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Monday, December 14, 2020

lockdown day 272

Woke up and changed. Had some coffee and ate my nacatamale and headed out to the old house to get the last of the items. When I got there I started moving things and cleaning up, my Uncle Julio and Tia Teresa showed up at the same time as my Mom, Sister and Niece. They helped me clear out the house and we drove up here to the new house.
(Morning: coffee, nacatamale, water)

We got up here and unpacked the car, they went to go get food and I stayed putting things away. When they returned we had lunch and talked and watched the Niners game. During half time we went to Walmart and then to Home Depot to get the tree. Outside we have a snowman, Darth Vader and a Santa Jack. We decorated the tree and I went to clean up the office. 
(Afternoon: water, burrito)

Cleaned up while talking to my mom. Helped Javi shower and went to shower myself. When they went to bed I wrapped up the last of the gifts and did laundry. It's my Dad's birthday today. So I had a few beers and now watching Law and Order SVU before going to bed. Changed up and watched the Goldberg documentary on the WWE Network while I folded clothes. Now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: beer, water)

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