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Friday, July 12, 2019

Last day this week

Got up, Gabriel has been sick so he was not having a good night. I went to get ready, put clothes to dry, made my coffee and headed out. Traffic was pretty light, parked and now waiting to go in to work. Training SSI part 4 today and finishing up at 1440 today.
The morning went well, the girl who we were training called out so I took of earlier than expected to 1440.

Grabbed lunch, hung out with Amilcar.  Talked to Karla for a bit. Went to a meeting to end the day. After I went to pick up my mom and now we are home. In a bit going to Chuck E. Cheese.

We went to Chuck E. Cheese and had fun
My brother met us there with my niece. Had some food and played games. After we came home and rested.

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