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Saturday, October 31, 2020

lockdown day 229

Woke up and went to the living room to see if Gabriel would poop. He didn't,  I made coffee and showered. Got ready to go to costco to get the tires changed on the truck. Had a boost before leaving.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

I left the trick for service and wandered around costco for a bit. Saw some good items that were for sale for the house. Going to talk to my wife about it. Still waiting for the truck and listening to podcasts. Going to get my mom around 2.
Car is done, went home and picked up Gabriel to go get my mom.  Did that and came home, we went out to the Outback Steak house to have a late lunch.
(Afternoon: berry smoothie, water, steak, Cesar salad, wings, beer, water)

We went to the park and had to come home because Gabriel was having stomach issues. We watched The Haunted Mansion and had the kids trick or treat in the house. Now watching the Holidate. Went to drop my mom off and came home. Changed Gabriel and I took a shower. Put him to sleep and came out to watch tv before going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, cheese its, doritos)

Friday, October 30, 2020

lockdown day 228


Slept a lot better today. Got up and made Gabriel a bottle and went to take a shower. Opened up a new bar of soap that I got from the Dollar Shave Club and I really like it. It smells good, not over powering, just right. I put clothes to wash and got Gabriel ready for preschool. We dropped him off and came back home to set Javi up for school. He had to show his pumpkin and costume today. He was Bowser from Mario Bros. He had a good day. We were able to get more information about our training and again we were given the instructions so late that I really don't know how we are going to pull this off, but I know we will. I attended a training where I had to present and I jumped into another meeting to discuss our training. We settled on a few things and I was able to get out and assist others. Now waiting for lunch time.

(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee, fig newtons)


Went to drop Javi off at the Boys and Girls club, had pizza and mango juice for lunch. About to step back in to work, I have one more presentation to do and another meeting after that. Hopefully we are able to get things done and agreed on for the training. After that I'm running out the clock. We got on the horn and talked again about training, it was good in a sense that we have each other's back, but it's the same issue as always. Request to train is late and they give us no time to get ready. But we will be ready.

After work I played outside with Gabriel for a bit and we went to get Javi, stopped by target and Popeye's to get dinner.

(Afternoon: Pizza, Mango juice, water)


Had an iced Chai tea latte and Popeye's chicken. Helped Javi with his shower. Bathed Gabriel and now going to shower. Mandalorian season 2 came out today, going to watch it. Put Gabriel to bed and watched the show. Talked to Arnel and Brian for a bit and finished watching Smackdown. About to go to bed, it's Halloween tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: beer, iced Chai tea latte,  chicken, biscuits, cole slaw)

Thursday, October 29, 2020

lockdown day 227

Woke up, made Gabriel a bottle. Went to lay on the couch until my mother in law got out of the bathroom. Went to shower and got ready for work. When I was done ingot Gabriel ready and put his costume on for his school Halloween party. We dropped him off and came back home, I made coffee, had a boost, logged in to work and Javi logged in to school. I had a training meeting at 9, but I was excused early from it. Answered a few questions that were asked by EWs and waited for lunch.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water, coffee cake)

Picked up Gabriel from school, came home to heat up the Chinese food left overs and ate. Went to drop Javi off at the boys and girls club. Came back to do my presentation at the meeting and finished the day off by answering questions from EW's. After work we went to get Javi and came home. My wife opened the new air fryer we got and made fries.
(Afternoon: Chinese food, water)

I had a beer, took a shower and got Gabriel ready for bed. Chilled and watched the football game and put Gabriel to bed. Came out and watched tv after making some food.
(Nighttime: quesadillas, water, doritos, fig newtons)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

lockdown day 226


Got up with no energy to do anything today. I went to shower and got ready for work. I got Gabriel ready and took him to preschool. We came back home and I made my coffee and had my boost. Listed the items Javi had to do for school today as it is his independent study day. In my forum meeting now, really don't want to be working today. But here we are. I attended the forum and got some good information. Javi finished up his school items and we went to drop off the books he checked out. Picked up some Chinese food on the way home.

(Morning: Coffee, water, boost)


We got home, I gave Javi his lunch. I waited for my wife to get home with Gabriel before I had lunch. After I attended the training and half way through my VPN and internet went down. But I was able to get on a hot spot and after I was able to get back on and do my part. About to.go in to another meeting. Finished all my meetings and we got ready to go to best buy to pick up the air fryer and then to Serramonte. 

