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Thursday, April 30, 2020

lockdown day 44

Got up, got ready for work and logged in. Showered and got ready for the conference call.  Listened and during the call I heard Gabriel crying in pain, he was pooping and it was really dry and thick and hurting him, I had to literally pull the poop out of his butt. After I finished the call and waited for lunch. 
(Morning: water, boost, coffee)

I took out the garbage and cleaned up a bit. Had lunch and rested up before going back into work. We had a meeting about the upcoming training. Looks like the Golden Elite will be training again. Karla and I were set up to train together. We got our schedule for next week. I asked for tomorrow off so I can go pick up Javi's school work.
(Afternoon: chicken, rice, corn, water, pizza)

We went to the bank and to Starbucks, got back home watched TV. Had dinner and played Madden. Eventually made myself some Tequila Sunrises and put Gabriel to sleep. Now hanging out and watching TV until I go to bed.
(Nighttime: fettuccine alfredo with shrimp, pizza, Tequila sunrise,  water)

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

lockdown day 43

Got up, put clothes to dry and toll a shower. Made the boys pancakes and started work. Had coffee and a boost. Now waiting to start school work for Javi. It is not a good morning for him, he just acts out and doesn't want to do his work. He is lazy and that is very upsetting. We work really hard to provied for the boys, we help them and try to teach them and all he does it complain. So frustrating.
About to go get the laundry downstairs.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

Folded clothes,  had lunch and now relaxing. Super exhausted, might get an iced coffee. I have a training at 1:30. The training went well, after I was done we hung outside and took in the sun. 
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, water, iced coffee)

After work I played Madden and talked to my nephew via FaceTime. We had dinner and the boys played. I changed Gabriel for bed and washed his hands and brushed his teeth. Now putting him to bed, while talking to my Mom. Got out and showered and watched TV and played Madden unt bed time. 
(Nighttime: pizza, cheesesticks, doritos, water)

Monday, April 27, 2020

lockdown day 42

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and laid down again for a bit. Took a shower and started working. Looks like our training got pushed back another week. So at least some good news. Now hanging outside for a quick break before going back in. I ordered lunch from Chevy's for delivery at 12.
(Morning: water. Coffee, boost)

Helped wash the welcome mat, a cat decided to leave us a dead mouse on our doorstep. Also helped was the stairs. The food was delivered and we had a nice lunch. Soon going to go back outside to have a seat and enjoy the sun before going back in to work. Found out I have to do a training tomorrow.
(Afternoon: water, Fajita Burrito, chips and salsa)

We went to Trader Joe's and got a few items, came back home and had some ice cream. Made Gabriel some food and went to shower. Put Gabriel to bed and now out here watching TV. Before I go to bed I did want to say something, I'll leave banes out of it because this is not a place for that. If all you do is talking about changing and never do it, then stop talking about it. 
(Nighttime: ice cream, tortilla and cheese, peanuts, ,water)

Sunday, April 26, 2020

lockdown day 41

Got up, watched some news for a bit. Cleaned out the pantry and vaccuumed the living room. Now hanging out while waiting for lunch. Took a shower and went out real quick to do get some things. Today was supposed to be Gabriel's first Giants game, but that was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

I went to throw out the trash, I forgot my mask here at home so I passed by grabbing it before going to the produce market. I got some Mexican cream, mozzarella cheese and charcoal, came home and played Madden while my wife and mother in law made shrimp and fettuccine alfredo. Had lunch and went outside for a bit and took a walk. Watched Nacho Libre and soon about to bathe the boys. 
(Afternoon: shrimp and fettuccine Alfredo, ice cream, water. Chips)

Boys got bathed. Put things away outside and now washing dishes and clearing out the fridge to put my box of boost in. Right now talking to my mom before we watch some TV. Waiting for the boys nuggets to finish warming up so they can eat.
After watched part 3 and 4 of the Jordan documentary and soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: gatorade, tortillaand cheese, corn chips)

lockdown day 40

Got up, made breakfast for everyone, but only my wife ate it. The other 2 ungrateful kids did not even look at it. Anyway, I played madden and went to shower.
(Morning: 2 breakfast sandwiches,  coffee, water)

