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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The day before

Got up, still tired. Totally my fault because I don't go to sleep early enough. Went to get ready, packed my lunch and headed out. The drive was nice today, smooth. Found parking and now waiting. Starting at 1440, now sure if I go to 1235 today. Forum meetings and practice meetings.
The forum was hot garbage on a Wednesday. It was not useful at all.

Had lunch and went for a walk with Amilcar. We went to our meeting and it was interesting to say the least. Now leaving to get the kids before going home to finish packing.
Went to grab dinner and ate, finished packing up the snacks for the kids.

Took the kids over to my sister's place and put the car seat in. Said goodbye and came home. Finished loading the car and all that is left is to put the cooler in and take off. Going to shower and nap.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tuesday before vacation

Got up, got ready. Made coffee, put clothes to dry and made coffee before I left to work. The drive in was good, no traffic. I found parking quickly and now debating if I go to my desk or to 1440. I have to review what was given yesterday and a meeting in the afternoon.
Got to work and checked in, started getting some things ready for our meeting later.

Had lunch with Kathleen at the food trucks, we talked for a bit. Tim couldn't go because he had to be on duty. After we went back to the building and went to the meeting.
It was good, we discussed what we went over the day before and what we wanted to do for the training. Tomorrow we find out more. When it was time to go I went to go get Javi for his last practice.
Practice went well, it was bittersweet as it was the last practice for Javi and me. We are not going to be at the last game as we are at Disneyland.
It was a bit sad saying goodbye to the kids, it was a great experience and I think I may do it again.

Got home, we ate dinner. Started packing and put Gabriel to sleep. Went to wash dishes and showered and after sent Javi to bed. Watched some TV and went to bed. One more day to go.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday before vacation

Had a surprisingly good night of rest. Gabriel woke up at 5:35 so I got up and went to get ready. Went out to get my coffee and drove to work. The drive was good, no traffic and got parking. Waiting for time to go to work. Let's see what today will bring. Just 3 days of work before we take off for a mini vacation.
Walked over to 1440 and started there. Had a good start but my phone screen went dead so I had to run out to get a new one. So yeah.

Amilcar and I went to V Cafe and I had a Cheese Steak and a coke. Went back to the office and worked on signing on to my apps. The finally had the meeting and we saw what we needed to do. So we are going to be brainstorming and practicing all week and next week.
After work went to go get the kids and came home to get ready for swim class.

The kids did ok, they had some fun. After we came home, had dinner. Just finished bathing the boys and now trying to put Gabriel to sleep.
Gabriel had the hiccups and I had to get hom some water. After a bit he fell asleep. I came out to shower and after my wife and Javi went to bed. I stayed up to try some things with the phone that didn't work. I uninstalled a lot of apps from the tablet my mom wants to sell. Now going to bed

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sunday before the trip

Gorlt up, made eggs for the kids and made me coffee and an omelet. After hung out, cut my hair, shaved and showered. We played with water balloons outside and after came in and my wife made lunch.

I had gone out to get some last minute things at Safeway and came home and had lunch. Watched the Giants game and after we went to the park and the dollar tree.

Before going to the dollar tree I dropped my wife and Javi off at home since Javi hit his head at the park. Right now bathing both of the boys while their nuggets finishing warming up.
We ate dinner and I showered while the kids played. After I put Gabriel to sleep,  went out and gave Javi some time to play before he was sent to bed.
We watched a tv show and after my wife went to bed, I stayed up and watched an episode of typewriter on Netflix.
Going to bed, tomorrow I treat myself to Starbucks and I may start and work the whole day at 1440.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Panda game

Got up, hung out in the living room and made eggs for breakfast. Showered and got ready to go to Javi's Junior Giants game.

We got to the park and Javi did well. The kids were complaining about being tired, but they pulled through.  We went to Red Robin's for lunch and came home to rest.
After some rest we went to serramonte to walk around and do some shopping.

