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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Hump Day


Woke up and got ready. Packed my things and headed off to the BART station. Took the earlier train as I start a bit early today so I can be off early so I can make it to baseball practice for the boys. Now over at 1440 for the morning and later going to end the day at 1235. The training went well today. Helped out a few people with cases and tomorrow we will be doing the same. Karla had to leave early due to her kid being sick. I am waiting to go hang out with Amilcar for lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, water, ham)


Got to 1235 and set up for the day. My wife called and said Javi wasn't feeling well and had a fever. I took off and came home in time to take Gabriel to practice. I told Javi that he could practice if he felt up to it or he can stay and rest. He decided to rest. I did stay for the team practice for about an hour to help out before getting some food and coming home.

(Afternoon: water, zoa)


Got the car washed and came home. Had dinner and a beer. Javi is still feeling bad, going to see how he does for tomorrow. Going to shower and set up the snack bags for tomorrow's games. Finished that up now going to bed.

(Nighttime: torta, nachos, beer, water, capri sun, cookies)

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