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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

lockdown day 29

Got up, made egg for Gabriel,  pancakes for Javi, coffee and boost for me. I did a training in the morning and lord let me tell you that I had to find the strength to get through that one. I also folded clothes.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Had left over Chinese food. The kids had some meat. I went out for a bit and the kids played outside. Did some final leg work for the next training. Talked to Karla for a bit before signing off and now on Micaela's zoom birthday party.
(afternoon: Chinese food, water, iced coffee)

We went to Lowe's, Walgreens, trader Joe's. 7-11 and target to get things. Nothing good that we needed. Back home i changed Gabriel and put him to bed. I showered and had dinner. Now watching TV.
(Nighttime: Chinese food, water, cookies)

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