gave Gabriel a bath and I went to pick up some lotto tickets and sushi. We won $10 on the ticket.  After I got home I fed Gabriel and put him to bed. Showered, hung out with my wife for a bit, signed the Valentine's day cards and drew something for Javi on his easel. Now going to finish watching some Seinfeld and go to bed. Tomorrow we go swimming and out to dinner.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Another Monday

Got up, got ready to get on the road to take Javi to his Dr appointment in Santa Clara. Just as we thought he will need the surgery for hydrocel. The Dr was able to answer our questions and concerns, he will be scheduled in about 2 months or so. After we came back ate breakfast at IHOP and took Javi to get a long overdue haircut. Now we are home, going to get things ready for swimming and to go to my sister's house.

My mom came by, I put the base in her car so she can be able to take Gabriel if needed. We came to my sister's house and we talked about the trip Javi will be taking with them this weekend. She went to the Dr and me and Javi went swimming. He did great again, not afraid of putting his head under water. We made a deal that today he could use his life jacket for the whole time but on Wednesday he has to take it off a bit to practice since he won't be here for his swim class on Saturday.
We also got a text that is a bit concerning, the owners of the house we rent want to stop by to see the interior and instruct us on a new way to pay the rent. I hope they do not raise our rent as we are trying to save up to pay off our debt and to get a house. So hopefully they keep us where we are at and we can still save to get the house.

Got home, started laundry. Watched Raw and had dinner. We were looking at some possible properties in the area and were able to talk to someone about them. So that is a positive. The rest of the night will be putting Gabriel to sleep, shower, laundry and tv.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

It's time, it's time, it's WWE live day

Woke up around 8 I think, not sure. Cleaned the bed, had some coffee. The kids were playing, but Gabriel was being fussy, so I took him to the room, played some music and put him down for a nap. After I came out and was helping Javi with building his legos. Right now my wife is cleaning out the closet. Really excited about taking Javi to see wrestling later

We we t to Chevy's for lunch. We got free nachos since the Warriors won. After lunch we went to Target to get a few things. We got home and hung out for a bit before me and Javi took off to Oakland for the WWE live event. Traffic wasn't too bad, the parking was a crazy $40!!!!
We parked and walked over to our seats. They were pretty good  seats, I saw my friend Arnel and his nephew Nikko in the other section and since it was empty we went over there

Show started and we all had fun. A great effort by all the WWE superstars.  Javi was really excited to see Nakamura and AJ Styles. He cheered and booed as well as joined in rhythmic clapping. He even said he liked the fixer girl (Becky Lynch). He said she looked like a fixer.
After the event we got out of the parking lot real fast and came home.  Gabriel was still up and alert, but right now I am putting him down to sleep. Javi should be sleeping shortly as well.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

The night before WWE live

Got up, took Gabriel to the living room to play for a bit, took a shower and got ready. This morning Javi has his swim class. He always puts up a fight on going, but he ends up having a good time every time. Looks like think weekend will be interesting as it doesn't matter what I do some people I live with will take it the wrong way. Apparently I cannot just be myself and relax because they perceive it as me being angry or whatever. I can't even ask if I can put away a cereal box that has been left in the living room for 3 days without someone complaining that I havebal an attitude.
I really think that people should look within themselves to see why they are upset and who is fueling that anger and deal with them and themselves,  not displace the anger on me. But apparently wanting to clean up is me being an @$$hole. So whatever

We went to Toys R Us in Redwood City to take Javi to a Lego event, it was a bit underwhelming  but that's ok. I got Javi some legos and a carrying case. After that we went to the elephant bar in Hayward. We were celebrating my wife's aunts birthday. We had a good meal and good conversation.  After that we came home and I played a bit with Javi with his legos.

We decided to build Javi's new bed, it was a bit of a pain, but we got it done. I took apart the old bed and took a shower, now I am just relaxing, having a few cold ones and looking forward to tomorrow's WWE live event.

Friday, February 9, 2018


Gabriel woke up around 6:40, I went to get him and laid back down  so he had his space to poop, which he did. He was a happy baby this morning. Got ready and took Javi to school, asked what he wanted to do later he said 'Target for bread sticks and maybe the park' so later when my wife gets back I will grab the baby holder and go out for the afternoon to get out of the house. Right now going back home, hopefully the clothes is ready so I can fold them and put other clothes to wash and dry.

