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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sunday madness

Got up, watched a bit of TV while the kids played. I made them pancakes and eggs. After I made some Cheese, onion and Turkey omelettes for me and my wife. Having my coffee before we see what today will bring. 10 more days to go for our trip!

I ended up making the title for this post Sunday Madness without really knowing what it would be like today. We left to go to my sister's. I put Gabriel's car seat in and we tool off to the Golden Gate Bridge. There was a lot of traffic,  the parking lots were full, but we managed to find some parking and walked over. I forgot my sweater and well I had to buy one. It's nice. We walked the bridge for a bit.
I was ok with it until there was no more safter fence. I started to get nervous and didn't want to go any further, especially with the little dare devil I have. We went back to the car and drove to Fisherman's Wharf.
We had a late lunch/early dinner and the food was not that great. We hung for a bit and drove home.

Got back to my sister's and switched cars and now.we are home. Talked to my mom for a bit and now trying to put Gabriel to sleep. He went to bed, I went to shower and brushed Javi's teeth. He went to bed and I chilled for a bit, before going to bed.

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