(Afternoon: Chinese food, water)


We got to Serramonte and we returned the box of diapers we had bought a few weeks ago for Gabriel,  but since he isn't wearing them, we returned them. We walked around a bit, went to the Disney store,  my wife bad food at the food court. We shopped at Target and came home. When we got here I had dinner and showered. Put Gabriel to bed, we watched a movie and now I am finishing up NXT before bed.

(Nighttime: Thai tea, beef chow fun, water, coffee cake)

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

lockdown day 225

Woke up, made a bottle,  put clothes to wash. Took a shower and got ready for work. Got Gabriel ready for preschool and drove him over. We came back home and made coffee, had a boost and had Javi start his school work. I logged on to work and made some more cases and worked on them to test the out. Most worked and other didn't,  trying to figure that out.
(Morning: water, boost, coffee)

Had some chicken gnocchi soup and some more water. Took Javi to the Boys and Girls club. Got an iced caramel Macchiato from Starbucks and came home to finish out my lunch. When I get back I am going to try the cases again and run out the clock.
Talked to Karla, Monika and Odioh regarding training and it is what it is. Got to just get it done. Signed out and went to pick up Javi. Gabriel pooped and we played outside. Going to make a cinnamon swirl coffee cake and maybe have egg nog.
(Afternoon: chicken gnocchi soup,  iced caramel Macchiato,  water)

Made the coffee cake and bathed Gabriel, put his pj's on. I went to shower and got things ready for him to go to bed. Put him to sleep and came out to watch some TV and a movie on  Netflix.  Going to bed after.
(Nighttime: water, coffee cake)

Monday, October 26, 2020

lockdown day 224


Got up, made a bottle for Gabriel. Went to take a shower and got ready for work. Changed Gabriel as he peed on himself this morning, so after that we dropped him off and returned home. I made my coffee and had my boost. Javi set himself up for school and did that. I had to call my supervisor and ask some questions about the upcoming training that we have. Spent the morning working on building cases in the training region. Had a quick meeting. The plumber came by to fix the sink and now it's in working order. 

(Morning: Coffee, boost, water, fig newtons)


My wife picked up Gabriel. I stayed while Javi finished class. We had lunch and I took Javi to the Boys and Girls club. Came back home and had lunch, I noticed a smell coming from Gabriel and it turns out he pooped on himself and grabbed it and smeared it on his clothes. We changed and bathed him immediately and I ran out to take my sister home from the auto body shop. Got back home and now working again, helped an EW real quick with a phone issue and now waiting for Karla to get back to me so she can practice her presentation. Connected with Karla for the run through,  continued doing my work for training. Played a few songs with Javi on the MJ experience game and we went to go get Javi.

(Afternoon: Arroz a la valenciana, water, Monster, peanuts)


Picked up Javi and went to Target to get some items. Stopped by my sister's after yo visit my Mom. After came home and played with Gabriel again a few more songs. Showered, had dinner and now hanging out. We talked about how we will approach payments going forward in our new place if we get it. Did some accounting and now going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, hamburger, oatmeal cookie)

lockdown day 223

Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Chilled and went to shower. Cleaned the bed and we went for a walk. After the ak we ordered some food and went to the park.
(Morning: coffee, fig newtons)

We went to Commodore Park and I went to get the pizza. Came home and had lunch. Now watching the Niners game. The Niners won convincingly and after I started watching Hell In A Cell and working on the volcano with Javi. It took an hour for the plaster to set and now we found out it will take another day or two to dry.
(Afternoon: pizza, wings, chicken fingers, water, beer)

Finished watching Hell In A Cell, watched SNF, played with the boys and also did some word searches. Changed Gabriel and I went to shower. Put him to bed and came out to watch tv. Watched TV and went to bed. 
(Nighttime: fig newtons, water, peanuts)

Saturday, October 24, 2020

lockdown day 222

Got up, had a headache. Went to start cutting my hair and shaved. Made an appointment to get an oil change. Went to go pick up Gabriel at my sister's. Had breakfast from Jack in the box and chilled for a bit before coming home. Now waiting until time to go get the oil changed. 
(Morning: coffee, breakfast sandwich, French toast platter)

Took off to Midas to get an oil change and felt a bit ripped off. But anyway that is how it goes with those places. They told me what I already knew, that I needed new tires. I picked up my wife and we went to costco to see if we could purchase tires and set up an appointment. $805 later, we have tires and an appointment for tire installation next Saturday. Came home, carved pumpkinns and now hanging out. Still have a headache,  going to see if I rest a bit. Didn't rest, we went to Serramonte for a bit to walk around.
(Afternoon: water, Mango juice)

