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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Last day of the year

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, got dressed and put clothes to dry. Made my coffee and headed out to work. Light traffic, but there was an issue with my badge not letting me in to the parking lot. I had to flag down security to get in. After I came up and started to check emails. My supervisor brought me my 2020 wall calendar and my desk calendar. I organized everything and I am ready for next year.
I heard some news that one of the CF program specialist is leaving at the end of the week, sad to see her go, but wished her well. Later going to lunch with Amilcar and trying to see if I get off early.

So I did it, i got us 4 tickets to take Gabriel to his first Giants game. It will be against the Nationals on 4/26/20. A Sunday. Now we just have to find the best way to get down there. I met Amilcar for lunch and went back to work. Got off at 3:30 and went home.
Folded clothes and put the last one to dry. Got ready to go to my sister's. 

Got here and hung out. We opened gifts and had dinner. Now again hanging out. We had some dessert and then kids played. Around 11 we started to get ready to go home. When we got here, the boys changed and Javi opened up the egg toy he wanted. They went to bed, I played Madden and now going to bed. It's a new year yes it is!
Happy 2020!

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