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Monday, October 26, 2020

lockdown day 224


Got up, made a bottle for Gabriel. Went to take a shower and got ready for work. Changed Gabriel as he peed on himself this morning, so after that we dropped him off and returned home. I made my coffee and had my boost. Javi set himself up for school and did that. I had to call my supervisor and ask some questions about the upcoming training that we have. Spent the morning working on building cases in the training region. Had a quick meeting. The plumber came by to fix the sink and now it's in working order. 

(Morning: Coffee, boost, water, fig newtons)


My wife picked up Gabriel. I stayed while Javi finished class. We had lunch and I took Javi to the Boys and Girls club. Came back home and had lunch, I noticed a smell coming from Gabriel and it turns out he pooped on himself and grabbed it and smeared it on his clothes. We changed and bathed him immediately and I ran out to take my sister home from the auto body shop. Got back home and now working again, helped an EW real quick with a phone issue and now waiting for Karla to get back to me so she can practice her presentation. Connected with Karla for the run through,  continued doing my work for training. Played a few songs with Javi on the MJ experience game and we went to go get Javi.

(Afternoon: Arroz a la valenciana, water, Monster, peanuts)


Picked up Javi and went to Target to get some items. Stopped by my sister's after yo visit my Mom. After came home and played with Gabriel again a few more songs. Showered, had dinner and now hanging out. We talked about how we will approach payments going forward in our new place if we get it. Did some accounting and now going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, hamburger, oatmeal cookie)

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