I was hanging out in the yard with the boys. We were listening to some music and playing catch. We decided to BBQ with the mini grill I have. We made burgers and hotdogs. Now just hanging out until we do something else.
Nothing else was done, I napped and then played 2 games of Madden. 
(Afternoon: 2 burgers, 1 hot dog, iced coffee, water)

After I played madden we played 2 rounds of hide and seek and headed out to Target. We did some shopping and came home. I made some nachos and now we are Dolittle. After played Madden and off to bed.
(Nighttime: gallo pinto, nachos, beer, water)

Friday, April 24, 2020

lockdown day 39

Got up and made Gabriel a bottle, changed his diaper and went back to sleep for a bit. I went to switch out the clothes downstairs and showered. After  I checked in to work and made my coffee. Had that and a boost, dealt with an email that was appeals related and attended a teams meeting. 
Javi had his work to do and had a meeting at 10:30 with his teacher and class. He did a presentation on what makes him happy after we waited for lunch time.
(Morning: coffee, water, boost)

They had left over soup, i had the arroz a la valenciana my aunt sent me. After we went for a walk. Just getting back and going to rest for a bit before checking back in to work. There were 2 emails I had to review for questions on CF and appeals. I did the first one and we went real quick to the bank and to pick up some Starbuck. I got an Iced CM. We came back home I finished the other case and now just been waiting for time to pass to be off. It's been a long week and I am so ready to be done with it. 
(Afternoon: water, arroz a la valenciana, Iced CM)

Off work and now waiting to see what we do. We ordered a poke bowl and a sushi burrito. We went to pick it up ans came back home. Had dinner and a few beers, we made strawberry Margaritas and watched a movie. I changed Gabriel and put him to sleep, watching Michael Jackson's Moonwalker and hanging out.
(Nighttime: beer, margaritas, sushi burrito, water)

lockdown day 38

Got up, made a bottle for Gabriel. Made my coffee and grabbed a boost and logged in to work. I was able to check in with some people and start our meeting. Still in there while the boys do school work and my wife showers. I have to go out a little later to get the food from my mom. I was on a short meeting that lasted almost 3 hours about our upcoming training. Again we got very minimal done, they keep waiting other people to help but don't want to just get things done. Anyway that is done with.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

We had some Sopa de Res and took off to pick up the Arroz A La Valenciana from my mom. We dropped off my sisters portion and came home to finish the day. I gave Javi his work to finish and I started back up with work. Today my wife and I celebrate 2 years in our respective positions at work, so I ordered some Wingstop for later so we can celebrate. Right now I am working and watching This Is It.
(Afternoon: Spoa de Res, mini donuts, water)

Had some wings and chilled. Tried our hand at balloon animals and went to watch some YouTube Disney videos with Gabriel before putting him to bed. Took a shower after and now hanging out watching TV.
(Nighttime: wings, iced tea, beer, water, pretzels,  mini donut)

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

lockdown day 37

Got up, was not feeling good. Waited a s long as I could to see if I felt better but no dice. Called out so I would try and get better. After some time I showered and ran a quick errand with my wife to get her laptop checked out and came home.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

We went to Target real quick and picked up some burritos for lunch. Now hanging out and waiting to see if my headache goes away. Took a nap and eventually got up to go to the living room, bathed the boys and got them ready for nighttime. 
(Afternoon: burrito, powerade, water)

Had dinner and had Javi finish the last of his homework. I put Gabriel to bed and talked to my mom for a bit. Came out to change and watch TV. Abou to go to sleep soon.
(Nighttime: left over burrito, horchata, water, jelly beans)

lockdown day 36

Got up, put clothes to dry and made coffee and pancakes for the boys. Got on the computer and did the training for 3 EW's. It went really well. After I folded clothes, showered and chilled. About to get the boys ready to go outside before lunch.
(Morning: Coffee, boost, water)

