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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

lockdown day 218

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, put clothes to wash and went to shower. Gabriel is staying home today as he has to poop, my wife is with him and Javi now. I am out picking up my Mom to take her to her surgery appointment. Drove over and picked her up, dropped her off at Kaiser, went to get gas and to Target to get some items and came home to finish laundry and wait for my mom to be ready to go get her.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water, fig newtons)

Got the phone call to get my mom. Picked her up, went to ny sister's place and now hanging out while my mom rests. My sister came home, she went to nap, I watched the Babadook and chilled. I was finally able to go home, on the way I got some coffee and now at home dealing with this psycho I have and not wanting to poop.
(Afternoon: water, cheese, pepperoni, caramel Macchiato)

We went out to get some Taco Bell and came home to eat. I bathed Gabriel and my wife supervised Javi's shower time. Gabriel finally pooped in the potty and was happy. I went to shower and after I played BINGO with Javi. I put Gabriel to bed and came out to watch Javi beat Super Mario Odyssey, watched Unsolved Mysteries, played Madden, listened to the New Day Podcast and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: taco bell, lemonade, water)

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