Got most of the laundry done, just one more batch to fold. Took Gabriel for a walk to get lotto tickets and Starbucks. Passed by my wife's job and came back home with her. Got home, hung out a bit, did some accounting and now heading out to get Javi. Probably going to go to Serramonte so we can get his bread sticks,  I also want to go to the Giants dugout to check out some items.  We'll see how the rest of the day goes.
We went to Serramonte,  passed by the Giants dugout, hot topic, lids and the Disney store, there was nothing that caught my eye.  I got Javi his bread sticks and we did some shopping at Target. Got Javi some shirts and Gabriel some socks. We came home after that.

My wife came home and I told her to round everyone up so we can go eat some Chinese food. We had the family feast for 2, the food was good. I ordered a side of half duck, it was very good, even Javi tried it. We ate, talked a bit and came home. Javi finally started consistently playing with the wrestlers, so I played with him a bit. We are excited for Sunday's WWE event. Right now feed and putting Gabriel to sleep. After I have to wash bottles and take a shower.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Gabriel woke up a little before 6 and did not want to go back to sleep. He slept a long time so I guess that is understandable. Got up, cleaned the bed, got dressed and put Javi's clothes out so he could dress. Gabriel stayed home with his Abuela while I went to drop off Javi at school and put gas in the car.
Got home and he was napping, woke up soon after. I got him ready and we went down to my job to say good bye to Susan who is retiring on Friday. I have known her my whole time with the city and she is a real good person. Everyone was happy to meet Gabriel. After That we came home.

Got home, my wife came for lunch. I went to put gas in the truck and leave some donations at the salvation army. After I got Gabriel ready to go so we could pick up Javi and go to Costco. Pick up was fine, went to Costco, got some formula, coffee and pillows, oh yeah, and we almost got hit by a car. Any who,  returned home and hung out. Moved the wrestlers box to Javi and Gabriel's play room so they could have easier access.

Had some rum raisin ice cream from Mitchell's and made some nachos for dinner. Played checkers with Javi and also did some basic math with him. Right now I am in the room with Gabriel trying to put him back down, today's playlist was I can't fight this feeling anymore, every breath you take, the glory of love and pass you by. I love singing to him so he falls asleep, I think he likes it too.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Another hump day special

Gabriel woke up around 5 and I picked him up and laid down with him and thankfully he went back to sleep until like around 6:50. He only had about 2 and a half ounces of milk. After I gave him to may wife and I started getting ready to go drop off Javi at school.
School drop off was good, after I went to get some coffee, got back home and watched a bit of tv. Just put Gabriel down for a nap, had to bring out the tubes early today so he could nap. Later going to go over my sister's house to see if there is parking and to possibly go for a swim.

So for the last part of the morning we cleaned out Javi s play room. We cleaned it out. Most toys gone, junk gone, 8 bags of trash. After my wife and mother in law went to lunch, I got Gabriel ready and took him to my sister's house to wait for Javi so we could go swim. Today was a good swim day for Javi. He was putting his head in the water by himself and was treading water by himself without a life jacket. He was also able to float on his back with no problem.
After I got the kids ready and came home.

Got home, took the trash bags out and put them on the curb for pick up tomorrow. Went to get a burrito and taco for me and Javi to eat dinner. Gabriel woke up, I gave him his last 3 ounces of milk and put him back to sleep. My wife bathed Javi, I took a shower. I opened the Hardy Boyz figures I got. I noticed on Amazon that the pre order items I placed are all now leading to an error page. Hopefully they are fulfilled.
I was watching an mlb network show on Tony Gwynn, Mr. PADRE. It was really good. He was an awesome player and I can only imagine he was a very nice person. I remember watching him play, he was a great hitter.
Now going to watch some tv and go to bed.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The new depth chart has been released

Gabriel woke up around 11:50 last night for a feeding. Changed him, fed him and put him in his crib. He woke up a few hours later for a few ounces and back to sleep until 6. I got up grabbed him, put him back down until about 7. As I mentioned before my mother in law is home now, so the depth chart has been revised. I kept hearing ask to have her drop him off and pick him up at school. My child has sold me out... again.
Right now laying in bed,  ready to go drop Javi off at school. Gabriel will say home with his Abuela. Let's see where today takes us. Got home, baby was playing, change and fed him, we are a little out of whack with his routine as at this point he is usually  sleeping, however not today. He was getting a little cranky so I tried to put him down and he is now taking a nap.
Found out some great news, even though they are keeping him out of the HOF, the Giants announced today that they are going to officially retire #25, so that means my all time favorite player Barry Bonds will be the last to wear #25 for the Giants. Going to see if I get tickets to that game.

