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Monday, March 21, 2022



Woke up and went to get ready. Wasn't sure if Gabriel was going to school today so I made lunch for both boys. Had them get ready and found out that Gabriel is not going to preschool today. We took Javi to school and came home. I made coffee and got ready for training. It went well today, about 2 hours in total. We gave the group some time to work on tasks at the end of training. Now waiting to take Gabriel to get his COVID test at Kaiser.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Got the test and came back home. Ordered some Popeye's Chicken for lunch and we walked over to pick it up. Came back home had a quick bite and checked in to work. Planned out tomorrow's training with Karla. On my next break I go get Javi. Went to go get Javi and came back home, right now just finishing up work. The boys are doing their homework, I'm about to go set up the things outside so they can hit and throw. Finished up work and now in the back yard having the boys catch and hit. The sun is out but it's a bit windy. Going to stay out a bit longer and later I'm going to try and build a bookshelf for the boys room.

(Afternoon: Chicken sandwiches, Cole Slaw, Coke, water)


Did not build the bookshelf today. Maybe tomorrow. We did clean up the front yard a bit with the string trimmer and cleared a lot of things. Took out the trash, recycling and green bin. Put up the glow in the dark stars in the boys room and had some dinner. After I showered and got the boys ready for bed. Watched some TV and now off to sleep.

(Nighttime: Chicken, beer, water, cotton candy)

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