Got home, the kids played and I showed. Had a few beers and put Gabriel to sleep.  Now watching a movie. Finished the movie, been having back issues, feels like I may throw it out. I have to be careful, we are close to going on our vacation

Friday, July 26, 2019


Well, I did it to myself. Drinking that whole bottle of wine did not do me any favors. Have a headache and my stomach is acting up. Anyway, got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry and took off to work. Treated myself to a caramel macchiato and a cheese Danish this morning. Today we have one unit meeting to cover in the morning and a meeting to end the day.
The morning unit meeting training was good. It went around 40 minutes. After we stepped out and later they brought me a piece of cake.

Had lunch, they canceled the meeting we were supposed to go to. So we will finish the unit meeting for the PM and I'll finish the day over at 1440.
Dropped Amilcar off before going home. When I got there we got ready to go to Tanforan.

Had dinner at the food court and tool the kids to the bounce place. The kids went to bed late. Watched some TV and went to bed.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Closer to the weekend

Got up, got dressed, made Gabriel a bottle and made my coffee. Drove to work, the drive was ok. Slight traffic but I got good parking. Waiting for time to walk to work. 4 unit meeting trainings today. Hope everything goes quick.
The morning trainings were good, they were quick.

Went over to get lunch and to Walgreens. Went back to my desk and after finished out the last 2 trainings and set up things for tomorrow and next week.
Left work and went to go get the kids and went home.

Put up some curtains with my wife and had dinner. Put Gabriel to sleep and tool a shower. Played Jenga with Javi before he went to bed. Now watching Netflix till I  go to bed

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Half way there

Got up and got ready. Today is go time for training during the unit meetings regarding the CalWIN release. We have 2 in the PM. Today should be a busy day. Making copies for the meetings, have to go get the money order for Javi's extended care program, CF forum and the 2 trainings. Let's see how this goes.
I made copies of the materials and headed out to get the money order to send out. Attended the forum meeting and went to have lunch.

Had a sandwich and chatted with Laura for a bit. After I got ready for the 2 unit meeting trainings. The first one was, well there. This one person was acting like a twatsicle. The second one went much better. After I came home to get my wife and go get the kids. After picking them up we went to Costco and got the tickets for Universal Studios and a few other things and came home.

Got the things ready for the kids. Bathed the boys, showered, put Gabriel to sleep and after brushed Javi's teeth and sent him to bed. Watched some TV and now going to bed.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Practice day

Really wanted to sleep more. But here I am. Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made my coffee and headed out. The drive was ok today. Plenty of parking. Now waiting. Later today Javi has tee ball practice.
The morning was good, talked to a few people and was able to watch a movie on Netflix.

Had lunch and walked over to 1440 to finish off the day. Took a break with Amilcar and drove home to get the kids ready to go to Javi's practice. When I got home I changed the sun visor on the Nissan as it was broken. We went to practice and had an okay time. Javi was a bit distracted today. After practice we went to Target.

Got home, had dinner and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. Watched some TV and the rest of Smackdown live. The Giants won again in extra innings so that was cool. About to go to bed.

Monday, July 22, 2019

A new week

The weekend was exhausting but a lot of fun. Now it's back to work. Busy week for me this week, at work and at home. I got up, got ready and headed out. Traffic was smooth, there were some rough spots but I found a good parking spot. Now waiting to walk to work.
Walked to work, it was a good walk. Got there and checked in. Easy morning.

Had lunch, chilled and was sent to a meeting that was to start at 2:30. It got canceled and I was able to stay at 1440. Went to Costco with Amilcar and headed to go get the kids at my sister's.

Nighttime :
Got the kids ready and took them to swim class. We had fun. After we got dinner and came home. Bathed Gabriel and my wife bathed Javi. Put Gabriel to bed and went to shower and now watching RAW while washing clothes before going to bed.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sunday madness

Got up, watched a bit of TV while the kids played. I made them pancakes and eggs. After I made some Cheese, onion and Turkey omelettes for me and my wife. Having my coffee before we see what today will bring. 10 more days to go for our trip!

I ended up making the title for this post Sunday Madness without really knowing what it would be like today. We left to go to my sister's. I put Gabriel's car seat in and we tool off to the Golden Gate Bridge. There was a lot of traffic,  the parking lots were full, but we managed to find some parking and walked over. I forgot my sweater and well I had to buy one. It's nice. We walked the bridge for a bit.
I was ok with it until there was no more safter fence. I started to get nervous and didn't want to go any further, especially with the little dare devil I have. We went back to the car and drove to Fisherman's Wharf.
We had a late lunch/early dinner and the food was not that great. We hung for a bit and drove home.