We went outside for a bit to play soccer. Came back in and gave the boys lunch, now just waiting for my wife to get home to have lunch as well. So tired still, need to rest eventually. I hope we don't have to do trainings tomorrow, we already have a conference call that we are doing in the morning. My wife came home and we had lunch. Folded more laundry and put more to dry, still very tired and sleepy. I changed the light bulb in the room, it burnt out last Sunday, the replacement came in today.
We went out to get some gas for the truck and got the boys and my wife McDonald's. We came home to eat, I made myself 2 ham, egg and cheese sandwiches. 

(Afternoon: Steak Fajitas, Tortilla, Water, cupcake)

Are dinner, had a few drinks and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. He is almost down. He went to sleep I came out to watch TV and pretty soon going to bed
(Nighttime: 3 tequila sunrises,  2 ham, egg and cheese sandwiches, water)

Monday, April 20, 2020

lockdown day 35

Got up, started work and found out that someone broke into my desk at work. They got a $20 bill I had there for donation or fun events at work. It's really upsetting, but it happened and I can do nothing about it. I worked on a few things and helped out with some tax forms. We are outside now and soon going back in to do more work.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

Talked to my supervisor real quick and got some information on how to create cases. I was able to navigate a few things. Had some lunch and now waiting for a conference call i have later. Did the conference call, it was the same thing as it was in February. Had to schedule one more person to attend tomorrow's meeting and chilled until it was time to log off.
(Afternoon: pizza, water)

Had some strawberry margaritas and had dinner. Going to have a few more before the night is done. About to go chill in the living room. Hung out and watched TV, went to change Gabriel and showered, played Monopoly Jr with my wife and Javi. After he went to bed and we watched some TV. Now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: margaritas, chicken fajitas,  water, puffs)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

lockdown day 34

Got up, went to watch TV for a bit and started to make breakfast. I made the boys a ham and cheese muffin, Javi was hysterical and started crying because of what I made that I didn't even want to continue cooking. After I cleaned the bed, made coffee, ate some donut holes and started to clean under and behind the couch. Oh lord was it filthy. But at least it's clean now. About to shower soon.
(Morning: coffee, donut holes)

Cut my hair, showered, had pretzels and 2 slim Jim's. Drank water and now we are outside hanging out. Went in to have lunch and tried to take a nap, didn't work out, we went for a walk and played for a bit outside. Now we are inside and watching Sleeping Beauty. 
(Afternoon: pretzels, water, slim jim, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet bread)

Took a long nap during the movie that lasted until my wife brought a crying Gabriel to me, I grabbed him and we both fell asleep until around 8. It was a lovely nap. Got up had some pizza and now changing and going to watch some TV. 
(Nighttime: pizza, water)

lockdown day 33

Gabriel was out of his damn mind this morning. He was out there trying to get up and play at 6 am. Told him to go back to sleep. I woke up later and went to make breakfast. Made Gabriel and egg and I made myself 2 ham, egg and cheese breakfast muffins with a cup of coffee. 
Today I woke up with a bit of anxiety and worry for what lies ahead for us as a world. We'll see, we'll just keep pushing along and moving forward and doing what is asked of us.
(Morning: 2 breakfast sandwiches, coffee)

Showered and hung out outside. We went to the bank real quick and everyone had lunch. Bean soup and I chilled outside listening to music and playing solitaire. The kids came out and they played and eventually we came back inside. I had my soup as well and now relaxing.
(Afternoon: bean soup, iced coffee, water)

We had gone to Safeway to get a few items for smores and for the week. We hung out in the front taking in some fresh air. After I came in to make spaghetti for the boys and I was watching Teddey Riley vs Babyface which ended early due to technical difficulties. Gave Gabriel a quick bath, talked to my mom and put Gabriel to sleep. Finished watching a documentary on Legos and now just going to hang out and watch TV until I go to bed.
(Nighttime: wings, beer, ice cream)

