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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

back at it

Gabriel had another bad night, but not as bad as the previous one. I felt a lot better this morning. I went to get ready and made Gabriel a bottle and my coffee and headed out. Found parking pretty quick. Chilled until it was time to go in to work and headed off.
The walk was good, it was cold, so it made my strides quicker. Had to use the bathroom when I got here, but now checking emails and waiting for forum.
Checked some more emails when I got back from getting water and saw that we have upcoming trainings now. So I have to check with my wife about Gabriel's first day of pre-school so I can ask for it off as it may conflict with the starting time of the training.

(Morning: Boost, Coffee, 3 cups of water)

The meeting ended around 11:30, after I called my wife to see how the boys did this morning. I went to eat the left over chicken and pasta. Now watching a few episodes of Curb you Entusiasm before reviewing some training materials for an upcoming training.
I headed home to get my wife and something to wash. We went to Target before going to get the boys.
(Afternoon: chicken and pasta, 6 cups of water, apple, guava juice)

Got home, helped Javi shower while my wife made Chili Dogs. We had dinner and I showered. Tried putting Gabriel to bed,  but he didn't want to. My wife tried and I watched NXT and played Madden. Now bed time.
(Nighttime: 3 chili dogs, 5 cups of water)

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