Got back to my sister's and switched cars and now.we are home. Talked to my mom for a bit and now trying to put Gabriel to sleep. He went to bed, I went to shower and brushed Javi's teeth. He went to bed and I chilled for a bit, before going to bed.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Birthday time!!!!!

It's my wife's 36th birthday and we have some things planned. I tool Javi to his Junior Giants game and after to go pick up my mom to bring her here to get the car. After I took the kids to get a cake and now we ate home.

We drove out to Milpitas to the great mall. Had lunch at the Olive Garden and walked around the mall. Nothing to buy out there. Drove back home and had birthday cake for my wife.

We went to watch Stuber and came back home. About to go to bed

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hakuna Matata

Got up, got ready, put clothes to dry and headed out. Got parking and napped for a bit. Walked to work and checked in. Went over to get some birthday cards for my wife and now waiting to go over to 1440 to end the day. I got to work an checked in and reviewed some emails. Went over to Walgreen's and got some breakfast pastries and also the cards. After I went to chill.

I headed over to 1440. Found out our meeting was canceled. Went to Costco to get some food and got the kids some PJ's and when I got back I was able to talk to Rudy for a bit and now just chilling and waiting for time to go home. Later going with Javi and my Mom to watch the Lion King. 
Got home and chilled for a bit and headed out to the movie.

The movie was ok, it didn't have the same feel or emotion as the original. But I guess it was not intended as suck. After I went to drop off my mom and came home. Chilled and watched some TV, going to bed soon.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Close to the weekend

Got up, still tired. This time it's my fault. Stayed up playing a game trying to get the last character. Anyway, I'm up. I got ready and headed out to work. The drive was ok, I got one of the last parking spots and now waiting. I start at 1440 today for review of training.
The training went well in the morning, we got some pointers. I headed back to 1235 with Humberto.

Had lunch and practiced the documents for the training we will do next week. After I went to pick up Javi and Gabriel at the park and came home. They played for a bit and we had dinner. Both boys were bathed.

Put Gabriel to sleep, he was tired. Now about to go out and watch some tv. Played some ps4 as well. Now watching the Giants and Mets play extra innings before hitting the sheets. Work and Lion King tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Another day

Got up, my stomach hurts a bit. Got ready, made coffee and headed off to work. Traffic was ok, my normal parking area was full so I had to go check the other areas. Found parking and now relaxing until I start the walk to the car.
The morning was good, checked in and talked to some folks. Going to the forum. It was a long forum, I wanted to sleep. Ut it is what it is.

Had left over pizza and chilled. We have a meeting at 2 to go over the release that is coming out. The meeting was fine, we set up what we needed for training and got 6 hours for OT. Walked to the car and drove home. Got here and went to Tanforan.

After dinner and some shopping we came back home. Played a bit with the kids and changed Gabriel and got him ready for bed. He finally fell asleep and I came out to get things ready for tomorrow. Had some ice cream and now watching the WWE network Table for 3. Going to bed soon

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tuesday, big day

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to wash and dry. Grabbed my things and headed out to work. Traffic was smooth,  found parking, it's cold out today. Today is a big day, it's been 18 years for my wife and my relationship and my good friend Brian's birthday. Going to have dinner later to celebrate. I get to work from 1440 today, so that should be fun.
Got to work, checked in. My supervisor is out today. Worked on a few things for future trainings.

Had lunch with Amilcar. Chatted with Karla, Maria and Sandra. Later went to learn a tool for supes that we will need to train. After I headed to get Javi at the boys and girls club. Came home. Went to tee ball practice and after went over to surprise Brian and Samina for their birthdays.

Nighttime :
We had a good time, good food and good people. Brian was surprised and happy. I am glad that we were able to do that for him. We came home, I put Gabriel to bed. Now watching some wrasslin' before bed.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Here we go again

Got up, had a strange dream where I was supposed to do something or sleep and I chose sleep. Went to get ready,  made coffee and headed to work. The drive was smooth, got parking. Might take a nap before going in. My neck hurts a bit. Training today and swimming tonight.
Got in and checked in. Had a quick chat with a few people to see how their weekend was and now hanging out until lunch.

