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Friday, January 31, 2020

last day this week

Got up 15 minutes earlier due to Gabriel being awake. Got ready, put clothes to dry, packed my lunch and made coffee for the ride to work. The drive was good, found good parking and now just waiting for time to start walking to work. We have 2 trainings today, have to go check on the rooms we are in.
The morning training went well, there were not too many questions today. I chatted with Kathleen for a bit, she was here for an interview.
(Morning: water, coffee, boost)

Afternoon: I had lunch and watched the rest of the Stranger on Netflix. Waiting for the second training. There is a strange perfume smell here on the 3rd floor and it is causing me to have a bad reaction.
The training was fun, we had a good bunch. After I went to the desk and waited and headed home.

(Afternoon: Left over chinese food, water)

Got home, folded clothes. Wanted ice cream, but no one wanted to go
 So I had dinner and chips. Now watching tv. Gabriel fell asleep on the couch, I took him to the room and went to shower. Watched a Taylor Swift documentary on Netflix and now going to finish off The Good Place before bed.
(Nighttime: beer, carne molida with rice, corn chip)

day 4

Got up, got dressed,  made coffee and a bottle for Gabriel and headed out. The drive was smooth, found good parking and now waiting for time to walk to work. Two trainings today, hope they go well. The walk over was quick and cold. I got in and checked emails, there was only the minutes from the forum. We set up for training and it was a good training except for 2 EW's that were talking throughout the presentation. It is what it is at this point with that.
After I started watching The Stranger on Netflix. 
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch and finished the show. Went to Walgreen's to grab a few snacks to eat to compliment my Mac and Cheese. Pretty soon we are going to go start setting up for the PM training. Hopefully that one goes well.
The training went quick, after I went to my desk and chilled until it was time to go home.
While driving home my mom called me to tell me she would drop the kids off when she was going home.
(Afternoon: Water, Mac and Cheese, Cheetos Puffs, Monster, golden oreo cookies)

Got home, started laundry, put away the garbage bins and cleaned up a bit. I ordered Chinese food for dinner and we ate. The mattress my wife ordered was delivered. I bathed the boys and put Gabriel to bed. Showered and watched some Netflix,  played Madden and went to bed.
(Nighttime: fried rice, Mongolian beef, sweet and sour chicken, duck, water)

Thursday, January 30, 2020

day 3

Got up,  got dressed,  packed my lunch, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth,  there were more cars than normal, but I got here pretty quick and found parking. It's the middle of the week, only one training today in the PM. Going to the forum in the morning. 
Another day closer to the Super Bowl,  wishing the Niners all the luck in the world, would love to see them win #6. 
Got to work, attended the forum it was uneventful. 
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch, watched some WWE network and waited for the training. That one went well, we got out at 3:10. After work i went to go get the kids from my mom, got home. We headed out Target for some groceries. 
(Afternoon: water, 1/2 of the Chevy's food)

Got the groceries and came home, made some burgers and fries. Cleaned up a bit and put Gabriel to bed. Connected Pac-man so Javi could play for a bit and I went to shower. Watched TV and fell asleep on the couch.
(Nighttime: 2 cheeseburgers, fries, water)

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

day 2

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, went to get ready, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out. The drive was good, found parking, going to nap before walking to work. 2 trainings today, have to slow down again during my party also need to clarify something in the 2nd half of the training.
My stomach is acting up, my lower back still hurts, but it's much better than yesterday. 
Got in and checked email, did some accounting and prepared for training. We are close to starting, very sleepy, let's see how this one goes.
The training went very well, we went on for about an hour and 15 mintues. Not too many questions, during the break I went over to talk to my supervisor about some things regarding the trainings and people missing. After the training I came back to my desk and chilled for a bit.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Had lunch and eventually went over to get a coffee at Peet's. Listening to podcasts, about to go set up the room for the next training that starts at 2:30. Hopefully it goes well.
Training started and it went well, crowd was meh, but we did our thing. After I went upstairs and got my things and started to walk to the car.
Got home and folded laundry. 
(Afternoon: Pizza, water, Caramel Machiatto)

