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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Game day for Gabe


Woke up and went to get dressed. Last night was bad for me, I was coughing a lot and still had something stuck in my throat. Packed up my things I headed off to the BART station to catch the train. The ride in was good and I got in to the building and set up in the Expo room. I found a gift for my brother for his birthday that is in May, so I ordered it and now we wait for it to come. Now waiting for lunch and time to go home. Since I am off early today I ate my sandwich already with some cuties. About to go use the bathroom and closer to 1 start setting up to leave for the day. Off tomorrow.

(Morning: Water, coffee, cuties, sandwich)


Packed up and took off. Caught BART to Bay Fair and went to get some Starbucks. Came home and put things away, practiced outside with the boys for a bit. Got Gabriel ready for his game and we took off for first pitch.

(Afternoon: Caramel Frappuccino, water. Chicken nuggets)


Got to to the game. They needed some extra help so I jumped in to help our since I was available. It was fun, Gabriel got hurt, cried a bit. But shook it off. After the game we went over to Cardenas to grab some items. Came home and built a shoe rack I ordered and put my shoes away. Now going to shower. A day off for me tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: hot dog, water, beer)

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Like the Monday Night Wars


I woke up and my throat was a bit sore. I was coughing a bit, but I still went to get ready to go to work. Today is my in office day. I wanted to call out, but there is the added pressure of it not looking good to call out on your in office day and also I had to present at Forum. I drove over to the BART station and got on my train, walked over to work only to get a call that the other trainer decided to call out. So now, much like Rick Rude did when he was on Monday Night Raw and Monday Night Nitro on the same day, I would be doing both the training with Monika and presenting at forum. She ran a bit late so I started, when she came on I passed the training over to her and after some time I went over to present my part at forum. When that was done, I went back to the training room to help some folks out with tasks. Right now just waiting for time to have lunch.

(Morning: coffee, water)


Ate my lunch and now waiting for a meeting and time to be off for the day. The boys have practice today. My back is getting stiff again, I need to find a way to loosen it. Had a quick meeting and was called by my supervisors supervisor regarding messaging in training, Gave him the update and now soon packing up to go. Tooknoff and caught the train home. Drove over and got ready yo go to practice. 

(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, ZOA, pound cake)


Practice was good, it was mainly hitting today. Javi had some good batting practice time. Tomorrow he will hit off the tee. I'll be working with him on that here and get Gabriel ready for his game as well. After practice I went with Javi to pick up some burgers at Classic Burger. Came home, had dinner, washed dishes, showered, watched the premiere of Moon Knight, made my lunch for tomorrow and now off to bed. Waking up early again, it's an in office day.

(Nighttime: double cheese burger, water, beer)

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Clocking in


I woke up with the intention of calling out so I can get some rest. But I know that I will not be able to rest and today was shaping up to be pretty chill for me, so I logged in. Packed up the boys backpack and set them up for lunch. Had breakfast ready for them and had them get ready for school. I went to do the drop off solo today. Came back home and made coffee and started working. Right now I am waiting for time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Pound cake, water, coffee, chocolate)


Went to pick up Gabriel and came home. Now just waiting for my wife to get home. She got home, right now I am talking to a supervisor regarding some issues. About to chill for a bit. Got a call from my supervisor and he will not be in tomorrow,  so he wants me to present at forum tomorrow. I have to wait for the page to go live to check it out tomorrow to see if it works before presenting. Running out real quick to get Javi. We have a game later today. Finished work and went to the park to get the kids ready for the game.

(Afternoon: Thai Iced Tea, water, carne molida, white rice)


The game started and we were off and running. It was a good game, Javi walked and scored, struck out once. Had some good swings again. The kids won again and after my wife took the boys home. I cleaned up the field and drove home after. When I got home I packed my things for tomorrow and helped Javi shower. I showered and after I made my lunch for tomorrow and had dinner. About to go to bed, tired and I go in to work tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: pupusa, water, salami, Ritz crackers, beer)

Monday, March 28, 2022

Starting another week


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got breakfast for the boys and had them get ready. It's raining outside so we took a few more minutes to get ready to go. We drove over to drop off the boys and came home. Made coffee and logged in to work.