Around 11 I decided to take a walk with Gabriel to by some lotto tickets and Starbucks. Both places are close to where my wife works, so we stopped by before her lunch time. We went back home together after she got lunch. Hung out as bit at home and now I am waiting for Javi to get out of class.
After I picked him up, he said he was in the green circle and that he behaved good. We went to the dollar tree and to Walgreens real fast before coming home. When we got her Gabriel was napping so I got the last of the clothes and folded it. Had lunch with Javi and around 3:40 fed Gabriel and he took a nap and woke up a little after 5.

My wife came home, I was watching Smackdown Live,  can't decide on dinner, so had some corn nuts and rosquillas. My wife fed Gabriel some cereal and he was making a big mess, it was all over the place. Going to see if we actually eat something or if I just snack on some thing. Going to shower later and watch some tv.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Super sick monday

I got up around 6:40, Javi was complaining about his stuffy nose, gave him a boogie wipe, turned over and saw that Gabriel was in the bed. Took him out of the room around 6:50, a little later I got dressed and helped get the boys ready to go take Javi tonl school. Drop off was good, after Gabriel fell asleep. Came home had breakfast and waited for him to wake up.
When he woke up I changed him, fed him and we played. Right now he is napping, when he gets up it will be in time for his bottle.
Gabriel got up, changed and fed him, played for a bit, he went back for a nap around 11. Waited for my wife to get home for lunch, then my mom will get here with Javi and Myrna.

Gabriel was still tired, he took another nap. Around 2 we. And over to Tanforan to hop n play. Right now we are watching Javi and Myrna play, Gabriel is having a bottle, looking at the play area wanting to go.
It took a bit but he fell asleep while the kids played, they had fun until Javi had to share his caprisun. When the baby woke up I changed him and took him for stroll while my mom took the kids to eat some Panda express. After that we went to Target and came home.

Got home, started laundry. My wife bathed both kids, I ate some sardines and fried rice. While I was putting Gabriel to bed, my wife and Javi went to pick up my mother in law at the airport, she was returning from Nicaragua. Now I am watching Raw and a little later I will shower and watch some tv and go to bed.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Super bowl sunday

Woke up, went back to sleep. Cleaned the bed, got Javi and Gabriel ready, showered got ready myself all in our Niners gear. Even though my team didn't make it, have to support. We went to Mattress Firm and Target, went to go pick up my mom and came home. Later going to Chevy's to get the food we ordered.

Fell asleep for about 15 minutes. My wife and I went to pick up the food, it was quick. Came home, ate, had some beers and started watching the game. Don't have a dog in this fight, but I will go for the Patriots, but I hope the game is good.

Well, the game didn't disappoint. It was a really good game, the Eagles ended up winning the game. Like him or not, can't hate on Tom Brady, he had an epic performance, but it wasn't enough for the win. Justin Timberlake was ok today, a bit underwhelming, but he sang mostly old stuff. Now putting Gabriel back to sleep and then going to shower. See you guys tomorrow.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Twas the night before the Super Bowl

Gabriel woke up at 12:20 am for a feeding, I have him his milk and put him back down in his crib, he didn't wake up again until close to 5 am for another one. Javi woke up around 7, complaining that he didn't want to go to swim class and that he was itchy. He was upset when we told him that he was going. Plans for today are swim class, pick up my mom and go watch Winchester, after that it's a free day.
Swim class was good for Javi, he went under the water and did good while swimming with the teacher. I got him dressed and we went to pick up my mom and brought her to the house so she can watch the boys while we went to the movies.

We went to Tanforan and walked around a bit before the movie. We sat in those massage chairs, they felt good. We made our way into the movies and out of all the places we could have sat, the most annoying people were behind us. Luckily the theatre was a bit empty so we were able to move. The movie was ok, I enjoyed it, it took a bit to pick up, but it was enjoyable. After we came home and go ready to go to Serramonte. We ate at Dave and Buster's the food was ok, could have been better but oh well. We hit up Macy's, lids,  the Disney store and target, ran into my co worker Mimi and her boyfriend Jon, sans baby. My wife caught up with them while I took Javi to the bathroom.
After that we took my mom home and came home.

