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Monday, March 7, 2022

Jersey day

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys lunch ready and got them breakfast. They got ready and we took them over to school. Came back home and made coffee and checked in to work and started training. It was good today, we also got news about future trainings we have to do.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to pick up some ketchup and Gabriel after. He kicked a ball out of school and I had to go get it for the school. Came home and checked in to work and had a meeting. Now waiting for lunch and time to go get Javi. Before I went over to get him, I ate some food. Picked him up, finished work and we went to practice. Javi got his jersey, he is number 9 just like Gabriel. Practice was good and when it was over I needed to get gas.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la valenciana,  Dr. Pepper, water)

Put Gas in the car, washed it and came home. Washed dishes. Showered, changed Gabriel and now watching TV. After putting the boys to bed, I watched a show with my wife. Had some cereal and now relaxing.
(Nighttime: water, cereal, milk)

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