(Morning: Pound cake, water, coffee)


Went to Target to grab the donation that Javi will take to Church on Thursday. Picked up Gabriel and took out the boys allowance for April to put in their piggy banks. Got the car washed and now at home, waiting for Gabriel's pizza to be ready. My wife came back and brought us some sandwiches from Darny Dan's. I went over to pick up Javi on a break and came home to finish up work.

(Afternoon: coke, water, peanut butter cups, sandwich)


Took everyone out for ice cream and came home. Watched Dora and made Mac and cheese. Showered and took out the trash. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: water. Rum and Coke, Mac and cheese)

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday rest day

Woke up and made Nutella pancakes, had some coffee and tool a shower. Got ready to go to church. The service was good today and after we came home. I rested quite a bit. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

We went to Costco to grab a few things and price check some items. Came home and had an early dinner. Watched the Oscars for a bit and soon going to shower. 
(Afternoon: chow mein, pizza, smoothie, water)

Showered and watched the We don't tall about Bruno performance and it was no Bueno. I guess we won't be talking about that performance. After we watched some TV and sent the boys to bed. Watched The Walking Dead and now off to sleep. 
(Nighttime: doritos, sake bombs)

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Tee Ball Saturday

Woke up and made breakfast for the boys. Ate and I took a shower. Started doing laundry and we waited until it was time to go to Gabriel's game.
(Morning: water, coffee, egg, cheese, bacon sandwich)

Got to Gabriel's game and he did well. 2 hits from pitching and 1 hit off the tee. He had 2 plays that he did that were good. After the game we came home. My wife isn't feeling good so I am taking her ticket to the movies. Got to the movies with my Mom and Sister. We watched The Lost City and I was funny, after we came home.
(Afternoon: nachos grande, Gatorade, coke)

Got home and took the boys to the park. There was some person there that apparently got offended that Gabriel brought his toy TMNT nun-chucks to the part. He was very irate and was yelling at me saying that I brought a weapon to the part. I explained it was a toy, but all he was seeing red and wanted to fight. I defused the situation as I do not want to get into any arguments, yelling matches or fights in front of the boys. He left, we stayed. After I got the truck washed and came home to do more laundry. Ate dinner and now watching Mr. Bean.
(Nighttime: water, beer, orange chicken, fried rice, chow mein)

Friday, March 25, 2022

Off early


Woke up and got ready for work. Not feeling too well, but it's an easy training day. Might log out early. Got the boys ready and took them to school. After I came home, made some coffee and logged in to work. Training was good today, it's finished now. Got approval to be off at 12. So just waiting for time to pass by so I can leave.

(Morning: Monster mix, coffee, water)


Logged off of work and went to get Gabriel. After we hit up the Nike outlet in San Leandro and got the boys shoes. After we went to get some milk at Target and picked up lunch. Came home and are pupusas and now waiting in line to pick up Javi while listening to some Whitney Houston. After we came home and waited to start driving down to Daly City.

(Afternoon: pupusas, root beer, water)


Got down to South City and put gas in at Costco. Picked up my wife's friend and dropped them off at Chevy's. I went over with the boys to my sister's. Had dinner and hung out, around 8:15 we went over to pick her up and came home. Got here and now relaxing having a few drinks before bed.

(Nighttime: fish and chips, water, doritos, margarita, beer)


When dealing with things at work, I get frustrated but I try to never let my team down. Even if I am not feeling well, I show up. There is someone there that doesn't. I don't respect that. Be part of the team or move on.

Game Day


Woke up and went to get dressed and ready for work. Grabbed my lunch and my bag and headed off tot he BART station to take the train to work today. The ride was good, walked over to 1235 and made my way up to the room I sit in. I set up the room and logged in. The training today was again just task work and support. Now just wrapping up and seeing what we are doing tomorrow. Had my lunch a bit early since I am leaving at 1:30 today.

(Morning: Water, coffee, sandwich, ZOA)


Sitting here waiting for time to go. My things are already packed so I can just wake off and go to the BART station to go home. Got on the train and got to Bay Fair. Passed by getting us some Starbucks and came home to rest and get ready to go to the game.