Was feeling light headed, had some nutter butters and Ritz crackers,  bathed Gabriel. Javi was throwing a tantrum and I've had it with those. He needs to figure out his shower situation. Anyway, had dinner and now about to shower. It's going to take some time to put Gabriel to bed since he napped late.
He finally fell asleep, came out to watch tv. About to go to bed soon. 
(Nighttime: nutter butters, Ritz crackers, half  a carnitas burrito, ice cream)

Super Bowl/Training week

Morning :
Got up, got dressed, made Gabriel a bottle and got my things ready and headed out. My lower back is still pretty bad, hopefully this issue goes away soon. The drive was good and now parked. waiting to start the walk to work. Today we start our Pickle/DAC/DW training.
The first training was quick, I was a little concerned because it went by so fast. Tried to slow it down but I couldn't, there was just no energy or questions from the EW's. We finished a little under an hour. We have one more training today and we will try to have the training go longer to justify the length of the training.
After I went back to my desk and started making copies for the next few days. 
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch and watched the last few episodes of the Ranch on Netflix. After I came to my desk I started watching the WWE 24 special on last year's WrestleMania. Waiting for the next training that starts at 3 PM. After that I have to jet to the car to go get the boys at my sister's house. Have to go home and clean and see what we make for dinner for tonight and what I can make for my lunch tomorrow.
Finished the 2nd training and it went well. Left work around 4:20, stopped by Trader Joe's and picked up a few things. Got to my car and went to get the boys.

(Afternnon: 2 chicken wings, Salami sandwhich, water)

Drove home, changed bed sheets, started laundry,  ate dinner, put Gabriel to bed and now about to go shower. After that I watched tv and now bed time.
(Nighttime: pizza, ice cream)

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Royal Rumble

Got up, had coffee and chilled. Showered and shaved. Now watching Encore!

I head the Kobe Bryant passed away in a helicopter crash at the age of 41. I am at a loss for words and in shock with this news.
We headed out to have lunch and hung out a bit with Arnel and Brian. We got some items at Target and headed home. Royal Rumble starts soon.
(Afternoon: chips, panda express, water)

Started watching the Royal Rumble while Gabriel napped. Played uno with Javi and my sister came over with my niece and Dominic. The boys played and I continued to watch wrestling and they watched the Grammys. 
After they left, I bathed the boys, got them ready for bed. They ate dinner, I made lunch for tomorrow and put Gabriel to bed. About to shower and mentally prepare for tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: mini wheats, water, beer)

Saturday, January 25, 2020


Got up, made pancakes for the boys, cleaned up a bit. Watched the new Adam's family movie and got ready.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Drove to pick up my mom and went to Tanforan.  They went to the bounce house and we went to watch Bad Boys 3. 
The movie was good and we went to go eat with my mom.
(Afternoon: spaghetti,  coffee, water, popcorn,  icee, nachos)

We ate dinner and went to drop off my mom at church. We came home and hung out, I put Gabriel to bed and changed. Now watching tv. Going to bed soon. I have a lot of gas at the moment. 
(Nighttime: hamburger, fries, vanilla milkshake)

Friday, January 24, 2020

last day of training prep

Had to get up a few times to use the bathroom. My stomach is not well, going to try and go back to sleep. Busy day today. Last day of editing and getting ready for the training. Lunch with Amilcar and signing up Javi for soccer. 
When I got back to the room Javi was awake, complaining about a neck pain and asked for water. I think in total I lost an hour of sleep because of this.
I woke up at 5:30, made Gabriel a bottle,  put clothes to dry, got dressed, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth, parked now. Going to nap. Working from 1440 again, last day of training prep. Hopefully it all comes together. 
In the meeting now, everything looks good so far. Getting hungry. 
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Met with Amilcar and headed out to eat Thai food. We had a good conversation and good food. I treated for his birthday. Tomorrow they go to drive to go on a cruise. After we walked over to Target and looked around, came back to work and now in a meeting for the training, one more update to go.
After we were done I drove home and we went to go eat
(Afternoon: Duck, white rice, Thai iced tea,)