Ended yo finding the 49ers Faithful To The Bay hats and got them for me and the boys. I got my wife a beanie. We went to Target for a bit and came home. I talked to my mom for a bit and made me some food. About to shower. Showered and now putting Gabriel to sleep. He went to sleep and I came out to watch SNL and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: iced Chai tea latte, water, gallo piñto, cheese, tortilla, eggs)

lockdown day 221

Got up, put clothes to wash. Showered and got ready for work. Everyone woke up late so my wife went to drop Gabriel off and I stayed working. Had my coffee and boost and checked in to work. Training again today. The training went well, some people just never learn. But anyway, folded clothes and soon going to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

My wife went to costco and brought me back a strawberry yogurt and in a few minutes going out to get Gabriel and take him to my sister's. Did that and went to the Dollar Tree, drove home and went right in to a meeting and another meeting and another meeting. I made some cases and I logged off a 5

(Afternoon: strawberry yogurt. Water, shrimp fettuccine alfredo)

Went to pick up Javi and drove to my sister's to get Gabriel. Hung out for a bit but Gabriel didn't want to come home, so he is spending the night. I took Javi to get a happy meal and  came home to take a shower and help javi with his pumpkin decorations. Had some Sake Bombs and saw there was a leak under the sink, cleaned that up and now hanging out. Finished watching Smackdown and fell asleep on the couch.  Woke up and went to bed. 
(Nighttime: skate bombs, beer, corn nuts, peanuts)

Thursday, October 22, 2020

lockdown day 220


Woke up, got Gabriel a bottle, went to shower and get ready for work. When I was done I changed Gabriel and we took him to preschool. The drive was good and the drop off was quick. Came home, made coffee, had a boost and now waiting for my meeting to begin. Javi is off working on his school things and getting ready for class. I ended up leaving the meeting early as I was not needed for anything. Did some work and helped some people out. Now waiting for lunch time.

(Morning: Coffee, boost, water, cheese its)


Had lunch and chilled. Got ready for the next training,  did my part and had to stay logged on for any questions or phone support. Now just running out the clock. Done with work and started watching the football game before we went to meet my family at Chevy's. 

(Afternoon: leftover Hawaiian BBQ, water, monster)


Got to Chevy's, it was busy. They had a special of 34 cent tacos. We waited an hour and finally sat down. We had a good time and a lot of tacos. We came home, changed Gabriel and I went to shower. Put him to sleep and watched tv. About to go to bed.

(Nighttime: beer, water, tacos)

lockdown day 219

Got up,  made Gabriel a bottle, went back to bed for a bit. Finally got up and went to shower and got ready for work. Changed Gabriel and we took him to preschool. The drop off was good. We talked about getting the tires changed and the oil change as well, so I will be looking into that today.
Got home, made coffee, had a boost. Went to the forum meeting and got ready for the meeting I have later on.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

I went to go get Gabriel and put gas in thr truck. Came home and got ready for the meeting. Checked in and now driving for them. The training went well. Much better organized than the last one. I did my part and set up an app they wanted me to set up for them. Logged off and got ready to go get Javi and go visit my Mom.
(Afternoon: fig newtons,  corn chips, water, cheese its)

Got to my sister's to see my Mom for a bit. She is doing good after surgery. Won't be able to drive for about 6 weeks. We hung out a bit and talked about Thanksgiving and what we are bringing. We left to go to Target,  got some groceries and picked up some Hawaiian BBQ for dinner. Came home, ate, changed Gabriel and showered. Now putting him to bed. He went to sleep I came out to watch the Goldbergs and played madden. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Hawaiian BBQ,  water)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

lockdown day 218

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, put clothes to wash and went to shower. Gabriel is staying home today as he has to poop, my wife is with him and Javi now. I am out picking up my Mom to take her to her surgery appointment. Drove over and picked her up, dropped her off at Kaiser, went to get gas and to Target to get some items and came home to finish laundry and wait for my mom to be ready to go get her.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water, fig newtons)

Got the phone call to get my mom. Picked her up, went to ny sister's place and now hanging out while my mom rests. My sister came home, she went to nap, I watched the Babadook and chilled. I was finally able to go home, on the way I got some coffee and now at home dealing with this psycho I have and not wanting to poop.
(Afternoon: water, cheese, pepperoni, caramel Macchiato)

