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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Practice day

Really wanted to sleep more. But here I am. Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made my coffee and headed out. The drive was ok today. Plenty of parking. Now waiting. Later today Javi has tee ball practice.
The morning was good, talked to a few people and was able to watch a movie on Netflix.

Had lunch and walked over to 1440 to finish off the day. Took a break with Amilcar and drove home to get the kids ready to go to Javi's practice. When I got home I changed the sun visor on the Nissan as it was broken. We went to practice and had an okay time. Javi was a bit distracted today. After practice we went to Target.

Got home, had dinner and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. Watched some TV and the rest of Smackdown live. The Giants won again in extra innings so that was cool. About to go to bed.

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