(Afternoon: iced Caramel Macchiato, water)


Got to the field and started to set up up. Had the boys warm up and the game started.  Javi played 2 defensive innings and had one at bat, he struck out but had good swings in the process. They won the game 6-1. After we handed out snacks and I went to pick up dinner. Came home, ate and showered. Now watching TV before bed.

(Nighttime: beer, water, Hawaiian BBQ)

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Hump Day


Woke up and got ready. Packed my things and headed off to the BART station. Took the earlier train as I start a bit early today so I can be off early so I can make it to baseball practice for the boys. Now over at 1440 for the morning and later going to end the day at 1235. The training went well today. Helped out a few people with cases and tomorrow we will be doing the same. Karla had to leave early due to her kid being sick. I am waiting to go hang out with Amilcar for lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, water, ham)


Got to 1235 and set up for the day. My wife called and said Javi wasn't feeling well and had a fever. I took off and came home in time to take Gabriel to practice. I told Javi that he could practice if he felt up to it or he can stay and rest. He decided to rest. I did stay for the team practice for about an hour to help out before getting some food and coming home.

(Afternoon: water, zoa)


Got the car washed and came home. Had dinner and a beer. Javi is still feeling bad, going to see how he does for tomorrow. Going to shower and set up the snack bags for tomorrow's games. Finished that up now going to bed.

(Nighttime: torta, nachos, beer, water, capri sun, cookies)

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Ham Tuesday!


Woke up and was so close to calling out today. But I went to get ready and got the boys lunch items ready. Had them get dressed and I took them to school. My wife stayed home preparing a ham we are having today for lunch. The drop off was good on both parts, came home in a good time and made coffee and logged in to work. Started up training and it will soon be over. Training is over and I went to take a shower. It's warm outside. Pretty soon going to get Gabriel.

(Morning: coffee, water)


We went over to pick up Gabriel and came home. About to have some ham for lunch. Ate and built a book shelf nook for the boys. On my break I we went to get Javi and passed by 7-11 to get some slurpees for all of us and came home so I could finish out my work day.

(Afternoon: Ham, bread, water, Root Beer, slurpee)


After work I packed my things up for tomorrow. We cleaned the boys room and tossed out some old clothes and got some ready for donations. Cut the ham and washed the dishes and crock pot. Showered,  put clothes to wash. Changed Gabriel and had Javi change, sent them to bed. Watched some TV and folded laundry,  now off to bed.

(Nighttime: monster mix, ham, water)

Monday, March 21, 2022



Woke up and went to get ready. Wasn't sure if Gabriel was going to school today so I made lunch for both boys. Had them get ready and found out that Gabriel is not going to preschool today. We took Javi to school and came home. I made coffee and got ready for training. It went well today, about 2 hours in total. We gave the group some time to work on tasks at the end of training. Now waiting to take Gabriel to get his COVID test at Kaiser.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Got the test and came back home. Ordered some Popeye's Chicken for lunch and we walked over to pick it up. Came back home had a quick bite and checked in to work. Planned out tomorrow's training with Karla. On my next break I go get Javi. Went to go get Javi and came back home, right now just finishing up work. The boys are doing their homework, I'm about to go set up the things outside so they can hit and throw. Finished up work and now in the back yard having the boys catch and hit. The sun is out but it's a bit windy. Going to stay out a bit longer and later I'm going to try and build a bookshelf for the boys room.

(Afternoon: Chicken sandwiches, Cole Slaw, Coke, water)


Did not build the bookshelf today. Maybe tomorrow. We did clean up the front yard a bit with the string trimmer and cleared a lot of things. Took out the trash, recycling and green bin. Put up the glow in the dark stars in the boys room and had some dinner. After I showered and got the boys ready for bed. Watched some TV and now off to sleep.