Went over to Walgreens and got some food and snacks for the week. Came back and had lunch and watched some Netflix. Right now doing the training for SSI for the 1 EW. Hope to finish early to take off.
Finished up and got my things ready and headed to the car. Went to go get Gabriel at my sister's. After drove home to get the boys ready for swim class.

Got back from swin class and started laundry. The boys had dinner, I showered,  bathed them both and put Gabriel to bed. When I got out we played Clue Jr and after Javi went to bed i stayed up to finish watching RAW. Going to sleep after.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Extreme Rules

Got up a few times to use the bathroom. When I finally was up all 3 kids were up. I made them pancakes for breakfast. We played for a bit and then my brother came by to pick Myrna up. About to get ready, to go do some looking around.

We drove out to the furniture store and after Target. We got Javi a new backpack for school. We had lunch and now at home watching Extreme Rules.

Nighttime :
Finished up the wrestling event, helped bathe both boys and got the ready for bed. Put Gabriel to bed, showered and had some Pear, Mango and Banana for dinner. We watched TV and now I am going to bed. Work begins again

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Game day

Got up, Gabriel was up and was chilling. Went to get ready for my dentist appointment. Drove over and parked and about to go in. Junior Giants game a little later. Today should be fun.
The dentist visit went really well. Next one in January. After went to Starbucks and got us some coffee. Got home got ready to go to the game.

The game was fun, we were able to get 3 innings in and after went to serramonte to get food and do some shopping. We got shirts and sweaters for the kids. Picked up Brian's and Samina's gifts.
Got home and rested.

Went to check out some dinner tables and came back. Myrna is here, looks like she is going to stay over. Gabriel had to shower, he was a sticky mess. Javi and Myrna went to change and they were hung ho about a sleep over. My brother called and Myrna wanted to go home.  I told him she would be fine. I told her to sleep and when he got here I would wake her up. She went to sleep. Both of them are snoring. Watching some TV before bed

Friday, July 12, 2019

Last day this week

Got up, Gabriel has been sick so he was not having a good night. I went to get ready, put clothes to dry, made my coffee and headed out. Traffic was pretty light, parked and now waiting to go in to work. Training SSI part 4 today and finishing up at 1440 today.
The morning went well, the girl who we were training called out so I took of earlier than expected to 1440.

Grabbed lunch, hung out with Amilcar.  Talked to Karla for a bit. Went to a meeting to end the day. After I went to pick up my mom and now we are home. In a bit going to Chuck E. Cheese.

We went to Chuck E. Cheese and had fun
My brother met us there with my niece. Had some food and played games. After we came home and rested.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The streak continues

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  got dressed,  put my lunch away, made coffee and headed out the door. Traffic was ok, ingot one of the last parking spots. Today is a busy day schedule wise. In person unit meeting and training in the afternoon.
Got to work and checked in, reviewed emails and basically just waited for the unit meeting.
The meeting was face to face and it went well. We talked about upcoming trainings and the collaborations we were doing and gave suggestions on other items.

Had lunch, now waiting for the training to start. Training is done, tomorrownwe have one more. Humberto and I went to talk to our supervisor about an idea we had about a special induction training. So each building was given a 2-3 week training in either Medi-Cal or CalFresh which was not enough. This has been proven by the error rates. Our idea is to see which cohort was the first one to get trained in both programs and work backwards from there and do a special induction training for both buildings.  1235 would get a 4-6 week induction training on Medi-Cal and 1440 would get 4-6 week training in CalFresh. It would work since these folks have a base knowledge.  Let's see what they think when he presents it.
After work I came home and got my wife and kids to go get some things at Target and to go to my sister's place. After we came home.

Chilled. Played, did laundry.  I put Gabriel to sleep and I showered. Javi went to bed and I stayed up playing the Cars game. I only need to unlock one more car and we would have them all. About to hit the sheets. Early training tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Another hump day

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, got ready for work and made coffee and headed out. The drive was good, found the last parking spot where I usually park. Waiting for time to walk to work.
Got to work and checked in. Talked to a few people before the forum.

