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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Taking the morning train


Woke up a little later today. Still trying to time this commute to work out, I think today will be a better day as far as timing. I went to get dressed and got my things ready. Made my coffee and headed out the door. Drove to the Bay Fair BART station, parked, paid for parking and went to go get on the train. I grabbed a seat by the window so I can look at the different neighborhoods while I was on my way. When we got to the Civic Center station the train was still a bit empty. The station itself was still pretty empty as well, there were spots where you can see they had just cleaned and other spots where people left garbage. I walked over to 1235 and went to start setting up my work station in the Expo room. Now just waiting on the call out email to check attendance and to start the training for the day. Today will be a full day of task support. Did the training and man some of these people are either really not getting it, or they are acting like they don't get it. But either way, we have one more day with them.

(Morning: water, coffee)


Had my sandwich and water. Tried to nap but my back is so stiff right now that I cannot do that. Did some stretches and now checking out some documents and getting ready for tomorrow. Very sleepy and can't wait to go home. I am so tired and bored, I need to get out of here. Just another hour to go. Already packed up and ready to go. About to walk out of here and walk to the BART station and go home. Got on the train and headed home, tool a little longer today for some reason. Anyway, I tool the car to get washed and now getting home.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, ZOA)


Put my work things away and had everyone get ready so we can go to Costco to get gas and some items. We got the items and some food and came home to eat dinner. Washed dishes and cleaned up a bit. Showered and we watched some TV before bed.

(Nighttime: beer, Sierra mist, pizza, hot dog)

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