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Thursday, April 16, 2020

lockdown day 31

I got up, used the bathroom. My stomach is not feeling right. Made coffee, had a boost. I was going to call out today, but I saw that my morning training was canceled so I decided to work and attend the afternoon meeting for our next training. I was able to attend a presentation my supervisor did and I have been going back and forth with Javi trying to get him to do his school work. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

Had some Arroz a la Valenciana that my wife and mother in law made. Had a red bull, played outside for a bit and went to a meeting via Skype. Had a unit meeting and played again outside and now going in. Before work they let me know that they had a cell phone for me to pick up tomorrow on my day off. So now I have to do that.
After work we went to Starbucks real quick to get some coffee.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana,  red bull, water,  iced caramel macchiato)

Had a good chat with Arnel and Brian. Started laundry, changed Gabriel and put him to sleep. Helped Javi with his assignment for tomorrow. Had a snack and 2 beers. Now watching TV and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: Ritz crackers, beers, water)

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