Went to have lunch and went back to my desk to get ready for training. The training was scheduled for 2 hours, took only 1. We are going to try and switch things up tomorrow to speed the experience up. After work I went to pick up the kids and came home.

Picked up some Popeye's chicken and had dinner. Played with the kids a bit, showered and put Gabriel to sleep.  Javi went to bed after. Now watching tv. Gabriel started coughing a lot so I'm going to bed.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Baby it's cold outside

Got up, got ready, put clothes to wash and a load to dry. Today is double star day at Starbucks, so you know what that means... treat yo self! Ordered coffee and a pastry and went to pick it up. The drive was smooth. Parked and waiting for time to go in. Sleepy as always. Let's see what today brings, end the day at 1440 today and later Panda practice!
Got to work and checked in and chatted with a few people. Helped out some EWs on some cases. About to head out to 1440.

Had lunch with Amilcar and went to my 1440 cubicle and reviewed some items. Now just waiting for time so I can head out to get Javi to take to practice.
Finished up some items. Took off and was detoured due to street construction, very irritating. I drove home, picked up Javi and went to practice.  I forgot Javi's reading log so I called my wife to bring it to the park.
Practice was good and when my wife showed up we turned in the reading log and I stayed with the boys for a bit to play at the park. We drove home and put gas along the way.

Got home, hung out. Had dinner. We finished watching Stranger Things season 3. Gabriel and Javi went to bed after taking showers and now I am finishing up Smackdown live and going to bed after.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Back to work, the streak begins

After being kicked twice in the mouth I got up and went to sleep on the couch. So over it, Gabriel needs to go to sleep in his crib but my wife doesn't even want to try to start that process. I got up, made a bottle, coffee, got my lunch packed and headed out. Traffic was light, found parking and now waiting to walk to work. It's a cold morning.
Today starts a string of work where I don't get a day off until 8/1 for our Universal Studios/Disneyland trip.
Got to work, checked in and talked to a few people. Did my accounting as tomorrow is pay day. Now taking a quick break before going back to my desk.

Had lunch, the Baho was delicious. Had some water and came back to my desk. I saw that there was a fight at Disneyland's in the Toon Town area, the commotion lasted quite a bit of time and it was disturing. I hope they get their act together. Now just running out the clock. 
After work I took off to the car and to go get the boys. After I got them I went home, they skipped swimming  class this week due to the weather and they had coughs. 

Had dinner, made sure Javi read his last books for the Junior Giants program.  We have to turn in the sheet tomorrow.  Put Gabriel to bed and showered. Javi went to bed right after. Now watching TV and soon going to bed.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

100 day celebration

Got up and went to the living room for a bit. Played some PS4 with the kids and they went outside. we got ready to go to Allix's 100 day celebration at Moonstar.

We got there and greeted mostly everyone.  We ate and had a quick chat with Arnel. Brian came with just the girls so we hung out with then. After we went to my Mom's to pick up some food I ordered and came home.

We went to Target with Gabriel and did some shopping. Came back home, my wife bathed them and now I am trying to put Gabriel to sleep. Took over an hour but he finally went to sleep. Javi left an unopened lunchables in his lunch box, sitting there since Wednesday. This is getting super frustrating.
Javi went to bed and a few minutes later said he had a nightmare. I explained to him again that in order to have a nightmare one must be asleep. He was crying saying that a robber broke the window and killed him and his brother and we couldn't hear it. I explained to him that we are in a elevated space and that it would take a ladder or flight to get to us up here and we would hear it.
But he wasn't having it. My wife tool him to bed. I stayed up to watch TV and about to go to sleep, work tomorrow.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Game day

Got up a few times. Finally got out of bed and went to make breakfast. Made the last of the bacon and sausage we bought last week. Went to go pick up my Mom and came back home to get Javi ready for the game.

Afternoon :
The game started at 11:50, Javi's team only had about 6 players at the start. The other team had 10. Javi did great, he hit 4 times and fielded a few grounders while playing Shortstop and 1st base. Hopefully with practice next week will be a continuation of skills. After we went to Red Robin's for lunch. We went to drop off my Mom at home and came back to rest before going to Angelee's Birthday/Graduation party.