Went to Red Lobster and had dinner, Javi wasn't feeling well, I dropped then off at home and went to get gas and to sign him up for soccer. Now I am home.
Put Gabriel to bed and showered, watched some tv, going to bed early. Might go to the movies tomorrow,  need to rest so I don't fall asleep. 
(Nighttime:lobster dip, shrimp linguine,  biscuits, Cesar salad, water, beer, chips, cheesecake)

Thursday thoughts

Got up, made a bottle for Gabriel and went to get dressed. Made my coffee and headed out to work. It's cold, but not as bad as it had been. The drive was smooth, got parking and now waiting to go to work. Working at 1440 today.
(Morning: Boost, coffee, half of a maple scone, water)

The morning meetings were good, we got a lot done. I ate my sandwich and took a nap. We started up again and I think we are pretty much set now. I drove to Target to get diapers and came to get the boys.
After I went home and dropped off the boys, went to go get some Popeye's chicken. Had dinner and did laundry.
(Afternoon: water, salami sandwich, Popeye'schicken,  Cole slaw, biscuits)

Put Gabriel to bed, showered and now watching tv. Fell asleep on the couch,  went to the room. 
(Nighttime: water)

Thursday, January 23, 2020

hump day

Got up, got dressed,  made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth, got good parking and chilled up until I had to start walking to work. I got to my desk and checked emails, chatted with a few folks and went to forum. Nothing much going on there today, later going to 1440. I couldn't drink my coffee, it tasted like soap.
(Morning: boost, water)

Placed an order for a Turkey Club at Ted's deli, passed by picking it up on the way to 1400. Had lunch with Amilcar and headed up to our meeting. We got a lot done. After work I was looking forward to going home, but I got a call from my wife yelling at me because my sister gave Gabriel some rum cake. So I just went over to get them.
Got home, took out the trash, went to go get milk and gas and came back home.
(Afternoon: Turkey Club, water, monster)

Been hanging out, played blocks with Gabriel,  changed him, about to shower and try to put him to bed. Watched TV and played Madden,  now bedtime. 
(Nighttime: PB sandwich,  mini wheats, water)

350+ yards

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

back to work

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  got dressed, put clothes to dry,  made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth, found good parking and now going to nap until I have to walk to work. It's not that cold today, which is a good thing. I have to continue reviewing the materials for training and see where my team is that with it.
In the meeting now, it's been productive. Going to warm up my food soon.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Had lunch, watched some Curb your enthusiasm and chilled. Went out to the post office to send the money order for Javi's after school program and headed to Costco to get the jacket. After went back to the desk and worked on some things. After work I picked up Javi and we went home.
I folded clothes and played a bit with Gabriel. 
(Afternoon: tamales, fruit smoothie, monster, water)

Made dinner and now bathing the boys. Took a shower and tried to put Gabriel to bed,  didn't work. Now watching Curb your enthusiasm before bed.
(Nighttime: chicken sandwich, chips, jalapeno peppers, water) 

Monday, January 20, 2020

MLK day

Day off today in observance of Martin Luther King jr. Got up, showered, got the boys ready, cleaned out the car and headed out to pick up my mom before heading to the Oakland Zoo.
We had a very good time, saw elephants, tigers, bears and more. 
(Breakfast: water)

We had lunch there, I had a chicken wrap, a slice of cheese pizza and Garlic fries. After the zoo we went to drop off my mom and take some food to my sister. Now we are home resting up.
(Afternoon: slice of pizza, chicken ceaser wrap, garlic fries, water, red vines, nutter butter)

We went to Target and got groceries and came home. Started doing laundry and my wife made dinner. She made tacos. After I put Gabriel to bed and I took a shower. Almost done washing clothes. 
Clothes is done, watching RAW and doing some accounting,  about to go to bed. Short work week and lots of training prep.
(Nighttime: 3 tacos, water) 

NFC Championship game

Got up, made the boys eggs for breakfast. Made a buffalo chicken, egg and cheese breakfast taco for me and my wife. Had coffee and played Madden. Cleaning right now and soon will shower. The AFC game will start soon. Niners vs Packers later today. Hoping for the Football Gods to smile on my Niners.
(Morning: coffee, buffalo chicken, egg and cheese taco)

