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Thursday, July 11, 2019

The streak continues

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  got dressed,  put my lunch away, made coffee and headed out the door. Traffic was ok, ingot one of the last parking spots. Today is a busy day schedule wise. In person unit meeting and training in the afternoon.
Got to work and checked in, reviewed emails and basically just waited for the unit meeting.
The meeting was face to face and it went well. We talked about upcoming trainings and the collaborations we were doing and gave suggestions on other items.

Had lunch, now waiting for the training to start. Training is done, tomorrownwe have one more. Humberto and I went to talk to our supervisor about an idea we had about a special induction training. So each building was given a 2-3 week training in either Medi-Cal or CalFresh which was not enough. This has been proven by the error rates. Our idea is to see which cohort was the first one to get trained in both programs and work backwards from there and do a special induction training for both buildings.  1235 would get a 4-6 week induction training on Medi-Cal and 1440 would get 4-6 week training in CalFresh. It would work since these folks have a base knowledge.  Let's see what they think when he presents it.
After work I came home and got my wife and kids to go get some things at Target and to go to my sister's place. After we came home.

Chilled. Played, did laundry.  I put Gabriel to sleep and I showered. Javi went to bed and I stayed up playing the Cars game. I only need to unlock one more car and we would have them all. About to hit the sheets. Early training tomorrow.

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