Friday, April 17, 2020

lockdown day 32

Got up, about to shower and get ready to go get the phone and do some errands. Showered and got ready and headed out. Picked up the flip phone, drove to get the smog check and threw out some trash and came home. Got Javi set up for his presentation and hung out a bit. 
(Morning: boost)

Made burgers for the boys and my wife, I had coffee. About to go out and take some food to my mom. Went to the food and also sign in on some apps for my mom.  Talked to my aunt and cousin from a distance and headed out to Costco, the line was too long so I went to Target, got a few things and headed home. Had lunch and took the boys outside to play. Now chilling with Gabriel,  he might take a nap.
(Afternoon: left over arroz a la valeciana, water, bread, slim Jim and pretzels)

We had ordered some Benihana's for dinner and waited for it to get in. We ate and watched a bit of TV and I went to put Gabriel to bed. He fell asleep quickly and I talked to my Mom for a bit. I took a shower and chilled and watched a Disney sing a long show. After sent Javi to bed and chilled and caught up on Smackdown.
(Nighttime: water. Benihana meal)

one year later

 Today (4/17/2020) marks a full year that my Dad has been gone. Last year at this time I was in Nicaragua with my Mom and Sister, spending the last few days my Dad had left on this earth. It still doesn't feel real, I still get sad in the afternoon around the time I would call him to check in on him and I know and understand they say that time heals all wounds, but I don't think there will ever be enough time to heal this wounds.
When this was happening I kept a few people informed of what was going on, since I disappeared for a week, I would speak to my wife and kids while I was down there, didn't want to let the boys know what was going on for obvious reasons. 
When I say that I am a very private person with things, I mean it. It's not something that I say just to say it. So, besides my best friend I debated telling a few other people.  The main reason is that I didn't want to burden them with my issue. I know I shouldn't see it that way, because I know that my inner circle are really good people, but it is how I felt. I do not have an issue with being there for people, letting them vent and listening to them because I see things in a differently than most and I can adjust to what people need. Not everyone can do that and I did not want to burden them.
But I told a few more people than I normally would tell and I understand that this news is hard to share. But I am appreciative that the friends (who are like family to me) I shared this with were supportive and understood the way I wanted to grieve.
One of the big things that I said when I was down in my Dad's home in Jinotepe, Nicaragua was that the only place I would want to visit in that town would be where my Dad is burried and that's it. Based on the way that my blood relatives treated my Dad while he was alive, it made me not want to talk to or recognize them as family. With that said I was very appreciative of the efforts my cousins and aunt made to help us out while we went through this, but for me, it was not enough to for me to reconsider have any relationship with them. You don't treat my Dad the way you did and expect me to be friendly with you. Anyway, let me move on from that, I don't want this to get too negative.
When I came back from that last trip, I immediately went to work, I did that to drown myself into something so I wouldn't think about what had just happened and just be distracted. The thing about me is that I do not like to tell too many people anything about my personal life. This time I did since I was gone for a week, most understood and gave their condolences and prayers. A few remained silent and that's OK. The most important thing to me was that the people I told didn't go around and tell others and made a scene at work, this allowed me to do my job and not have to relive what just had happened. 
But that still didn't take away from my grieving, I had heard somewhere that when you have a dream of someone who just passed, that it means they have peacefully moved on. So I prayed every night to have a dream with my Dad. Night after night, he never came. My sister said she dreamt with him,  I was happy at least that one of us had, but still sad and upset that I hadn't and not because I wanted to dream of him, but because I wanted to know that he was at peace. 
I dreamt with my Dad a few weeks later and I was so happy,  eventhough my heart was still hurting, I knew he was at peace. Since then I have had several dreams with my Dad, reliving moments and experiencing strange ones, so I know he's good and that is reassuring. 
It's funny because I notice more now how I act in many ways like my Dad, I see my boys Javier and Gabriel and some of their mannerisms and actions remind me of my Dad. I show them pictures of him so they won't forget him. One thing that was sweet that Javi said was that he wanted to be a firefighter like his Grandpa so he could help people. He's changed his mind since then m, but I still thought it was sweet.
On one of the last trips we took to Disneyland, I was looking for Red, the firetruck from Cars. I wanted a picture with him in memory of my Dad being a firefighter. At first I only found the model toy firetruck so I bought that for display at home. The finally I found Red and got that picture. 