Showered and have been watching the AFC championship game, it's almost over. KC is up with less than 5 to play. Waiting for the Niners game to start.  Nervous energy is starting. 
(Afternoon: chow mein, mango juice, water, chips)

Watched the game. The Niners won so they will face the Chiefs in the Super Bowl in 2 weeks. So excited. Hopefully the football Gods are on the Niners side. Went to get Gabriel medicine for.his eyes, came back bathed them both. Had some victory beers and now chilling
(Nighttime: beer, Ritz crackers, dry cereal)

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Busy day

Got up, got dressed. It's a very busy day for me. I have a dentist appointment at 915, after that coming home to get my wife and the boys,  running over to Aria's Birthday party and later meeting Amilcar and Olga for dinner.
Here at the dentist waiting, the are late in calling me in. Hopefully they do the work well and in a timely manner, my teeth are in good condition. 
(Morning: nada)

Got to the party and had lunch. The boys played for awhile, I talked to a few people, was able to talk to Brian and Arnel and hang out. We had lots of fun. After we came home, I went to Costco and Target to get a few things before heading home.
I got home, put Gabriel down for a nap and took one myself. We are leaving soon to red Robin's.
(Afternoon: chicken wings, chow main, capri sun, water, lemon pound cake, monster)

Met Amilcar and Olga at Red Robin and had a good meal. We had good conversations and when we were done we came home
 Changed the boys, showered and now hanging out resting.
Tomorrow is the NFC championship game,  I hope the Niners can get the W!
(Nighttime: water, onion rings, wings, burger and fries)

Finally Friday

Got up and got dressed. Made Gabriel a bottle and made my coffee. Having a bit of a bad morning. Yesterday my 49ers Jacket had a hole in it, I left it with my mom to see if she can take it in for repair. The jacket I was bringing today was giving me issues. Wearing a sweater and then jacket over it.
The drive was good, I found parking in a good spot and yes, it's really cold.
Working from 1440 today, training meetings and hanging out.
(Morning: Boost, water)

Ate lunch, went over to Costco to get a jacket. The one I have the zipper is busted. Came back in to work, updated some documents and worked on a few things. Tired, have a bit of a headache.
Took off to go home, got home cleaned a bit, folded clothes and chilled. Tonight is movie night.
(Afternoon: Tacos de Carne Asada, water, Monster)

Watched Little Giants and had some chips and beer. Put Gabriel to bed, now about to shower. Watched some tv and played Madden. Going to bed.
(Nighttime: Ritz Crackers,  peanut butter, chips, 2 beers)

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Got up, got dressed, headed out. Found out that my jacket ripped, so I have to get that fixed. The drive was quick,  no traffic, found parking . Took a nap and it started to rain. When I got up to walk to work, there was light rain. I got in and now setting up for a training.
The training was good, it went quick. After I talked to my supervisor and got ready for lunch.
(Morning :boost, coffee, water)

Took the bus to Limon and had lunch. After we took an uber to 1440 for our meeting. We have a lot to do and little time to do it. When it was time I went home to put away the trash and recycling bins and now we are heading to my sister's to get the boys. 
(Afternoon: water, lomo saltado, white rice, 2 cupcakes)

Got to my sister's house and my mom had made dinner. We hung out for a bit and came home. When we got here, Javi did his homework and read. I showered and after read to Gabriel. About to try and get him to sleep. He did not want to go to bed. Now watching tv before going to sleep.
(Nighttime: tacos de carne with salad. Water)

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

hump day

Got up, got dressed,  made Gabriel a bottle,  packed my lunch, made coffee and headed out. It was really cold this morning, the car had some ice on the windshield and I had to wait a bit for the windows to defrost. The drive was ok, there was an idiot there that wasn't paying attention,  but I avoided them.
Got to the area where I park and now waiting for time to walk to work. Started walking and it was cold again. Got to my desk, checked out a few emails and talked to some people. I went to the forum meeting and got some good information. Started watching a Aaron Hernandex documentary on Netflix.