(Nighttime: Chicken, beer, water, cotton candy)


Woke up and went to make some coffee, had Javi get ready for church and I went to take a shower. I am ready to go, now just waiting for time. Going to pass by Target after to grab some items that my wife needs to make lunch and some sandwich meat for my 2 days in the office. Church was good and the Target run was fine as well. We went home afterwards. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Cleaned up a bit, folded clothes and had lunch. Rested and started to drive over to my sister's to drop off my Mom. We got there and hung out a bit and came back home, got some bobba tea on the way back.
(Afternoon: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo,  Coke, water)

Got home and had dinner, washed dishes, helped Javi shower,  my wife bathed Gabriel and I showered after. We watched AFV and we sent the boys to bed. Watched The Walking Dead and soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: Thai Iced Tea,  pulled pork sandwiches, water)

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Games canceled

Woke up this morning and grabbed some coffee. Got the boys ready and I took a shower. They canceled the boys game due to rain and now getting ready to have lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water)

We ate at Texas Roadhouse and after went to Costco to grab some things. Got home and watched Cold Case Files and now resting up. We went over to Southland Mall to thr carnival they had. My wife and kids got on some rides and we got some snacks before coming home.
(Afternoon: Dr. Pepper, water, pulled pork, bread, chicken wings, Cesar salad, ice cream, funnel cake)

Got back home and we started Watchung TV. Made my Mom and my wife some screwdrivers and we watched some TV before I had some Sake Bombs! 
(Nighttime: sake bomb, water, red vines)

Friday, March 18, 2022

Finally Friday


Woke up and had all the intentions of calling out, Tired and really want to sleep, but something tells me that I should go in to work. Got the boys ready and got their lunch ready as well. We went over to drop off Gabriel and Javi at school and on the way back home we stopped by Starbucks. During the drive home I found out that one of my unit members called out so I offered to cover the training. We started training and it was a pretty smooth day. Just working on a training case and helping with tasks. After I got ready to go get gas in the truck, go to the dollar tree to get a gift bag and we went over to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, water)


Picked up Gabriel and came home. We got some food and had lunch. I folded some clothes and put some of it away. Attended our unit meeting and we were told that one of our trainers will be moving on as a supervisor for another program. It is a really good thing for her, we are losing out but she will do great and we will move on as well. After work I got some items ready so we can toss them out at my sister's house. We drove down and it was a pretty quick drive.

(Afternoon: Shrimp burrito, root beer, water)


We left my sister's house and went to Chuck E Cheese. Had a nice time at Myrna's party and came home. Been relaxing and about to go to bed.

(Nighttime: water, root beer, beer, pizza, rosquillas)

Thursday, March 17, 2022

St. Patrick's Day

Woke up and got ready. Made coffee and packed up my lunch. Headed over to the BART station and got parking, now waiting for the train so I can head over to work. Today I am off early so I can come up and get ready for Javi's game later today against the Cubs. Logged in to work and reviewed some documents, I was able to send one to my supervisor for review. We also met briefly to talk about the upcoming training and how it may change. I ate my sandwich early today as I am leaving early. On a quick break here watching Spider-Man No Way Home.
(Morning: coffee, water, ZOA, Sandwich)

Right now still reviewing some items, waiting for 1:30 to roll around so I can walk over to BART and go home. I have to stop by Target first to grab some snacks for the boys. Gabriel is still a little sick, but seems to be doing much better. We'll see when I get home. I got to the BART station and went to Target real quick,  came home to drop off the snacks and went to get Javi. Came home to rest up and wash some dishes before the game. We left here at 4:20 to get there on time.
(Afternoon: water, torta de carne, white rice, soda)

We got to the park and warmed up. I let a kid borrow Javi's old glove and we finished warm up and the game started. Javi grounded out in his first at bat, he was upset but he was the only one who had put the ball in play at that point. His second at bat he got a hit and made it 2nd on a throw, eventually scored. He struck out in his last at bat, but he did really well today. After the game I drove my wife and the kids to get the truck and I went with Gabriel to get the car washed and came home. Had dinner, showered and now watching TV. Trying to get my back to stop hurting. 
(Nighttime: mcdouble, McChicken,  beer, water) 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022



Woke up and got ready. Today I am taking the BART to work. Grabbed my things and headed over to the Bay Fair station and waited in the car for a bit. When it was time I went over to catch the train. It was a later train but the ride was still good and I got to the Civic Center station at 7:06 AM. Walked over to work and set up in the EXPO room. Having coffee, checked in and now waiting for the forum meeting. Haven't been to one since the first week of the year due to training commitments. Today I get off early due to some appointments and Gabriel's interview at St. Joachim. Also, later today is Javi's new practice day so we have to go to that.  The forum ended and I got hungry so I ate my sandwich early. Created a document that summarizes some flow charts that are confusing and now just waiting for time to go home. Off in an hour. It looks like I will have parking on Wednesdays here at 1235, but I'm not sure if I am going to accept it as it may be easier and more cost effective to take BART for 2 days. We'll see, I will let them know soon.