When we went for the Halloween party, I left a note for him. He enjoyed going to Disneyland with us and that has translated to my joy with my kids there.
Like I said, it's been a year later and it still hurts, I still miss him but I see him all the time. I still carry his firefighter ID with my work badge and I gladly share his story when people ask about it. 
That is all I want to share for right now, I'll share more on another post, on another day. I have a lot of stories and memories that I will be sharing.

These are a few pictures of my Dad, my brother and nephew from 2004 when we went to New York and Cooperstown to the Baseball Hall of Fame. I know we may look angry in some of the pictures,  but I assure you we had lots of fun. If I could do one thing right now it would be to have a chance at one last great picture of me and my Dad smiling together to add to so many great pictures we have.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

lockdown day 31

I got up, used the bathroom. My stomach is not feeling right. Made coffee, had a boost. I was going to call out today, but I saw that my morning training was canceled so I decided to work and attend the afternoon meeting for our next training. I was able to attend a presentation my supervisor did and I have been going back and forth with Javi trying to get him to do his school work. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

Had some Arroz a la Valenciana that my wife and mother in law made. Had a red bull, played outside for a bit and went to a meeting via Skype. Had a unit meeting and played again outside and now going in. Before work they let me know that they had a cell phone for me to pick up tomorrow on my day off. So now I have to do that.
After work we went to Starbucks real quick to get some coffee.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana,  red bull, water,  iced caramel macchiato)

Had a good chat with Arnel and Brian. Started laundry, changed Gabriel and put him to sleep. Helped Javi with his assignment for tomorrow. Had a snack and 2 beers. Now watching TV and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: Ritz crackers, beers, water)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lockdown day 30

Got up, made coffee, showered and got ready for training. Did the training and was able to go take out the trash and do a quick Target run. Came back home to work a bit more and to set up for tomorrow, we have a call in the afternoon about income separation. I heard today that WWE decided to make several cuts. It was a lot, around 28 of them. Some of my favorites were release. Rusev is gone and it's truly a sad Rusev day
(Morning: Coffee, boost, water)

Went out to get some Popeye's chicken and came home to have lunch. Really full, went for a walk and now setting up the EW's that will be in the training tomorrow. So much work to do, so little time the way that they give us our schedules. Going to wait and see what else happens next.
(Afternoon: chicken, cole slaw, biscuits, water, monster)

Talked to my mom for a bit. Put things away, bathed the boys and had dinner. Now debating if I shower. Ablit 38 minute away from the Lego masters. Going to put Gabriel to bed soon. Tried and it didn't work, switched with my wife and watched Lego Masters with Javi. They went to bed and now I am catching up on some shows and after going to bed.
(Nighttime: tequila sunrise, gallo pinto, tortila with cheese)

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

lockdown day 29

Got up, made egg for Gabriel,  pancakes for Javi, coffee and boost for me. I did a training in the morning and lord let me tell you that I had to find the strength to get through that one. I also folded clothes.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Had left over Chinese food. The kids had some meat. I went out for a bit and the kids played outside. Did some final leg work for the next training. Talked to Karla for a bit before signing off and now on Micaela's zoom birthday party.
(afternoon: Chinese food, water, iced coffee)

We went to Lowe's, Walgreens, trader Joe's. 7-11 and target to get things. Nothing good that we needed. Back home i changed Gabriel and put him to bed. I showered and had dinner. Now watching TV.
(Nighttime: Chinese food, water, cookies)

Monday, April 13, 2020

lockdown day 28

I got up and got ready for work. I did the training and it was a bit challenging due to one being able to fully do the training and the other one only hearing. I had to set another one up after for tomorrow and sent a report about what needed to be updated. 
(Morning: boost, coffee)