We went out to get some Taco Bell and came home to eat. I bathed Gabriel and my wife supervised Javi's shower time. Gabriel finally pooped in the potty and was happy. I went to shower and after I played BINGO with Javi. I put Gabriel to bed and came out to watch Javi beat Super Mario Odyssey, watched Unsolved Mysteries, played Madden, listened to the New Day Podcast and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: taco bell, lemonade, water)

Monday, October 19, 2020

lockdown day 217

Woke up, made a bottle for Gabriel,  went yo shower and get ready for work. When I came out I got Gabriel ready for preschool. We drove him over, it was a bit cold this morning. We got home and I made my coffee, had a boost and checked in to work. Javi logged himself into his class and started school. 
The morning has gone by pretty quickly, I moved the cars and now waiting for my mom to get Javi.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water,  fig newtons)

My Mom picked up Javi and we had some pizza. Now catching up on the last episode of the show haunting of Bly house on Netflix. Finished that series, we went for a walk,  checked back in to work. The request I had made earlier for the materials for training was not complete. I won't get them until tomorrow,  which is my day off. Anyway, watching the football game and working. Ready to get out of here.
(Afternoon: water. Pizza, fig newtons)

We headed out to Benihana's to meet my Mom, sister, God Daughter, niece and the boys for dinner. We had a good time and good food. Service was not great and the prices went up. After we came home, the boys changed, I showered and now just hanging out watching tv before bed. 
(Nighttime: Benihana's trio, water, soup, salad)

Sunday, October 18, 2020

lockdown day 216

Got up, made the bed. Watched some football. About to shower. Got dressed, made some coffee and played Mario Kart with the boys. I watched more football and chilled.
(Morning: coffee, fig newtons,  cheese its)

Got the boys ready and we headed out to meet my Mom and God Daughter at the movies yo watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. Everything went well and it was a fun time. Just getting home now to finish up the afternoon game and wait for the Niners to play SNF. Ordered some wings, madd the boys some food and started watching the game.
(Afternoon: popcorn, icee, water)

Had a beer, wings, veggie sticks and iced tea. Watched the game and it started off really well. The Niners won and I put Gabriel to sleep. About to shower. Came out and watched them play Super Mario Odyssey and sent Javi to bed. Watched 2 episodes of a show on Netflix and now watching another before going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, iced tea, water, wings, veggie sticks)

lockdown day 215

Got up, cleaned the bed and went to shower. Got ready and had my coffee. We headed out to the potential new house to meet with the plumber and Alejandro. There were some issues that need repairs and he estimated the cost to be around $4,500. We have some things to discuss. We went to target and got an iced coffee and a gift card and headed home.
(Morning: coffee)

We went to get Panda Express and came home to eat. Now resting before going to my sister's. Got up and had the boys change, took them outside for a bit and they played. We came inside I played madden,  Javi went to play in his play room and Gabriel had a bottle. When he was done we drove to my sister's house and waited for the party to start. We helped with the blowing up of balloons 
(Afternoon: iced coffee, water, fried rice, chow mein, orange chicken,  teriyaki chicken, Beijing beef)

The party started,  it was fun. We had appetizers, drinks, food and cake. Thenkids played and danced. We went to drop my mom off at home and now we are home. I'm putting Gabriel to bed. He did really well today with no diaper. I took a shower, watched some tv and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: appetizers, beer, water, carne asada, chancho con yucca, gallo pinto, tajadas, maduro, empeñada de piña,  guava cake)

Friday, October 16, 2020

lockdown day 214


Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and I went to shower. I got ready and my wife got Gabriel ready for preschool. We took him and came back home. We came back home, I made coffee and had a boost. Checked in to work and was invited to a meeting where I had to do some training. Soon I will be on a webinar and that should take me to 12. 

(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee)


I took off to go get Gabriel and I noticed people crossing the street and looking towards the mountains. I finally got a peak and there was a grass fire on Sign Hill. It was really bad. Fire trucks zoomed by me when I was driving. I got Gabriel and on the drive home we could see the smoke. When we got closer all these cop cars zoomed by us and I decided to take a detour to get home. I got home safe, but the fire was still going on. I attended my unit meeting and after had lunch, took Javi to the Boys and Girls club. I started working again and my wife told me there was another fire in South San Francisco, we could see the smoke via out kitchen window. Looks like they have that one under control as well.

