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Monday, April 13, 2020

lockdown day 28

I got up and got ready for work. I did the training and it was a bit challenging due to one being able to fully do the training and the other one only hearing. I had to set another one up after for tomorrow and sent a report about what needed to be updated. 
(Morning: boost, coffee)

Ate some flautas and we took a nice walk around the neighborhood. Came back in and handled some more work items. Setting up for tomorrow's lesson for Javi and I was sent an invite for 2 meetings, I accepted one but declined the other one as I am going to be off on Friday. I ended up helping a few more people before getting off of work. After I drank an ice coffee and started laundry.
(Afternoon: chicken flautas, water, iced coffee)

Had a virtual happy hour with Amilcar, Arnel, Brian and Charles. Had a good time and ate Chinese food. After I washed dishes, changed Gabriel and put him to bed. Showered and chilled for a bit, did some accounting and now soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer,  water, Chinese food)

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