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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

lockdown day 281

Woke up and went to get ready. Put on my Grinch shirt and Macho Man Christmas sweater. It's cold again, but not as cold as the last few days. Today is my last work day of the year. Having coffee and toast. Paid some bills this morning, the last payment for DirecTV and the HOA dues for next year. Been hanging out with the boys in the office and calling some co-workers to send video messages for Christmas. It's been a fun day so far.

(Morning: coffee, water, toast, nutter butter)

Made the boys angel hair pasta with butter, made my wife a sandwich and I had meatloaf. Enjoying lunch now, might try and put things away later and check back in. It's the home stretch and I can't wait to be off.
There was a heated exchange between me and my brother stemming from an indifference that him and my sister have. I was done with it and just canceled everything with everyone. It's very sad that it has come to this, but it's for the best.
I watched some of the Warriors vs Nets game while running out the clock and after work we went to Walmart.
(Afternoon: water, meatloaf)

Got to Walmart and did some shopping. Found 2 last minute gifts. Came back home and had dinner. Bathed Gabriel. Talked to my Mom while working on some things in the garage. Still a lot to go, but at least it's getting there. Showered and put the boys to bed. Watched tv and now bedtime.
(Nighttime: chicken nuggets, McChicken,  mcdouble,  water, beer, tequila, chips, fig newton)

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