(Morning: Boost, water, coffee)

Went to lunch, had leftovers from yesterday. It was good, kept watching Netflix and talked to a few people. I helped some EW's that had questions and now just waiting to go home. Hope the time goes by fast.
Left work, walked to the car, got home and took out the trash, now heading over to get the boys.

(Afternoon: 6 cups of water, BBQ Chicken, white rice, oatmeal cookies)

We got the boys and went to grab some food and milk. Got home and had dinner, cleaned the bed, bathing the boys and getting them ready for bed. Gabriel fell asleep pretty quick. Javi did his homework and had a snack before bed. I watched tv and now going to sleep 

(Nighttime: California rolls Philly Roll, Guava juice, water,  Ritz crackers)

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Got up, got ready, put clothes to dry. Made a bottle for Gabriel,  made my coffee and off to work. The drive was smooth, got parking, now waiting to go in. My alarm went off and I took off to work, the walk was good as always, but it was cold. Got to my desk and checked emails, talked to a few people and did some more reading on our training topics. Listening to podcast while I work. Very sleepy today, as always. Now just waiting to go to lunch.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had left overs from yesterday, water and watched Curb you Enthusiasm. Going to treat myself to a coffee today. Having issues with an order I placed for some movie codes. Trying to get that cleared up.
I was able to get one of the movies, but still no response. I talked to my supervisor and after headed to 1440 to sign his Birthday card. When I got there I talked to Lilly for a bit, we had a nice conversation going. After I headeddout to pick up Javi at school,  get gas and take money from the bank.
(Afternoon: Spaghetti, 6 cups water, Oatmeal milk latte, scone)

Got home, folded clothes,  went to serramonte for a bit. Had dinner and walked around. Now we are home, about to shower and try to get Gabriel to sleep. He went to sleep and after Javi did as well. I came out to watch tv and pretty soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: mini chicken combo plate, thai iced tea, oatmeal cookie, water)

Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday morning

Got up, I couldn't sleep much last night. My nose was stuffy and that doesn't help while using my CPAP machine. Got dressed, made Gabriel a bottle,  packed my lunch, made coffee and headed off to work.
It's really cold out, traffic was smooth and now parked. Going to try and nap before I start the walk over.
Got to work, it's still cold. Got in and checked email, talked to a few people and eventually talked to my supervisor about the upcoming trainings. Now just waiting for lunch time while listening to podcasts
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch and watched the Steve Austin interview with Kane. Went back to my desk after to work on a project. Helped a few people and took off. Drove home, washed dishes,  collected the garbage to throw out and went to go get the kids.
(Afternoon: chicken, water, oatmeal cookies)

Got home, hung out, the boys and my wife had dinner. I showered and packed lunch while doing laundry. Put Gabriel to bed and now watching RAW while waiting for the laundry to be done. Bed time after.
(Nighttime: Ritz crackers,  water)


Got up, had coffee and chilled. Played outside for a bit and watch the start if the Texans/Chiefs game. 
(Morning: coffee, 2 oatmeal cookies)

Went out to get Burritos for lunch, came back home and ate. Finished the game and waited for the Seahawks/Packers game to start. We went out to get gas, coffee and food for Javi,  Gabriel fell asleep in the car. We got back home and I had some Cheetos Puffs and right now finishing watching the game.

(Afternoon: Burrito, ice cream, oatmeal cookie, puffs, water)

Still watching the game. Packers won, so they will be here next Sunday to face the Niners for the NFC Championship and a chance to go to the Super Bowl. After the game, bathed the boys and got the ready for bed. Put Gabriel down and now coming out to watch tv.
(Nighttime: dry cereal, water)

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Game day!

Got up, cleaned the kitchen, made the boys breakfast,  cleaned half the bathroom and the living room and went to shower. Took the boys outside for a bit and now waiting for game time.
(Morning: coffee)

Went out to pick up a pizza before kick off. Excited to see the game, hoping for a Niners victory. Came back home and ate lunch, now waiting for kick off. Holy the game was good, the Niners won and will host the NFC Championship game next week. 
After the game we went Chuck E cheese. 

