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Thursday, July 4, 2019

4th of July

Got up, made the boys some eggs for breakfast and I started to get the car ready for the drive to San Jose. I went with the boys to get ice at 7-11, gas at the 76 station and after to go get my mom. We drove back to get my wife and mother in law. We were on our way, but first a stop at Starbucks for some coffee.

We got up to my nephews place in good time. We changed and went swimming. After we had some burgers and hot dogs and went back to swim. We hung out for quite a bit and had lots of fun. Before we drove back we stopped for some yogurt. We dropped my mom off and came home.

We finished watching Shazam and I bathed the boys. Doing laundry and right now trying to put Gabriel to sleep. He finally went to bed and I came out to watch some TV. About to go to bed myself,  tired, long day tomorrow.

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