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Saturday, October 31, 2020

lockdown day 229

Woke up and went to the living room to see if Gabriel would poop. He didn't,  I made coffee and showered. Got ready to go to costco to get the tires changed on the truck. Had a boost before leaving.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

I left the trick for service and wandered around costco for a bit. Saw some good items that were for sale for the house. Going to talk to my wife about it. Still waiting for the truck and listening to podcasts. Going to get my mom around 2.
Car is done, went home and picked up Gabriel to go get my mom.  Did that and came home, we went out to the Outback Steak house to have a late lunch.
(Afternoon: berry smoothie, water, steak, Cesar salad, wings, beer, water)

We went to the park and had to come home because Gabriel was having stomach issues. We watched The Haunted Mansion and had the kids trick or treat in the house. Now watching the Holidate. Went to drop my mom off and came home. Changed Gabriel and I took a shower. Put him to sleep and came out to watch tv before going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, cheese its, doritos)

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