Finished up work and we went to get Javi and drove over to Tanforan to go to Cold Stone for ice cream. 

(Afternoon: White rice, Carne modia, ice cream, Mango juice, water, ice cream shake)


Got home and the boys had dinner. Bathed Gabriel,  sent Javi to shower and soon after showered myself. Put Gabriel to bed and came out to play some Mario Odyssey with Javi and my wife. When he went to bed,  we watched the news and now I am watching Smackdown before going to bed.

(Nighttime: beer, water)

Thursday, October 15, 2020

lockdown day 213


Woke up sore. I had to twist around not to squash Gabriel at night since he loves to move around. Went to make him a bottle and I went to shower. Got him ready to go and we dropped him off at preschool. It's going to be a hot one today. Came back home, set up Javi for school. Had some coffee and a boost. Settled in to work and was asked to join a training. During the training I was asked to present so I did. After that just chilled until lunch time.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Boost)


Had some pot stickers, my Mom picked up Javi after she got Gabriel and we headed to review the house inspection. The plumbing and electrical were in need of repairs, so we are waiting for the full report in order to see what is going to happen next. Got back in to work and now running out the clock. After work I went to total wine to get some Flor de Caña, Toña, tequila and wine. Then off to get the boys.

(Afternoon: Pot Stickers, Pink lemonade, ice cream, water)


Hung out at my sister's for a bit, hearing the stories of the day. Came home,  unloaded the truck and put things away. We went to get the food and came home to eat. I changed Gabriel and showered, put him to bed and nlw watching Netflix. Played madden and listened to How Did This Get Made? And now bed time.

(Nighttime: burrito,  beer, nachos, water)

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

lockdown day 212


I was tired, woke up and went back to sleep until my second alarm went off. Made Gabriel a bottle and I went to shower and get ready. After I changed him and got him ready for school, no diaper today, we are going to try and not have him wear one from now on so he can learn. We dropped him off and came back home, I made my coffee, had a boost and set up Javi for school. He started working and I checked in to work, attended the meeting and got things ready for my Mom since she is picking up the boys.

(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee)


My Mom picked up Javi and went to get Gabriel, we had crab sandwiches for lunch. I took a nap and went in to work again. Attended a training that was not really helpful as a whole, but it did get some information out there for people. Going to see how it goes since they start the new function on Monday. I got the trash ready and took it out. About 1 more hour of work to go today and it's a bit hot in this house. Finished work and we went to get the boys. 

(Afternoon: Crab sandwich, water, Monster)


Got to my sister's house and chilled for a bit. Went tk Target after to get some ice cream. Got home and chilled, ate some bread sticks from Pizza Hut and had a beer. Changed Gabriel,  showered and put him to bed. Came out to watch the Billboard awards and had an ice cream. Going to bed soon. 

(Nighttime: bread sticks, beer, water, ice cream)

lockdown day 211

I know these posts sound super repetitive,  but during this lockdown we can't so much. So we become creatures of habit and routine. Today started off like any normal Tuesday. I got up, put clothes to wash, showered, came out to change Gabriel for preschool. We dropped him off and came home to make our coffee, had a boost and logged in to work. Helped a few people out and doing some research on a few things. It's an exciting and scary time as our offer on the home we saw was accepted, we are going Thursday to review the inspection and see what the next step is. Based on time line, we should be officially there by early to mid December if everything goes well. 
I folded clothes, switch some out and now waiting for the last batch to dry.
(Morning: water, coffee, boost, Mango juice)

Ran out to pick up Gabriel and came back home. Had lunch and went to drop off Javi at the boys and girls club. Checked back in to work and trying to run out the clock. Did that and watched some of the football game before going to get Javi. Picked him up and came home, chilled and we went to pick up some food.
(Afternoon: Spaghetti and meatballs,  water)

We got some Popeye's chicken and came home to have dinner. Bathed Gabriel and about to shower when Javi is done showering. Finished up and put Gabriel to bed. Now out here watching Netflix. Fell asleep on the couch,  now off to bed.
(Nighttime: chicken, cole slaw, biscuits, water)

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

lockdown day 210

Got uo, set up Javi for school. No work for us and no preschool for Gabriel. Started watching a movie,  cleaned the beds, showered and got ready.
(Morning: coffee)

