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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

lockdown day 288

Woke up and made me some coffee. Was watching some YouTube videos with Javi before I told him to go read to his brother. Finished watching the CC Sabathia documentary and watched some Fresh Prince of Bel Air episodes. Helped with the prep for lunch amd got ready to eat.
(Morning : coffee)

Had lunch and chilled a bit before going outside to put the jumper to use. The boys played for some time, I joined them and we spent around an hour and a half playing outside. It was real fun. Packed the jumper and brought it inside the garage and now going to shower. Got ready and it looks like we left the items we bought at Home Depot at Home Depot. So I had to go out and buy them again and came home. 
(Afternoon: water, carne molida, white rice,  monster)

Warmed up a burger for Javi, left over Chinese food for me. When I finished Gabriel woke up and my wife made corn dogs and cookies. I played Madden and after they started watching Home Alone,  which turned in to Mulan. Sent the boys to bed and now finishing up the movie. Watched one last episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, toffee popcorn, Mongolian beef, orange chicken, pretzels)

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