Ate some flautas and we took a nice walk around the neighborhood. Came back in and handled some more work items. Setting up for tomorrow's lesson for Javi and I was sent an invite for 2 meetings, I accepted one but declined the other one as I am going to be off on Friday. I ended up helping a few more people before getting off of work. After I drank an ice coffee and started laundry.
(Afternoon: chicken flautas, water, iced coffee)

Had a virtual happy hour with Amilcar, Arnel, Brian and Charles. Had a good time and ate Chinese food. After I washed dishes, changed Gabriel and put him to bed. Showered and chilled for a bit, did some accounting and now soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer,  water, Chinese food)

Sunday, April 12, 2020

lockdown day 27

Got up, started the morning Easter egg hunt and now debating if I get coffee or just a boost. Decided to drink coffee and play Madden.
(Morning: coffee)

Showered and had lunch. Homemade Chicken and Gnocchi soup. Put some eggs out to hide in the yard and had the boys find them. Now watching Netflix.  I fell asleep hard and it was refreshing, it was nice.
(Afternoon: chicken and Gnocchi soup, jelly beans, cheesecake, water)

Got up, changed Gabriel and watched some Netflix. After we had dinner and bathed the boys, soon going to put Gabriel to bed. Tomorrow I have training to do. Took some time to get him to bed, my stomach hurts and I had to use the bathroom a few times. After watched TV, showered and now in bed.
(Nighttime: hot dogs, cheesecake, tequila sunrise, Gatorade,  water)

lockdown day 26

Got up, made breakfast for the boys. Headed out to switch out storage rooms. That took quite some time and we organized the new room. 
(Morning: boost, water)

We finished up and I went to drop off my mom. Passed by McDonald's getting lunch for my wife and the boys. Came home, showered and had lunch; tortilla, chicharrón and cheesecake. I went to take a nap because I wasn't feeling well. After some time I came out so we could play outside. We took a quick trip to the bank and Gabriel fell asleep. We stopped by Starbucks and came home and Gabriel continued to nap until around 6.
(Afternoon: tortilla, chicharrón,  cheesecake, iced caramel macchiato )

We went to Target to get a few things for Easter Sunday. Came back home, had dinner, watched Trolls World Tour and hung out and chilled. Put the kids to bed, played Madden. Hid some eggs and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: ribs, doritos, water)

Friday, April 10, 2020

Lockdown day 25

Got up, went to make coffee and had a boost. My wife made French Toast and I got to work. We got an email that was a little concerning regarding our group. We responded to the email and hopefully going forward it will not be an issue. Javi had his 10:30 uclass meeting, he did a show and tell presentation and next week he has to give a report on an informational book of his choosing.
I hung out for a quick break with the boys outside, I cleaned out the car. My wife keeps that car very very messy. It needs a deep cleaning. When we get rid of the camry and get a new car, the pathfinder is mine and I will have to have it deep deep deep deep cleaning. I also went out real quick to get some sour cream to help with the lunch later.
(Morning: Coffee, water, boost, French toast)

Still working and waiting for lunch. We are having Sopa de Queso. I also got some tortillas and chicharon. We took a walk and I started back up working. Now just running out the clock, waiting for Happy Hour.
(Afternoon: Sopa de Queso, Tortila, chicharon, Starbucks drink, water)

We had our first quarantine happy hour! It was me, my wife, amilcar, Olga, Oscar and Monica. We had some drinks, chatted and it went about 2 hours long. after I changed Gabriel and tried to put him to sleep. About to go out to watch some TV
(Nighttime: cheetos, beer, shot of tequila, tortilla, chicharon, sushi)

Thursday, April 9, 2020

lockdown day 24

Got up, made pancakes and coffee. Had a boost and started my work day. First conference call went ok, it ran late. No wlak for me today, I was busy putting the trash and recycling bins away. Got on another conference call and hung out outside with the boys.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