(Afternoon: pizza, beer, water)

Played for some time at CEC, went TO Target and came home. The Titand upset the Ravens. About to change. Well, took a quick detour, washed dishes and put Gabriel to bed. Going to shower and chill . 
Still pumped about the win, about to play Madden before bed.

(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water)

Friday, January 10, 2020


Gotnhime, put clothes tondry, made a bottle for Gabriel, got dressed, made coffee and headed out. It's cold again, the drive was ok, no traffic. Found parking and took a nap before walking to work.
The walk was good, just cold. About to check emails and submit my time sheet. Did some research and found a lot of documents for our training for the meeting later.

(Morning: Boost, coffe, 3 cups of water)

Walked over to 1440 and talked to Karla for a bit. Later went to Costco before hanging out with Kathleen and Tim. Now going to our meeting. The meeting was good, we didn't get much accomplished, but it was still good. I left to go pick up Javi and came home. Early dinner.

(Afternoon: water, sandwich,  chips, monster, fried chicken,  biscuits,  6 fries, water)

Been hanging out and watching wrestling. Playing hide and seek now. Took a shower and  now trying to put Gabriel to bed. He went down, I came out to the living room and sent Javi to bed. Watched some tv and might play Madden before bed.

(Nighttime: water)

Thursday, January 9, 2020

another day

Got up early, decided to just get ready and go since Gabriel woke up close to where my alarm was set. Got ready and headed out. It's raining and the roads are wet, which means that people will drive like donkeys. 
The drive was interesting,  people making decisions in the rain that don't make sense. Anyway, got to my parking area and found a good spot. Now going to wait to walk to work. Might order a coffee for pick up on the way.
Took a qucik nap and when my alarm went off I started walking, I stopped by to get coffee and walked to work. It started to rain as I pulled up my site. Got up to my desk, checked emails and chatted with a few people. I have a meeting at 10, I will be researching items for our next training unitl that time. 
(Morning: boost, coffee, 3 cups of water)

We met and we took off to catch the MUNI train to go to the restaurant Ohsa Thai down on the Embarcadero. I had the Honey Duck with 2 wings and some calamari. We had good coversation and came back to work.
Did some research and finally headed to my sister to get the boys. Soon after I went home.
(Afternoon: Honey duck, 2 wings, calimari, 8 cups of water)

Got home, washed dishes,  made dinner for the boys.  Ate dinner, showered and now just hanging out and resting. Gabriel went to sleep, but woke up twice, the second time he coughed so much he threw up. Now my wife is with him and I am hanging out for a bit before bed.
(Nighttime: peanutbutter sandwich,  chips, raisin brand, water)

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

back at it

Gabriel had another bad night, but not as bad as the previous one. I felt a lot better this morning. I went to get ready and made Gabriel a bottle and my coffee and headed out. Found parking pretty quick. Chilled until it was time to go in to work and headed off.
The walk was good, it was cold, so it made my strides quicker. Had to use the bathroom when I got here, but now checking emails and waiting for forum.
Checked some more emails when I got back from getting water and saw that we have upcoming trainings now. So I have to check with my wife about Gabriel's first day of pre-school so I can ask for it off as it may conflict with the starting time of the training.

(Morning: Boost, Coffee, 3 cups of water)

The meeting ended around 11:30, after I called my wife to see how the boys did this morning. I went to eat the left over chicken and pasta. Now watching a few episodes of Curb you Entusiasm before reviewing some training materials for an upcoming training.
I headed home to get my wife and something to wash. We went to Target before going to get the boys.
(Afternoon: chicken and pasta, 6 cups of water, apple, guava juice)

Got home, helped Javi shower while my wife made Chili Dogs. We had dinner and I showered. Tried putting Gabriel to bed,  but he didn't want to. My wife tried and I watched NXT and played Madden. Now bed time.
(Nighttime: 3 chili dogs, 5 cups of water)

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

sick day

Gabriel threw up around 12, I got up around 5 and I was feeling dizzy. Woke up and still not feeling well. Staying in today. Been drying clothes and trying to rest. Still not feeling well.  Been bringing up clothes and laying down.
(Morning: fig newton, Ritz crackers)

My wife came home to work from home. I took a nap. Tried to get Gabriel to nap, but he threw up and my wife bathed him. I had to clean up the mess. Still haven't eaten or showered, still feel dizzy laying on my left side.
(Afternoon: cookie, lobster bisque, dry cereal, coffee )

Had dinner and got the last of the clothes. Cleaned up a bit and  now watching WWE backstage before bed. Feeling better, we'll see how I feel when I wake up.

