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Thursday, April 30, 2020

lockdown day 44

Got up, got ready for work and logged in. Showered and got ready for the conference call.  Listened and during the call I heard Gabriel crying in pain, he was pooping and it was really dry and thick and hurting him, I had to literally pull the poop out of his butt. After I finished the call and waited for lunch. 
(Morning: water, boost, coffee)

I took out the garbage and cleaned up a bit. Had lunch and rested up before going back into work. We had a meeting about the upcoming training. Looks like the Golden Elite will be training again. Karla and I were set up to train together. We got our schedule for next week. I asked for tomorrow off so I can go pick up Javi's school work.
(Afternoon: chicken, rice, corn, water, pizza)

We went to the bank and to Starbucks, got back home watched TV. Had dinner and played Madden. Eventually made myself some Tequila Sunrises and put Gabriel to sleep. Now hanging out and watching TV until I go to bed.
(Nighttime: fettuccine alfredo with shrimp, pizza, Tequila sunrise,  water)

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