We got to the party and it was fun. We had some good food and drinks, the kids played and after the 21 candle presentation we had to take off since Gabriel was hitting the witching hour. Now we are home, putting Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep, now we continue Stranger Things. About to go to sleep soon.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Far from home

Got up at 6 to put clothes to dry. Got ready to go get the smog check done on the car. After went to get it washed and headed to serramonte to get a gift and some baseball pants for Javi. Ran into 2 co-workers and passed by my sister's house to get the shoes my wife ordered for the boys and came home.

Chillee at home, played with the kids. Went to get my mom and now we are going to watch Spider man Far from Home.
Watched the movie, it was ok. It dragged a bit, picked up towards the end. We got back home and I went to drop off my mom at home.

Came back home, rested a bit. Showered and we started watching Stranger Things.
Watching some TV and about to go to bed soon. Big day tomorrow,  Javi's first Junior Giants game.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

4th of July

Got up, made the boys some eggs for breakfast and I started to get the car ready for the drive to San Jose. I went with the boys to get ice at 7-11, gas at the 76 station and after to go get my mom. We drove back to get my wife and mother in law. We were on our way, but first a stop at Starbucks for some coffee.

We got up to my nephews place in good time. We changed and went swimming. After we had some burgers and hot dogs and went back to swim. We hung out for quite a bit and had lots of fun. Before we drove back we stopped for some yogurt. We dropped my mom off and came home.

We finished watching Shazam and I bathed the boys. Doing laundry and right now trying to put Gabriel to sleep. He finally went to bed and I came out to watch some TV. About to go to bed myself,  tired, long day tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

One more work day

I did not want to go to work today. Tired and over it. But today is my last work day this week and I get the next 4 days off. I got up, got dressed,  treated myself to some coffee at Starbucks and drove to work. Traffic was smooth, had to park un a different area because people do not not how to be courteous while parking. Now waiting for time to go to work.
Got to work and checked in, talked to a few people and waited for the forum. That forum was pure BS. They were trying to blame the error rates on training and I had to say something. People don't take training seriously and always ask and never learn.
After I went to have lunch.

Had lunch, watched some Netflix and finished watching the Pet Cemetery remake. Got back to my desk and hung out the rest of the time. After work I walked to the car and realized someone had broke in and stoled a black bag I had, there was nothing in it and that is all they tool so that is a good thing. Have to be more careful with the car.
Drove home to take the garbage out and get my wife to go to Target to get some items for the BBQ tomorrow. We went to my sister's and got the kids.

We are home, just chilling. About to try and put Gabriel fo bed. He went to bed, we started to watch Shazam. Javi went to sleep and we stopped the movie about half way. Going to bed

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out. A cat or raccoon left a half eaten mouse on our welcome mat, so I had to deal with that this morning. The drive was good, no traffic. Now parked and waiting to go in. I finish the day over at 1440 so I can get home faster to take Javi to practice for Junior Giants.
The morning went well, did a few things. Ordered food to pick up on the way to 1440.

Picked up my sandwich and met with Kathleen for lunch. Tim was out. Amilcar joined us half way through. Had a good conversation and headed down to work. Took a break and went to get a yogurt at Costco. When time was up I drove home to get Javi to go to practice.

Practice was fun. We drove back after and I was talking to Javi about our Disney trip that is coming up. There was news that there was an active shooter at Tanforan, that is a scary thought. Got home hung out and played with the kids. Now watching Smackdown live and going to bed after.

Monday, July 1, 2019

We'ere half way there...

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and I started to get ready. Made coffee and headed out. Traffic was smooth and got the last parking spot in my first area. Today is the beginning of the fiscal year, that means an increase in paym I won't see it until the second paycheck of the month, but it's something. 
Hopefully today goes quick, it's a 3 day work week for me.
The morning was good, checked email, chatted with a few people and did some work.

Had lunch and now reading an ACL on ABAWD. After here going to get the boys, swim class tonight. Got to my sister's and hung out a bit. Got the kids and came home to get them ready.

Swim class was fun. The boys enjoyed it. After we got them food and I washed clothes. Put Gabriel to sleep and showered. Going to finish RAW and go to bed