(Nighttime: frushetta pizza,  water)

Monday, January 6, 2020

beginning of the work week

Got up, Gabriel had a bad cough. Got ready, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth, got parking, now waiting to start walking to work.
I got to work, it was cold this morning on the walk. Checked emails, chatted with a few people and waited until 10 to walk over to the bank to get the boys their allowance money for the month.
I decided to start Gabriel now with an allowance to match Javi's $5/week. 
(Morning: Boost, Coffee. 3 cups of water)

After doing some accounting I had lunch and watched Curb your Enthusiasm and now waiting for the webinar. I finished up the webinar and we had some EW's asking questions about a business process so we went over to talk to our supervisor to clear things up. Now just watching Curb your Enthusiam until it's time to go get the boys. Still very much tired. 
After I walked to the car and headed to go get the boys. Traffic was smooth. 

(Afternoon: left overs carne molida, white rice, 6 cups of water, cookies)

Drove home, took out recycling and had dinner. Put clothes to wash and now dealing with Javi doing homework and about to put Gabriel to bed. He is not feeling well, hopefully he has a good night and gets better ASAP as possible 😉
Going to shower and finish watching RAW and go to bed.
Played a game of Madden and went to bed, Gabriel was coughing and threw up, poor kid. I already called out for tomorrow,  I feel a bit dizzy as well.

(Nighttime: chicken pasta, 3 cups of water, raisin bran1)


Got up, went to the storage room to drop off the Christmas decorations and other things. Came back, had coffee. Watching Saints vs Vikings and about to shower.
(Morning : Cup of coffee)

We drove to In-n-out burger to have lunch. After we went to serramonte, got Aria her Birthday gift and did some shopping at Target.  Came back home,  washed dishes and caught the 2nd football game. Seahawks won that one.
(Afternoon: 2 double doubles, 2 cups of water)

My wife napped and I was with the kids, played pillow fight and I had to run out to Safeway to get a few items for dinner. When I came back my wife finished dinner, we ate, bathed the boys and got them changed. 
Put Gabriel to bed, i showered and helped Javi brush his teeth. Now watching tv before playing Madden and going to bed.
(Nighttime: carne molida, white rice, celery and peanutbutter, dry cereal, 3 cups of water)

Sunday, January 5, 2020

wild card weekend

Got up, made the boys some eggs, I made myself a breakfast sandwich,  eggs, cheese and ham, along with my morning coffee. About to go chill in the living room after washing these dishes I used. 
Took down and put away the Christmas decorations,  later I may go to the storage and put them away. Going to Benihana for lunch.
(Morning: Ham, egg and cheese sandwich,  coffee)

Showered and got ready, drove to Benihana we had a good lunch and came back home. Gabriel fell asleep in the car, I let him sleep for a bit and played catch with Javi. I brought Gabriel in and we both napped. The Texans won and i woke up during the Patriots/Titans game.
(Afternoon: Benihana's Trio, 3 cups of water)

Woke up and watched the rest of the game. Made balloon animals with Javi and showered. Now putting Gabriel to bed. It took some time, but he went down. The Titans beat the Patriots and we watched some tv. Played Madden and now going to bed.  Busy day tomorrow

(Nighttime: Glads of wine, Toffee popcorn, 8 pringles chips, 3 cups of water)

Friday, January 3, 2020

First Friday of the year

Got up, got ready, out clothes to dry. Packed my lunch and made my coffee and headed out. Light traffic and found parking,  now waiting to start walking to work.
Walked over and got here in good time. Checked emails and talked to a few people.
I have a training scheduled for 3-4:30.
(Morning: Boost, Coffee)

Had lunch and watched Curb you enthusiasm. I have everything ready for the training that I have to do. I am sleepy, I would like a nap. The training went well, it was fine quick, after I drove home, brought the clothes up and after went to pick up the kids.