(Morning: Coffee, water, sandwich)


Got home and chilled. Took a quick nap and got ready for practice. It was a good long practice and they ran a bit and did some good fielding. After practice I took Javi to get a slurpee and came home. 

(Afternoon: meatball, banana bread)


Bathed Gabriel and had dinner. Helped Javi shower and I showered myself. Sent them to bed and watched TV. About to get some rest, up early again tomorrow to take BART to go to work.

(Nighttime: beer, chili dogs, water, string cheese) 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Game day


Woke up and got ready, got items for the boys ready and had them get ready as well. It was raining this morning, so Gabriel's t-ball game may be canceled if the field is not good. Waiting to see what they tell us about it. Went to go drop off the kids and came home. Made some coffee, checked in to work and was able to chat with a few people before locating documents that we need for training. Had a chat with Amilcar regarding some business processes and now getting ready to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, muffin)


We went over to wash the car and picked up Gabriel. Now we are home, heated up some leftovers for lunch and now waiting for my next break so we can go pick up Javi. I just got super tired right now, hopefully I get some energy soon before I pass out and fall asleep. Took Gabriel with me to go get Javi and came home. Logged back in to work and finished out the day. Packed up my things for the next 2 days as I am going to the office. Going to be off early as well for practice and games. After work I got Gabriel ready to go and we headed off to the park for his t-ball game.

(Afternoon: Tacos, water)


The game was fun. Gabriel got pitched to which was cool, he got 3 hits off pitches, no tee today so that was great. It was really cold and after the game I dropped my wife and kids at the house so I can pick up some burgers for dinner. Came home and had dinner, cleaned up a bit, set up the boys for tomorrow. Showered and now watching TV until bed time.

(Nighttime: burger, water, Gatorade)

Monday, March 14, 2022



Woke up and my back felt a lot better. It was still stiff but I was able to walk around with no issues. Got the boys breakfast and got the bags ready for school. Took them over for the drop off and came home to make coffee and logged in to work. No training today for me, so I was able to catch up on some things. I am really tired. I was able to review documents while doing laundry and I got ready to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, muffin)


Grabbed me a chicken sandwich and some tacos from Jack in the Box and picked up Gabriel. We came home and I made him a pizza. Been hanging out with him, on a break I mowed the lawn and the back yard. About to have lunch and go pick up Javi. Picked him up and came home, had a meeting and after that I was able to log out of work. After I practiced with Gabriel and Javi in the backyard. After some time we went to Target. 

(Afternoon: Chicken Sandwich, tacos, ZOA, water)


Went to Target and got some items. Passed by Jamba Juice and Wingstop to grab food. Came home to eat and rest. Had javi shower, my wife bathed Gabriel and soon after I showered as well. We watched some TV and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: water, coke, wings, fries)

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Picture Day

Woke up and went to have some coffee and breakfast. Showered and got the boys ready for picture day. We left to go to the ballpark and we got them their pictures and came home.
(Morning: coffee, donuts)

Went to Wlmart and got a few things. Came back home and chilled for a bit, washed the boys baseball pants again and now just sitting in the car trying to relax. Today has not been a good day for me, everyone is just acting up more than usual and just treating me bad. Came back home and took a nap, my back is hurting,  need to rest up.
(Afternoon: muffin, water)

Had dinner and washed dishes,  took out the trash and cleaned up all with my back being not cooperative. Got the boys items ready for school tomorrow without anyone helping me as always. They see that I am in a lot of pain, but they don't care. I took a shower and watched half of AFV and now relaxing on the couch waiting for the Walking Dead to start. Finished the show and now off to bed. My back is still hurting me and I don't want to take any pain meds, let's see how long I can go.
(Nighttime: water, Chinese food)