My wife and mother in law made pupusas. They delivered the Teremana tequila I ordered and I got back on the phone to go to another conference call. After my sister passed by to drop off some items she got at Costco for me and now running out the clock.
They started calling people in for DSW assignments and we are just waiting for them to call me. Going to decline, don't want to risk getting my family sick.
(Afternoon: pupusas, water, monster)

Hanging out, about to go to Target. We got there and kind of went overboard with the purchases. But we got some good stuff. Came back home, my wife is making cookies and I am talking to my mom before putting Gabriel to bed. Made 10 chicken nuggets and had 3 Tequila sunrises. Put Gabriel to bed and watching TV now. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: Tequila sunrise,  chicken nuggets)

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

lockdown day 23

Got up, logged in, made coffee and had a boost. Worked for a good amount of time, had a call with management about a business process and went for a walk.
(Morning: boost, coffee)

Went to throw out some trash, got in and out burgers and came home to eat lunch. Resting up before I go back to log in to work. Did some more work and helped some people, I contacted one EW that I will have to traing on End2End. We went outside for a quick break and when I came back we got an email about the parking being suspended for the time being and that we had to reschedule the trainings for next week. I was able to take care of that and now running out the clock.
(Afternoon: 2 double doubles, strawberry milkshake, water, smoothie)

I went out to put things away and put the trash out. Watched nxt and rested, close to when the show was over I bathed the boys. I showered, put Gabriel to bed and I showered again. Played charades with Javi and my wife and now watching Lego Masters.
After the show i put Javi to bed and watched the finale of Modern Family, caught some news and off to bed.
(Nighttime: gallo pinto, egg, Gatorade,  cheese its, water)

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

lockdown day 22

Got up, talked to my sister and made me some coffee. Had a boost as well. Showered and got to work. We took a walk and I attending my meeting that was at 10.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

Had bean soup with rice for lunch and continued working. Now waiting for the time to run out to end work. Javi finished up his school work, I gave vaccum to the room and read for a bit. It's a bit warm, debating if we go out to get some items today or tomorrow.
(Afternoon: bean soup, white rice, water)

Had 2 beers after work. Watched some Netflix and Gabriel woke up. He went back to sleep. When he woke up again, I had 2 more beers, grilled cheese sandwich and a quesadilla. Went to put Gabriel to bed, he didn't want to sleep, so I came out to have some crackers and watch tv.
(Nighttime: beer, quesadilla, grilled cheese sandwich, Ritz crackers)

Monday, April 6, 2020

lockdown day 21

Got up, made eggs for Gabriel,  pancakes for Javi, boost and coffee for me. Checked in with work, set up the headset and now just waiting to see if anyone reaches out for questions or guidance. 
Started Javi off with his first day of quarantine 1st grade activities. 
 So far everything is going well. Work is good, school is good, I did have a slight hiccup with the VPN, but I got it fixed. 
(Morning: boost, coffee,  water)

Showered and had lunch, mow hanging out until I start up again. Logged back in, my wife went to the office so it was me and boys and my mother in law at the house. Javi finished his school day and now I have him playing with the wrestlers and the ring. They are both using them. I am about 3 hours away from another day of work being over. 
(Afternoon: carne, rice, tortilla, cheese, water, redbull)

Had dinner, left over pizza, might eat a peanut butter sandwich later. Watched some tv and caught up with the walking dead.  Played pacman with the boys and now making popcorn for them while they watch Sonic the Hedgehog, going to shower. Came out, put Gabriel to bed and now watching tv until I go to sleep.
(Nighttime: pizza, water, peanut butter sandwich)

lockdown day 20

Got up, changed Gabriel's diaper,  told the boys to clean up. Used the bathroom,  now laying down on the couch. It's Wrestlemania day 2. Had some coffee and called my mom to tell her that we were going to pass by to drop off her eye lubricants. 
(Morning: coffee)