Just getting in, my nephew let us know he may be stopping by. We'll see.
So my nephew came by for a bit,  we caught up for a little time as he was going to a party close by. He played mainly with Gabriel, Javi was busy watching Trolls on Netflix. After my wife gave Gabriel a bath, changed and fed him. I connected a Pac man game I got and played a little, right now I am in the room waiting for Javi to go to sleep. After I will go out and watch some tv or something.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Groundhog day

Looks like there will be 6 more weeks of winter due to Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Gabriel woke up around 6, but I was able to get him back down and he got up at 6:45. I took him to the other room and he pooped. Around 7:15 my wife and Javi came out and took him to the kitchen. I got dressed, switched the mattress around since my wife was complaining, helped get both kids ready and off to drop off Javi at school.
Drop off went well, after we went to Costco to get gas and headed over to the post office to mail out a letter for my wife and my passport renewal application. The system was down for a bit so it was cash only, that was ok, however the way those post office employees were was not ok, they seemed to he bothered by us being there and like they were doing us a favor by helping us out. This is a big reason the post office and most retailers lose business, the lack of customer service and making people feel welcomed.
After that came home, swept the kitchen, will mop it later, have to clean the bathroom, I'll do that when my mom is here and after j get Javi. Waiting for clothes to dry to fold them.

My Mom came over with Santi, he has a 'illness' of some sort and couldn't go to school. My wife came by had lunch and was able to get the missing paperwork that we needed to register Javi for kindergarten. I left Gabriel with my Mom and went to pick up Javi at school, dropped off the paperwork and he is ready to go.
After I got Javi we went to Babies R Us and bought the twin bed for him, it was already on clearance,  but it went down even further. We hut up the Dollar Tree and came home,  since Javi had a bad day at school, he was relegated to no tv or tablet. Finished folding the laundry and put Gabriel down for a nap.

Made dinner and we were going to go out, but we decided go stay in. We are catching up on some shows. I have a craving for something sweet. I had a raisin bread that my mom gave me and 2 vodka cranberries, they were delicious. Watching some tv and going to bed soon. Javi has swimming tomorrow and we have tickets to watch Winchester tomorrow.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Wake up, it's the first of the month

Took Gabriel out of the room around 6:40, he wanted to poop so I gave him his space. He did, I changed it. My wife and Javi came out and I got dressed, put away the trash bins and after helped get the boys ready to go for school drop off for Javi. It went well, I was going to go to get gas at Costco but the line was long.
I called to get information on before/after school care for Javi, but he has to be enrolled in Kindergarten first, so I am out here waiting for 9:30 So I can get those forms for him.
Holy hell,  my wife said that I was supposed to pick up the paperwork, however it turned out that I had to fill out the paperwork and provide all of this other verification, which I did not have. So I filled it out, Gabriel was a trooper and asked them if it was ok to come back with the verification they needed, they said yes. Got home, changed and fed Gabriel, ate my nacatamale and had a coffee. Now waiting to go get Javi at 1:30

My wife came home for lunch, Gabriel was napping but woke up about 15 minutes after she got here. Still deciding what we are going to do after I pick up Javi.
Really nice day today, found good parking around the school, think I'll go put gas in the car and see if Javi wants to go to the park or walk around the mall or something.
So Javi decided that he wanted to go to target to get bread sticks and go home. So we went, got a few things we needed for him and Gabriel and headed home. Javi played with his toys and I played with and fed Gabriel.

My wife came home and we all headed out to Costco. I needed to get a new passport picture, so we did that and grabbed a few items that we needed. We had dinner there,  I got this 6 pack of local beer to try out, I like trying new beers to add to my palate. So after that we came home, I completed the application for the passport and of course added the payment check, tomorrow after I get Javi I will go mail it out certified with a tracking number so I can make sure it gets there. So for now, putting Gabriel to bed, my wife is doing out taxes and Javi Is playing.
After this goingto shower and watch some tv.
Was watching tv and little man woke up, so I came in and fed him, giving him time to chill before I put him in his crib. Got to get some rest, lots of things to do tomorrow.