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Opening day

Woke up and got ready and got the boys ready and we were off to gonmeet everyone for the parade. We were the first ones there for Javi's team, Gabriel's coaches were there already. There was delay and we started late. The parade began and we walked to the ballpark. We had out first game against the A's. Our team won 14-0, they ended it with the mercy rule. After we came home to bathe the boys, shower and get ready.
(Morning: donuts, water)

We had lunch with my mom and sister and came home. I folded some clothes and took a nap before heading out to Arnel's for Allix's party.
(Afternoon: margarita,, burrito, chips, water)

Got down to Daly City and chilled. Ate some nachos and a burger. Chilled and had some good conversations. After we came home and now I am doing some laundry and watching TV before bed. Changed the clocks forward and now off to bed. Picture day is tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, squirt, nachos, burger, cake, beer)

Friday, March 11, 2022


Woke up and got ready. Set up breakfast for the boys, got them ready and took off to take them to school. Came home and made coffee and had a chocolate muffin. Checked in to work and got items ready for training. Training was ok, the end was a bit of a downer since they got all negative on us. But we move on. Before getting Gabriel we went to thr Dollar Tree to get a gift bag for Allix.
(Morning: water, coffee, muffin)

Picked up Gabriel,  had lunch and now in the PM training. About to take off to get Javi as the other trainer is here now. We went over to pick him up and came home. I finished up some work I had to do. No training next week, bit training the week after. Now logging off of work and watering the grass.
(Nighttime : Bean soup, cheese, water)

Watched some TV with Gabriel and talked with you mom. Made dinner and we watched Turning Red. After I showered and the boys went to bed. Going to sleep now, lots to do tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: lobster Ravioli, beer, muffin, water)

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Taking the morning train


Woke up a little later today. Still trying to time this commute to work out, I think today will be a better day as far as timing. I went to get dressed and got my things ready. Made my coffee and headed out the door. Drove to the Bay Fair BART station, parked, paid for parking and went to go get on the train. I grabbed a seat by the window so I can look at the different neighborhoods while I was on my way. When we got to the Civic Center station the train was still a bit empty. The station itself was still pretty empty as well, there were spots where you can see they had just cleaned and other spots where people left garbage. I walked over to 1235 and went to start setting up my work station in the Expo room. Now just waiting on the call out email to check attendance and to start the training for the day. Today will be a full day of task support. Did the training and man some of these people are either really not getting it, or they are acting like they don't get it. But either way, we have one more day with them.

(Morning: water, coffee)


Had my sandwich and water. Tried to nap but my back is so stiff right now that I cannot do that. Did some stretches and now checking out some documents and getting ready for tomorrow. Very sleepy and can't wait to go home. I am so tired and bored, I need to get out of here. Just another hour to go. Already packed up and ready to go. About to walk out of here and walk to the BART station and go home. Got on the train and headed home, tool a little longer today for some reason. Anyway, I tool the car to get washed and now getting home.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, ZOA)


Put my work things away and had everyone get ready so we can go to Costco to get gas and some items. We got the items and some food and came home to eat dinner. Washed dishes and cleaned up a bit. Showered and we watched some TV before bed.

(Nighttime: beer, Sierra mist, pizza, hot dog)

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

In office day


Woke up around 5 and went to get ready. I slept ok, but the thought of me having to take BART to work kept me a bit restless. It's something that always happens when I have to do something. Anyway, timing is everything so I was able to time it out so I can wake up later tomorrow. I got to the city close to 7 AM. Walked over to 1440 Harrison and set up for training. The training went ok, it was our last day of documents and power points. We did a scenario for training region and let them work on MC Carrying cases. Now waiting for lunch time and time to walk over to 1235 Mission.

(Morning: water, coffee, croissant)


Had my sandwich and had some water. Chilled a bit with Amilcar, Karla and Monika before I walked over to my desk. When I got here I checked in with my supervisor and talked with him a bit. Now going to the Expo room to hang out and work for the rest of the day. Finished up work and walked over to the BART station and got on the train home. It was a good quick ride, now off to the little league field to meet my wife and kids.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, ZOA)


Got there and when practice wrapped up I went to pick up some food. Got home and had dinner, cleaned up a bit. Bathed Gabriel and I took a shower as well. Played the match game and Go Fish with the boys before they went to bed. I have a slight headache and I am about to go to bed. Another in office day tomorrow  

(Nighttime: burrito,  beer, water)

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Another day closer to the end


Woke up and got ready. Got the boys lunch for school ready and had them get dressed. Took them by myself today. Passed by McDonald's grabbing breakfast for me and my wife. Came home and made coffee, now logging in and getting ready for training. Training went ok today, we were able to get through it and give them some time to work on a few things. After I prepared the meatloaf for lunch.