We passed by picking up Burritos and had lunch. I called Disneyland to extend the passports for us. After we went for a walk and played outside for a bit. Watching day 2 of Wrestlemania 
(Afternoon: burrito, water, chips)

Still watching Wrestlemania,  had some pizza and a tequila sunrise. Finished th show, bathed the boys and showered. Now trying to put Gabriel to bed. It took some time but he went down.  Watched some TV and cleaned up the desk a bit and went to bed. 
(Nighttime: pizza, 4 tequila sunrise)

Sunday, April 5, 2020

lockdown day 19

Got up, changed Gabriel. About to make some coffee. It's Wrestlemania day 1 today. Hung out and the kids watched Frozen II. I showered and rested.
(Morning: coffee)

My wife and mother in law made Chop Suey and we had that. Now waiting for Wrestlemania to start. We headed out real quick to Targrt to get some items. Came back home, watched Wrestlemania,  had some dinner. I ordered Margaritas from Chevy's and finished the watching the show.
(Afternoon: chop suey, water)

The Margaritas got here and I finished watching Wrestlemania. It was good for what it was. Looking forward for tomorrow's show. After played with the boys, watched some Spies in Disguise, put Gabriel to bed, now watching tv.
(Nighttime: pasta, chicken gnocchi soups, quesadilla, margarita, beer)

Friday, April 3, 2020

lockdown day 18

Got up, made coffee, put clothes to dry, fired up the computer and started working. Javi had a 10:30 meeting with his teacher and after we went for a walk.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

I did some work and headed to pick up some food at the Olive Garden.  Came back home, worked some more and had lunch. Finished an assignment I had and now running out the clock. 
(Afternoon: chicken and gnocchi soup, cheese ravioli,  bread stick, water)

Done with work, now hanging out. Watching Smackdown. Might go out later to get some popsicles or stay in. Watched Smackdown while my wife took a nap. She got up, we stayed in, made the boys dinner and had a few cervezas and now putting Gabriel to bed.
He went to sleep, I made me soon cheese sticks and bread. Now hanging out watching tv before bed.
(Nighttime: beer, cheesesticks, bread,water)

Lockdown Day 17

Got up, made coffee and started working. Had a conversation with Javi about recording himself on the ipad. After I started editing my part of the power point and attended the MC forum meeting via conference call. After we went for a walk and started up lunch.
(Morning: Coffee, Boost, French toast, water)

Had meatloaf tacos and some water. Went back to working on my slides and attended the CF forum meeting via conference call. Took a few breaks and talked with a few people, now just doing some last minute things for work before clocking out. Javi's teacher sent us some things to print to start teaching Javi on Monday. We are now 1st grade teachers.
(Afternoon: Water, meatloaf tacos, coffee)

Bathed the boys and showered. Read for a bit and put Gabriel to bed. Still doing laundry and now getting a snack. Watching tv and hanging out. About to go to sleep, feeling a bit restless with all this going on, it will get better, I hope it goes by quick.
(Nighttime: Ritz crackers, ice cream, water)

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

lockdown day 16

Got up, made coffee, had a boost, starting up the work computer. Checked in and started working. Finished up my list and sent it off. Now going to review a few things before heading out for a walk. Took a walk and it was nice, came back and started making the meatloaf. Did some more work while waiting for lunch.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had meatloaf with some white rice and water. Treated myself to a little bit of ice cream. Now hanging out until my meeting at 2. The meeting was good, really fun for what it was. I called 8 people to tell them that their telecommuting equipment was ready for Saturday pick up. After we went to throw out some trash ans get the boys some food. Now we are back home.
(Afternoon: water, meatloaf,  white rice, ice cream, red bull)

Cullo came over and had a chat. When he left we hung out and watched videos. My face is itchy, going to go wash it and watch some television. I took a shower, had dinner and changed the boys. About to go and put Gabriel to bed.  He went to sleep, Javi went to bed after. I stayed up a bit longer to watch tv and now going to sleep.
(Nighttime: peanut butter sandwich, croissant, cheese its, water and milk)