Had some Mango juice while I made some French fries and going to have lunch now. After lunch I chilled for a bit and had to head out to Chase to send a money wire. We did that and went to the park for a bit. Gabriel left with my sister and we took Javi home. We watxhed a show and now going to get gas and get Gabriel. 
(Afternoon: iced caramel Macchiato,  bistec encebollado,  white rice, puffs, popcorn, Mango juice)

Got Gabriel and hung out a bit before coming home. When I got here I separated the clothes for laundry tomorrow and made myself some food. Changed Gabriel and I showered and put him to bed. Watched some tv, signed some paperwork online and tried to go to bed.
(Nighttime: tortilla, eggs, vienna sausages, water)

Monday, October 12, 2020

lockdown day 209

Got up, cleaned the bed and went to the living room. My wife and the boys were playing Super Mario Odyssey and I went to the room to start watching football. We got ready to go to Costco and did a run to get some items.
(Morning: coffee)

Got back home and had a hot dog, waiting on the ribs to be ready. Ate the ribs, took out the trash and now watching the rest of the morning game before the Niners play. Holy, still waiting for the Niners to play... they have pretty much been garbage today, down by a lot to the Dolphins. Super irritated.  They ended up losing, we went to Serramonte for a bit and then to my sister's to get the boys.
(Afternoon: hot dog, ribs, water, lemonade)

Walked around a bit and went to Target to get a broom and a few things. Got the boys and came home. About to go and pick up dinner and come back to eat it. Bathed Gabriel and had Javi take a shower. Watched some of the SNF game and showered after. Put Gabriel to bed and came out to play Mario Odyssey for a bit before Javi went to bed. Watched 2 episodes of a show on Netflix and played Madden. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: sushi, water, wine)

Sunday, October 11, 2020

lockdown day 208

Got up, showered and got ready. Didn't sleep well last night. Packdd up the truck and we are on the way to Petaluma to the Pumpkin patch. We drove up there, no traffic on the way. When we got on the Golden Gate Bridge we happened to meet my sister and brother who were on the way. We got up to the pumpkin patch and the kids went on pony rides. 
(Morning: water, coffee, boost)

After the pony rides we picked out some pumpkins and the boys got corn dogs. After we went to eat some lunch qt Lombardi's. I had a tri trip sandwich, ribs and potato salad and lemonade. After we went to the Petaluma outlets and did some shopping, I didn't get anything. Drove home  and had a monster on the way. There was slight traffic and we got home. I had some packages waiting for me. I went to the dollar tree real quick to get a soap dish. Came home and chilled. 
(Afternoon: tri trip sandwich,  lemonade, monster, potato salad,  ribs, garlic bread)

We were watching Hubie Halloween and had to stop it because Gabriel was acting up and not letting us watch. I went to shower and after I changed him and brushed his teeth. Ate 3 ribs and now putting him to bed. He went to sleep, we finished the movie, watched more TV and I dozed off on the couch, now moving over to the bed.
(Nighttime: ribs, water)

Saturday, October 10, 2020

lockdown day 207

Got up and put clothes to wash. Showered and when I came out I dressed Gabriel so we could take him to school. We dropped him off and came home to make coffee and drank a boost and checked in to work. My unit meeting got changed to 11. Javi was in class and I just worked all morning. 
(Morning: water, boost, coffee)

I went with Javi to pick up Gabriel. Took them to get Happy Meals for lunch. Came home, folded some clothes and about to take Javi to the Boys and Girls club and get my lunch.
Got my food, ate and checked back into work. Finished that up and went to pick up Javi and dropped my wife and her friend off at Chevy's for happy hour. I was going to go get something but decided to just come home and chill. Javi has been playing the switch and I am hanging out with Gabriel waiting for the call to go pick her up.

(Afternoon: Caramel frappe, water, super nachos, carne asada tacos)

Followed Smackdown on my phone and talked to my mom. Going to get some water and chill for a bit. My wife called and we went to go get her and her friend. Dropped her off at home and we came home. I showered and changed Gabriel. Put him to bed, Javi was playing Mario Odyssey and he went to bed. I played madden and now going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, ribs, beer)

Friday, October 9, 2020

lockdown day 206


I woke up and went to shower. I got ready for work and then got Gabriel ready for school. We went to drop him off and put gas in the truck and came back home. When we got here we set up Javi for school and I had coffee and a boost. Checked in to work and started answering emails and answering questions that EW's had regarding cases. 

(Morning: Boost, Coffee, Water)


We ate chicken flautas and are getting ready to go drop Javi off at the Boys and Girls club and driving over to see some houses. We went over to see the houses and some were really good, we came home and I picked up Javi and we went to my sister's house to get Gabriel. 