(Morning; Coffee, water, Sausage Biscuit, Sausage McMuffin, Hash brown)


Drove over to pick up Gabriel and came home to start making lunch. Checked in to work and waiting for time to go get Javi. Picked him up and came back home to eat. Working now and running out the clock. Finished up work and packed up my things for tomorrow. Going in to the office. Played WWE 2K22 and played outside with my wife and kids.

(Afternoon: Meatloaf, white rice, water, ZOA)


Cleaned up and washed dishes. Both boys bathed and I made them food for dinner. I showered and had the last piece of meatloaf with rice. Now watching TV before bed.

(Nighttime: meatloaf,  white rice, water)

Monday, March 7, 2022

Jersey day

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys lunch ready and got them breakfast. They got ready and we took them over to school. Came back home and made coffee and checked in to work and started training. It was good today, we also got news about future trainings we have to do.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to pick up some ketchup and Gabriel after. He kicked a ball out of school and I had to go get it for the school. Came home and checked in to work and had a meeting. Now waiting for lunch and time to go get Javi. Before I went over to get him, I ate some food. Picked him up, finished work and we went to practice. Javi got his jersey, he is number 9 just like Gabriel. Practice was good and when it was over I needed to get gas.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la valenciana,  Dr. Pepper, water)

Put Gas in the car, washed it and came home. Washed dishes. Showered, changed Gabriel and now watching TV. After putting the boys to bed, I watched a show with my wife. Had some cereal and now relaxing.
(Nighttime: water, cereal, milk)

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Woke up and took a shower. Went to set up the canopy to dry so I can put it away. Made some coffee and started laundry. Church and spaghetti Feed today. Went to church and came back home and saw Gabriel's new jersey. It was really cool.
(Morning: water, coffee, donut)

We took off to the time set aside for Javi's team. There was a miscommunication with the jerseys so we should get them tomorrow. Anyway, we had some fun and came home. I took a quick nap.
(Afternoon: water punch, spaghetti,  salad, garlic bread, coffee, zoa)

Folded clothes, picked up dinner and came home to eat. Showered and watched AFV with the boys. Watched TWD and a Netflix show. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: double double, vanilla shake, Sake Bombs, water)

Batman Saturday

Woke up and showered. Made breakfast and my Mom and sister came by. We went over to watch The Batman movie.
(Morning: water, coffee, eggs, Vienna sausage,  ham and cheese croissant, popcorn, coke)

After the movie we came home and got the kids and my mom and headed over to play Mini Golf in Castro Valley. It was fun, but Javi being Javi was upset and was in a bad mood due to his competitiveness. After we were done we drove to Sam Leandro to try a new place Crab n Go.
(Afternoon: water, garlic fries, wings, crab bag)

Got home and chilled. My Mom and sister left. We watched a movie, bathed the boys, I showered and now enjoying some wine before bed.
(Nighttime: wine, water)

Friday, March 4, 2022



Woke up and got dressed. Got the items ready for the boys and had them get ready for school. We dropped them off and passed by Starbucks getting a treat for ourselves. Got home and started the training, we are doing another day of training support. Almost done with today and going to get ready to go pick up Gabriel.

(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, water, string cheese)


Hit up Target to grab some items to make lunch. Also got the items to make Sake Bombs! Picked up Gabriel and came back home. Checking in to work, waiting for lunch. Had lunch and washed the dishes, there were a lot of them. Now checking back in to work and waiting for time to go get Javi. Picked him up and came home, I am so tired. I made some coffee in hopes that it would boost me up. I would like to take a nap, this weekend may be a bit busy for us.

(Afternoon: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo, Coke, water, coffee)


Watched Smackdown and went outside to put things away. It's super windy. Came in and chilled, made a pizza for Gabriel and a peanut butter sandwich for Javi. Had some puffs and some Sake Bombs. Now just waiting to see if we watch a show or not. Now going to bed. 

