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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

In office day


Woke up around 5 and went to get ready. I slept ok, but the thought of me having to take BART to work kept me a bit restless. It's something that always happens when I have to do something. Anyway, timing is everything so I was able to time it out so I can wake up later tomorrow. I got to the city close to 7 AM. Walked over to 1440 Harrison and set up for training. The training went ok, it was our last day of documents and power points. We did a scenario for training region and let them work on MC Carrying cases. Now waiting for lunch time and time to walk over to 1235 Mission.

(Morning: water, coffee, croissant)


Had my sandwich and had some water. Chilled a bit with Amilcar, Karla and Monika before I walked over to my desk. When I got here I checked in with my supervisor and talked with him a bit. Now going to the Expo room to hang out and work for the rest of the day. Finished up work and walked over to the BART station and got on the train home. It was a good quick ride, now off to the little league field to meet my wife and kids.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, ZOA)


Got there and when practice wrapped up I went to pick up some food. Got home and had dinner, cleaned up a bit. Bathed Gabriel and I took a shower as well. Played the match game and Go Fish with the boys before they went to bed. I have a slight headache and I am about to go to bed. Another in office day tomorrow  

(Nighttime: burrito,  beer, water)

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