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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

day 2

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, went to get ready, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out. The drive was good, found parking, going to nap before walking to work. 2 trainings today, have to slow down again during my party also need to clarify something in the 2nd half of the training.
My stomach is acting up, my lower back still hurts, but it's much better than yesterday. 
Got in and checked email, did some accounting and prepared for training. We are close to starting, very sleepy, let's see how this one goes.
The training went very well, we went on for about an hour and 15 mintues. Not too many questions, during the break I went over to talk to my supervisor about some things regarding the trainings and people missing. After the training I came back to my desk and chilled for a bit.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Had lunch and eventually went over to get a coffee at Peet's. Listening to podcasts, about to go set up the room for the next training that starts at 2:30. Hopefully it goes well.
Training started and it went well, crowd was meh, but we did our thing. After I went upstairs and got my things and started to walk to the car.
Got home and folded laundry. 
(Afternoon: Pizza, water, Caramel Machiatto)

Was feeling light headed, had some nutter butters and Ritz crackers,  bathed Gabriel. Javi was throwing a tantrum and I've had it with those. He needs to figure out his shower situation. Anyway, had dinner and now about to shower. It's going to take some time to put Gabriel to bed since he napped late.
He finally fell asleep, came out to watch tv. About to go to bed soon. 
(Nighttime: nutter butters, Ritz crackers, half  a carnitas burrito, ice cream)

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