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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tuesday before vacation

Got up, got ready. Made coffee, put clothes to dry and made coffee before I left to work. The drive in was good, no traffic. I found parking quickly and now debating if I go to my desk or to 1440. I have to review what was given yesterday and a meeting in the afternoon.
Got to work and checked in, started getting some things ready for our meeting later.

Had lunch with Kathleen at the food trucks, we talked for a bit. Tim couldn't go because he had to be on duty. After we went back to the building and went to the meeting.
It was good, we discussed what we went over the day before and what we wanted to do for the training. Tomorrow we find out more. When it was time to go I went to go get Javi for his last practice.
Practice went well, it was bittersweet as it was the last practice for Javi and me. We are not going to be at the last game as we are at Disneyland.
It was a bit sad saying goodbye to the kids, it was a great experience and I think I may do it again.

Got home, we ate dinner. Started packing and put Gabriel to sleep. Went to wash dishes and showered and after sent Javi to bed. Watched some TV and went to bed. One more day to go.

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