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Monday, July 8, 2019

Back to work, the streak begins

After being kicked twice in the mouth I got up and went to sleep on the couch. So over it, Gabriel needs to go to sleep in his crib but my wife doesn't even want to try to start that process. I got up, made a bottle, coffee, got my lunch packed and headed out. Traffic was light, found parking and now waiting to walk to work. It's a cold morning.
Today starts a string of work where I don't get a day off until 8/1 for our Universal Studios/Disneyland trip.
Got to work, checked in and talked to a few people. Did my accounting as tomorrow is pay day. Now taking a quick break before going back to my desk.

Had lunch, the Baho was delicious. Had some water and came back to my desk. I saw that there was a fight at Disneyland's in the Toon Town area, the commotion lasted quite a bit of time and it was disturing. I hope they get their act together. Now just running out the clock. 
After work I took off to the car and to go get the boys. After I got them I went home, they skipped swimming  class this week due to the weather and they had coughs. 

Had dinner, made sure Javi read his last books for the Junior Giants program.  We have to turn in the sheet tomorrow.  Put Gabriel to bed and showered. Javi went to bed right after. Now watching TV and soon going to bed.

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