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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Game day for Gabe


Woke up and went to get dressed. Last night was bad for me, I was coughing a lot and still had something stuck in my throat. Packed up my things I headed off to the BART station to catch the train. The ride in was good and I got in to the building and set up in the Expo room. I found a gift for my brother for his birthday that is in May, so I ordered it and now we wait for it to come. Now waiting for lunch and time to go home. Since I am off early today I ate my sandwich already with some cuties. About to go use the bathroom and closer to 1 start setting up to leave for the day. Off tomorrow.

(Morning: Water, coffee, cuties, sandwich)


Packed up and took off. Caught BART to Bay Fair and went to get some Starbucks. Came home and put things away, practiced outside with the boys for a bit. Got Gabriel ready for his game and we took off for first pitch.

(Afternoon: Caramel Frappuccino, water. Chicken nuggets)


Got to to the game. They needed some extra help so I jumped in to help our since I was available. It was fun, Gabriel got hurt, cried a bit. But shook it off. After the game we went over to Cardenas to grab some items. Came home and built a shoe rack I ordered and put my shoes away. Now going to shower. A day off for me tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: hot dog, water, beer)

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