(Afternoon: Chicken, white rice, 6 cups of water, 2 fun dips, cup of lobster bisque,  apple, coffee)

Got home, made grilled cheese sandwiches and now playing Madden. Put Gabriel to bed,  showered and watched some tv. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: grilled cheese sandwich, tortilla with cheese, 3 cups of water, 2 beers)

Thursday, January 2, 2020

First day of work of 2020

Got up, got ready, made coffee and headed out. Had to leave early to get parking. Traffic was light, as expected due to it still being a holiday week. I guess there was an event in the parking area where I get day parking as there was signs posted and a lot of garbage. 
I noticed that the signs said that the permit expired at 6 AM today so I parked. Hopefully nothing bad happens.Today I have to go get that money order for Javi's after school program.
At 7:05 I started my walk over to work. It was a nice 20 minute walk, it's cold out so it motivated me to walk a bit faster. I got in and checked emails and checked in with a few people and began reading an management evaluation report. Around 9 AM I walked over to the post office to get the money order and sent it off in the mail.
Got back to work and checked in with my supervisor. I might have a training to do tomorrow. I have been listening to a Lance Armstrong podcast and watching Married with Children in between working. Soon going to lunch.
(Morning: Boost, Coffee, 3 cups of water)

Ate the left over meatloaf and watched some Hulu. I finished the whole series of Married with Children. Now going to see what I find to watch next. Maybe Curb your Enthusiasm. Decided to watch Encore! on Disney +. Going to do a word search soon and continue to chill. I've answered a few questions regarding a business process. After I went home and picked up my wife and kids to go to Costco. 

(Afternoon: Meatloaf, white rice, 6 cups of water)

Got the items at Costco and came home. Made dinner, some shake and bake chicken with with rice. After I washed dishes, my wife bathed the boys and we got the ready for bed. I put Gabriel down and played a quick game of hide and seek with Javi befiew be went to bed.
Showered and now watching tv before bed.

(Nighttime: Baked Chicken, white rice, Orange Juice, hot green tea, 3 cups of water)


Happy New Year! Got up this morning. Made Gabriel a bottle and tried to go back to bed. Didn't work out. Came out made the boys eggs and a coffee for myself. New year, new things to do. Going to try and list what I eat on here,  so I can hold myself accountable and be healthier. 
(Morning: cup of coffee, Cesar salad)

Went to the movies with my wife and sister. Watched Knives out and just getting back to my sister's place to get the boys. We got the. Boys and went to Target to get some meat to make meatloaf. I prepared it and started cooking it, I also washed the dishes and threw out the trash. 
The meatloaf was good, put some away for tomorrow and now hanging out.

(Afternoon: popcorn, ICEE, 5 glasses of water)

I was playing with the boys and eventually went to put Gabriel to bed. Talked to my mom for a bit and went to shower. Tomorrow I have to wake up early to go find parking and then walk to work. Let's see how that goes.

( Nighttime: meqtliaf, 4 cups of water)

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Last day of the year

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, got dressed and put clothes to dry. Made my coffee and headed out to work. Light traffic, but there was an issue with my badge not letting me in to the parking lot. I had to flag down security to get in. After I came up and started to check emails. My supervisor brought me my 2020 wall calendar and my desk calendar. I organized everything and I am ready for next year.
I heard some news that one of the CF program specialist is leaving at the end of the week, sad to see her go, but wished her well. Later going to lunch with Amilcar and trying to see if I get off early.

So I did it, i got us 4 tickets to take Gabriel to his first Giants game. It will be against the Nationals on 4/26/20. A Sunday. Now we just have to find the best way to get down there. I met Amilcar for lunch and went back to work. Got off at 3:30 and went home.
Folded clothes and put the last one to dry. Got ready to go to my sister's. 

Got here and hung out. We opened gifts and had dinner. Now again hanging out. We had some dessert and then kids played. Around 11 we started to get ready to go home. When we got here, the boys changed and Javi opened up the egg toy he wanted. They went to bed, I played Madden and now going to bed. It's a new year yes it is!
Happy 2020!