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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

back to work

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  got dressed, put clothes to dry,  made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth, found good parking and now going to nap until I have to walk to work. It's not that cold today, which is a good thing. I have to continue reviewing the materials for training and see where my team is that with it.
In the meeting now, it's been productive. Going to warm up my food soon.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Had lunch, watched some Curb your enthusiasm and chilled. Went out to the post office to send the money order for Javi's after school program and headed to Costco to get the jacket. After went back to the desk and worked on some things. After work I picked up Javi and we went home.
I folded clothes and played a bit with Gabriel. 
(Afternoon: tamales, fruit smoothie, monster, water)

Made dinner and now bathing the boys. Took a shower and tried to put Gabriel to bed,  didn't work. Now watching Curb your enthusiasm before bed.
(Nighttime: chicken sandwich, chips, jalapeno peppers, water) 

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