(Afternoon: Chicken flautas, water)


Got Gabriel and came home. Started watching the game and bathes Gabriel. Javi showered and I had dinner and played Uno with Javi. About to shower and put Gabriel to bed. He went to bed and I came out and played the switch with Javi for a bit. Watched the last episode of The Boys and played Madden. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: flautas, beer)

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

lockdown day 205


Woke up and made Gabriel a bottle, went to shower and got dressed. After I came out and changed Gabriel for preschool. I took him and dropped him off and he was happy today. Came back home and made my Coffee, had a boost and checked in to work. Today there is no meeting but I will be answering questions as needed. I helped Javi start his independent study day with school and he did a good job today. After some time my wife came back from the office. After class Javi had lunch and we waited for my Mom to pass by getting him.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Boost)


My Mom picked him up and took him to get Gabriel to go to my sister's place. I made myself some food for lunch and resting before going back in to work. Started working again, took a quick break to take out the trash. Very sleepy, but plugging through. Finished work and off to get the boys. 

(Afternoon: Gallo Piñto, water, eggs, toast, cheese, donut)


We picked up the boys and went to Target to grab some milk and items to make lunch tomorrow. Came home and put things away and ate some cheese sticks. Showered and put Gabriel to bed. Came out and played Super Mario Bros deluxe. Played madden and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: beer, cheese sticks, water, donut, cheese it's)

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

lockdown day 204


Got up, put clothes to wash before going to shower. I got ready and went to get Gabriel ready. We were running a bit late today and we needed to head out. The drop off was good, it was quick, we came back home, set up Javi for school, had a boost, coffee and switched out the clothes before logging in to work. I followed up with a few people about questions they had yesterday when I was off. Answered some new questions and on my break I cut the watermelon. Finished some more laundry and soon going to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water, Watermelon, Pop Tart)


We went to get Gabriel, my wife wanted Subway so we stopped by. Got home I heated up some left over Chinese food to eat. Had a really good lunch and now back to work. Javi should be going to the Boys and Girls club soon. Came back from taking Javi over and worked on some more emails and requests. At 5 I took Gabriel outside to play while we waited for my wife to be done with work to go get Javi.

(Afternoon: Water, Fried rice, Lemon Chicken, Mongolian Beef)


We picked up Javi and went to the Dollar Tree to get Halloween decorations and after we decided to get some Halloween donuts at Krispy Kreme. Came home had dinner and dessert and now about to shower. Hung out for a bit and then put Gabriel to bed. Watched a bit of TV with my wife before starting to watch the Child's play remake. Oh boy. What a mistake that was. After going to bed.

(Nighttime: small portion if chinese food. Donuts, water)

lockdown day 203


Got up and made Gabriel a bottle, went to shower and get ready for work. After I came out to change Gabriel for school. I installed the booster seat in the truck for him and he was excited for the ride to school. We dropped him off and came home. I had coffee and a boost and started working. I have been assisting people with their questions and giving Monday pep talks. Going to move the cars soon and install a booster seat in my car as well. Super sleepy and not feeling working today, but here we are. 

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water, Pop Tart) 


We had lunch, my Mom passed by picking up Javi. I switched out the car seat for a booster. After we went real quick to pick up Javi's school packet and came home. Did more work until we attended the parent/teacher conference and it went well. Now watching a movie. Finished the movie and went to pick up the boys. Hung out at my sister's for a bit and then headed home. 

(Afternoon: pop tart, monster, water, bean soup, white rice)


On the way home we got some Chinese food and had dinner here. After I watched some of RAW, bathed Gabriel,  sent Javi to shower and cleaned up a bit before showering myself. Now trying to put Gabriel to bed, hopefully that goes quickly. He did fall asleep fast, I went out to finish up washing the dishes and played some Mario Bros deluxe on the switch.  After Javi went to bed I watched RAW and now off to sleep.