(Nighttime: water, Sake Bombs, puffs)

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Closer to the weekend


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the items ready for the boys for school. Had them change and we took them to school. The drop off went well, after we came home and I made coffee and now waiting for questions in the training. This group and this round have been a bit challenging, they are asking questions that would be considered basic eligibility work. It is crazy to me. 

(Morning: Coffee, water, Ham croissant)


I went solo to get Gabriel. but before I got him I picked up some Thai Iced Tea. Came home and had lunch, checked in to work. Answering a few questions before going on my last break to go get Javi. We went to pick him up and it started to sprinkle a little bit. Came home and I checked into work and now running out the clock. After work I just chilled out in the living until dinner time.

(Afternoon: Chicken, tortilla, cheese, Thai Iced Tea, ZOA)


Had dinner, cleaned up, showered, changed the boys, chilled on the couch until I put the boys to bed. Now going to watch TV and relax until bedtime. 

(Nighttime: sandwich, beer, water, reese's pieces)

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Ash Wednesday


Woke up and went to get dressed. I really wanted to call out today, but I am going to log in. Got the boys items ready to go for school and got them ready to go. We went to drop them off and came home. My wife called out sick today, I made coffee for 1 and logged in to training. Today is a help with task day. So far some questions have been good, others have been not so good. But we help either way. So tired.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


Went to Target real quick to grab some tuna. Picked up Gabriel and drove to McDonald's to grab some Fillet-o-Fish and came home. Had a quick lunch and now back at work. Pretty soon going to take a break to go get Javi. We picked him up and came back home, I have been answering questions and reviewing documents and waiting for time to go to Gabriel's practice. We took him to practice and it was ok, his last team seemed a bit more organized, but let's see how they do this year. After we went to Cardenas and came home.

(Afternoon: Fillet-O-Fish, Tuna Sandwiches, Water, ZOA)


Got home, folded clothes and now going to shower. After I washed some dishes,  made some nachos and finished West Side Story and now going to bed.

(Nighttime: beer, water, nachos)

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Taco Tuesday

Woke up and got dressed. Got lunch ready for the boys and had the get dressed and ready to go to school. We took them over and came back home, made coffee and started training. It went pretty good today. Karla was out, so I trained with Monika. After training I got some laundry done. Waiting for the rest and for time to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: Coffee, water)

Went to Target to get items to make lunch. Washing the car and now off to get Gabriel. We had lunch and I folded clothes. Checked back in to work and soon on my break I go and get Javi. Finished worked and tried to go take Javi to practice but the fields were taken. We were going to go to another park but Javi's stank attitude made me just want to return home and I had him practice in the yard. Played catch with Gabriel and we were off to Costco. 
(Afternoon: iced Caramel Macchiato,  water, chicken gnocchi soup)

Got to Costco and got a few things. Had dinner and came home. Bathed Gabriel and my wife helped Javi shower. I showered after and cleaned up the kitchen and stove. Watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: iced tea, water, cookies, pizza)

Round 3... Week 2... Day 1


Woke up and went to get ready. I got lunch ready for the boys. Got them ready. My wife took her friend to the airport and went to the office. I took the boys to school. The drop off was nice, quick and easy. Came home and made coffee and started training. Today went ok, we had to flip flop weeks to accommodate a training request. We finished training, I took a shower and I pre-ordered WWE 2K22 against my better judgement. Anyway, my wife came home and I watered the front lawn and now we are going to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


Picked up some Thai Iced Tea before getting Gabriel. We are home now. Had lunch and checked back in to work. Now waiting for a break to go get Javi. I went to go pick him up with Gabriel and we came home. Back in to work now, just running out the clock. We have practice to go to soon. After work I tool Javi to practice,  it was good and after we picked up my wife and Gabriel. 

(Afternoon: Thai Iced Tea, water, white rice, torta de carne, tortilla,ZOA)


Went to 7-11 and bought some Slurpees for us. Went to grab dinner at Taco Bell and came home. Had dinner and watched AFV with Javi and Gabriel. Sent them over to bed and took out the trash. Watched some shows and now off to bed

(Nighttime: Taco bell, Slurpee, water)