(Nighttime: beef chow fung, fried rice, lemon chicken,  water) 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

lockdown day 202

Got up, changed Gabriel's diaper. Went to shower and got ready yo go take thr trash out and go to the storage. My wife wanted to go as well, so I waited for her to get ready and helped Javi start building his Mario lego set. We left and did what we set out to do. Got back home and had coffee and finished with the lego set

(Morning: coffee)

Watching football and I asked if anyone wanted to go to eat at the Outback steak house.  No one did and Javi was giving attitude about how he wanted to eat here.
So basically since it was my idea, they all sh*tted on it. I had lasagna,  pizza and lemonade. So, Javi wasn't trying to share his legos with Gabriel so I took him out to get some set of his own and came back home.
(Afternoon: lasagna, pizza, lemonade, water)

Got back home, built his legos and they played with them. Started watching the Niner vs Eagles game and we were helping my wife's goddaughter by listening to her presentation for class. Now having some wine and finishing the game. Niners lost,, passed at that.. anyway,, Going to shower later and watch the Walking Dead.
(Nighttime: wine, water, spaghetti. Popcorn)

lockdown day 201

Got up and started to get the house ready for the party. Cleaned up and soon going to vacuum the living room. I filled up the balloons and the piñata and about to start getting the boys ready for showers. Going to shower after and go get the cake and some ice. We went to pick up the cake and it was not what we ordered,  so we told them that we would appreciate either for them to fix it or refund us part of the money. The opted to fix the cake so we had to come back.

(Morning: coffee)

We went to get Gabriel some pizza and Javi and me some McDonald's. On the way home we were called to pick up the cake and it was what we had ordered. We were content. Got home and had lunch, put the lasagna to warm up along with the wings and we waited for guests to arrive. Everyone showed up that was invited,  we had fun. Javi got some great gifts and had an awesome time.
(Afternoon: chicken nuggets, mcdouble,  McChicken Sandwich,  lasagna,  chicken wings, water, sangria)

Time to clean up and put things away. Washed dishes and stored the left overs. It was a good day. Chilled for a bit, checked the mail and saw that our official ballot came in, I voted and will be sending it out tomorrow. Took a shower. Changed Gabriel and let him chill, took him to bed and now watching tv.
(Nighttime: pizza, water, bee, puffs)

Saturday, October 3, 2020

lockdown day 200


Got up, went to start laundry, showered and changed. When I came out Gabriel was wandering around the house so I changed him and noticed that my laptop was acting up. The Wi-Fi driver died on it, so I called IT to see if they could fix it. They tried to uninstall it and install an updated version, but that didn't work, so my wife went to drop Gabriel off and I stayed trying to troubleshoot the computer with IT. When we saw that it wasn't working I went to the office to have them look at it there. There was not traffic, I had to look for parking which I found pretty quickly. Went it and they fixed it fast. Left the city and passed by Peet's coffee on the way home and got here. I checked in when I was here to show my supervisor that everything was up and running. Answered a few questions and waiting for time to go get Gabriel and go to lunch.

(Morning: Iced Caramel Machiatto, water)


Went to get Gabriel and came home to have lunch. Went to my meeting and dropped Javi off at the boys and girls club. Came home to finish the day and help some people. At 5 I shut everything down and went to get Javi around 5:30. We had burgers for dinner and waited for the joy-cons to be delivered. 

(Afternoon: meat patties,  rice and beans, water.)


We went to target to get some drinks and other items for tomorrow. Got back home and showered. Played some Mario Bros deluxe and now putting Gabriel to bed. He fell asleep quick and I went to play Mario deluxe, watched an episode of The Boys, talked to Arnel for a bit and now going to bed. Party tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: pulled pork sandwich, water)

Thursday, October 1, 2020

lockdown day 199


Got up, made Gabriel a bottle before going to shower. So tired this morning. I got dressed and came out to get him ready for preschool. Today was better than the last 2 days for him. He was happy to go to school today. We came home and set up Javi for his class day. I really wanted to call out today to sleep, but the boys are here so sleep would not be an option. Made coffee and had a boost, checked in to work and have been helping people most of the morning. Not sure what the rest of the day holds, I think we are going to Costco after work.

(Morning: Boost, Coffee, Water, Pop Tart)


I went to pick up Gabriel and to Safeway to get some items for lunch. Got home and had shrimp fettuccine alfredo and chilled for the rest of my lunch. Helped a few people along the way and ran out the clock. Going to get Javi soon and go to costco. 

(Afternoon: shrimp fettuccine Alfredo,  water)


We picked up Javi and went to costco,  got the lasagna for Saturday. Cams home, I made the boys French fries and I had quite a few sake bombs. Very tipsy, so I showered and bow putting Gabriel to bed. Set up my nachos to heat up when I get out soon. Had my nachos with some water and watched tv.  Now off to bed. 

(Nighttime: nachos, sake bombs,  water)